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well crap, now i find the miscoptions and checksupport. sorry for post and thanks
old program shows the checkbox but new compiled program with gui changes not related to tree does not show checkbox
NOTE: Found issue. No replies needed. Except for scolding.... I had a project that was working with the VST and checkboxes showing up. i had to move project to a new pc and get the virtual components installed. i can now compile project without errors but lost something along the way. i used this code to add the nodes with a check box: function AddVSTObject(AVST: TCustomVirtualStringTree; ANode: PVirtualNode; AObject: TObject): PVirtualNode; var Data: PClassRoomData; begin Result:=AVST.AddChild(ANode); Result.CheckType := ctTriStateCheckBox; AVST.ValidateNode(Result,False); Data:=AVST.GetNodeData(Result); Data^.FObject:=AObject; end; It will display the tree with all the info but the checkboxes do not display. i checked the properties of the vst and found nothing related to checkboxes. so any ideas as to what i could check to get the checkboxes to show up?
i have multiple text files (not a lot of records < 3-4K) that i need to search thru finding matches based upon user input. example: Date, Time, Descript_1, Value_1, Descript_2, Value_2, Descript_3, Value 3, Descript_4, Value_4 01/01/24,08:00:00,Springs, 25, Nuts, 14, Bolts, 75, washers, 207 01/01/24,08:00:15,Springs, 25,Bolts, 35,Nuts,1,washers,12 and so on. now in the past i have loaded up the files to SQL tables and then search for the matches. works ok but now user wants to enter all of the search parameters into a file and do all the searching at once. again not a big deal since i can again read and search. Not that it takes a long time but his system isn't that up to speed and IS rather slow at searching. SO now i want to change the process. I want to create a record array of the date, time, description and values. then just read his search input file (without creating a new record array) and just do a search directly on the record arrays. I have searched and found the TList but they only show a single column matching whereas i need to match the descript_# and value_# for each pairing. like the descript_1 = Springs and value_1=25, then compare the next group because they all have to match in the same sequence. 1's have to match, 2's have to match, 3's have to match and the 4's i am trying to understand TList but so far am falling short type TMyRec = packed record dt : Tdate; tm " Ttime; d1 : string; v1 : integer; d2 : string; v2 : integer; d3 : string; v3 : integer; d4 : string; v4 : integer; end;
cool thanks. probably why i never found sample code. but i did see the zlib examples and will go that route. gzip
i have seen lots of examples for get and decompress of data but nothing really for compress and post. after creating the idCompressor and assigning it to the idHTTP what needs to happen to compress the sRequest FileStream? sRequest and sResponse are TFileStreams ... idHTTP := TidHTTP.Create; idCompressor := TidCompressorZLib.Create(idHTTP); idHTTP.Compressor := idCompressor; idHTTP.ConnectTimeout := 60000; idHTTP.HTTPOptions := [hoKeepOrigProtocol,hoForceEncodeParams]; idHTTP.ReadTimeout := 60000; idHTTP.HandleRedirects := True; idHTTP.IOHandler := SSLHandler; idHTTP.Request.BasicAuthentication := false; idHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['Authorization'] := 'Bearer ' + _token; idHTTP.Request.ContentType := string(aContentType); idHTTP.Request.CharSet := string(aCharSet); idHTTP.Post(trim(string(aURL)), sRequest, sResponse);
Trying to figure out how to add a shape (rectangle, small) to fast report page. SO user clicks on answers (test page) and then need to put a square/circle/whatever to indicate their answer to the question. questions random the answers (A, B, C, D) so the shape object would not be fixed location.
Not sure it has anything to do with errors or not but i had learn Jenkins which requires Java 17+ for latest version. about a month or so after that i needed to change delphi dll. however, when i start RAD Studio i get like 22 errors on the startup screen all pretty much the same format. An error has occurred in the script on this page. blah blah blah URL: https://...blah.../js/jquery/jquery.min.js Also around this time our IT dept locked up a bunch more stuff. I have JAVA 21.0.2 installed. i searched for these errors but nothing came up. is it my pc/java or is it something else running interference?
thank you for the info/input. the background on this is that way back in 2014 or prior a dll was create using the DCP Crypto libraries. the blowfish cipher was selected for encrypt/decrypt functions and has been in use for all clients. now a .Net dev was asking me to give him a hand in validating that his .net/c# version is working/matching. he has a quick access point in his code to just encrypt/decrypt the indata value. so we added his test to the selftest for verification. well the first 8 matched but we wanted to determine why the last 8 were not matching to his code. i guess trying to shortcut the testing process was a little short sighted on my part. i will just let it encrypt/decrypt the same string he is testing. Thank you again...
Trying to sync up a .Net implementation of blowfish and was not syncing up so i added to the dcpcrypto for blowfish.selftest i added a new key/data items. the key3, indata3 and outdata3 then copied the code for encrypt/decrypt and then verify the in/out matched. but my data2 is getting stopped at 8 bytes and not the full 16 in the var section. so the EncryptECB is taking it off but i am not sure why. is encryptecb set to only handle 8 bytes/16wide? class function TDCP_blowfish.SelfTest: boolean; const Key1: array[0..7] of byte= ($00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00); Key2: array[0..7] of byte= ($7C,$A1,$10,$45,$4A,$1A,$6E,$57); InData1: array[0..7] of byte= ($00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00); InData2: array[0..7] of byte= ($01,$A1,$D6,$D0,$39,$77,$67,$42); OutData1: array[0..7] of byte= ($4E,$F9,$97,$45,$61,$98,$DD,$78); OutData2: array[0..7] of byte= ($59,$C6,$82,$45,$EB,$05,$28,$2B); Key3: array[0..31] of byte= ($ff,$8a,$0b,$85,$ff,$a9,$14,$d1,$b5,$61,$df,$31,$1f,$94,$f5,$aa,$55,$08,$b9,$ad,$49,$0a,$ba,$df,$e3,$57,$00,$37,$13,$fc,$79,$d0); InData3: array[0..15] of byte= ($54,$68,$69,$73,$20,$69,$73,$20,$61,$20,$74,$65,$73,$74,$21,$21); OutData3: array[0..15] of byte= ($e2,$77,$9b,$17,$b9,$e4,$2b,$ec,$b7,$a3,$7c,$21,$c0,$d6,$18,$93); var Cipher: TDCP_blowfish; Data: array[0..7] of byte; Data2: array[0..15] of byte; begin FillChar(Data, SizeOf(Data), 0); Cipher:= TDCP_blowfish.Create(nil); Cipher.Init(Key1,Sizeof(Key1)*8,nil); Cipher.EncryptECB(InData1,Data); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@OutData1,Sizeof(Data))); Cipher.Reset; Cipher.DecryptECB(Data,Data); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@InData1,Sizeof(Data))) and Result; Cipher.Burn; Cipher.Init(Key2,Sizeof(Key2)*8,nil); Cipher.EncryptECB(InData2,Data); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@OutData2,Sizeof(Data))) and Result; Cipher.Reset; Cipher.DecryptECB(Data,Data); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data,@InData2,Sizeof(Data))) and Result; Cipher.Burn; Cipher.Free; FillChar(Data2, SizeOf(Data2), 0); Cipher:= TDCP_blowfish.Create(nil); Cipher.Init(Key3,Sizeof(Key3)*8,nil); Cipher.EncryptECB(InData3,Data2); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data2,@OutData3,Sizeof(Data2))) and Result; Cipher.Reset; Cipher.DecryptECB(Data2,Data2); Result:= boolean(CompareMem(@Data2,@InData3,Sizeof(Data2))) and Result; Cipher.Burn; Cipher.Free; end; procedure TDCP_blowfish.EncryptECB(const InData; var OutData); var xL, xR: DWord; begin if not fInitialized then raise EDCP_blockcipher.Create('Cipher not initialized'); xL:= Pdword(@InData)^; xR:= Pdword(longword(@InData)+4)^; xL:= ((xL and $FF) shl 24) or ((xL and $FF00) shl 8) or ((xL and $FF0000) shr 8) or ((xL and $FF000000) shr 24); xR:= ((xR and $FF) shl 24) or ((xR and $FF00) shl 8) or ((xR and $FF0000) shr 8) or ((xR and $FF000000) shr 24); xL:= xL xor PBox[0]; xR:= xR xor (((SBox[0,(xL shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xL shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xL shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xL and $FF]) xor PBox[1]; xL:= xL xor (((SBox[0,(xR shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xR shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xR shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xR and $FF]) xor PBox[2]; xR:= xR xor (((SBox[0,(xL shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xL shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xL shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xL and $FF]) xor PBox[3]; xL:= xL xor (((SBox[0,(xR shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xR shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xR shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xR and $FF]) xor PBox[4]; xR:= xR xor (((SBox[0,(xL shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xL shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xL shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xL and $FF]) xor PBox[5]; xL:= xL xor (((SBox[0,(xR shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xR shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xR shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xR and $FF]) xor PBox[6]; xR:= xR xor (((SBox[0,(xL shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xL shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xL shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xL and $FF]) xor PBox[7]; xL:= xL xor (((SBox[0,(xR shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xR shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xR shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xR and $FF]) xor PBox[8]; xR:= xR xor (((SBox[0,(xL shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xL shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xL shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xL and $FF]) xor PBox[9]; xL:= xL xor (((SBox[0,(xR shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xR shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xR shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xR and $FF]) xor PBox[10]; xR:= xR xor (((SBox[0,(xL shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xL shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xL shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xL and $FF]) xor PBox[11]; xL:= xL xor (((SBox[0,(xR shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xR shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xR shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xR and $FF]) xor PBox[12]; xR:= xR xor (((SBox[0,(xL shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xL shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xL shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xL and $FF]) xor PBox[13]; xL:= xL xor (((SBox[0,(xR shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xR shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xR shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xR and $FF]) xor PBox[14]; xR:= xR xor (((SBox[0,(xL shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xL shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xL shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xL and $FF]) xor PBox[15]; xL:= xL xor (((SBox[0,(xR shr 24) and $FF] + SBox[1,(xR shr 16) and $FF]) xor SBox[2,(xR shr 8) and $FF]) + SBox[3,xR and $FF]) xor PBox[16]; xR:= xR xor PBox[17]; xL:= ((xL and $FF) shl 24) or ((xL and $FF00) shl 8) or ((xL and $FF0000) shr 8) or ((xL and $FF000000) shr 24); xR:= ((xR and $FF) shl 24) or ((xR and $FF00) shl 8) or ((xR and $FF0000) shr 8) or ((xR and $FF000000) shr 24); Pdword(@OutData)^:= xR; Pdword(longword(@OutData)+4)^:= xL; end;
reason for the older one is that we committed to that version from the start and now our clients have 2000+ documents (for all clients not just one) and we would be the ones to reformat the dot to a dotx and update dl. so for now we will use old so that our clients will not overwhelm our support teams.
i think you helped me answer my stupid question. in 10.2 i do not have the Office 2000 options turned on.
<DCCReference Include="uMain.pas"> <CoClasses>Word</CoClasses> </DCCReference> ... lines above in the include for the .dproj for the project not my original project but handed off to me for some desired updates/features.
interface uses ActiveX; // *********************************************************************// // Declaration of Enumerations defined in Type Library // *********************************************************************// // Constants for enum WdMailSystem type WdMailSystem = TOleEnum; const wdNoMailSystem = $00000000; wdMAPI = $00000001; wdPowerTalk = $00000002; wdMAPIandPowerTalk = $00000003; // Constants for enum WdTemplateType type WdTemplateType = TOleEnum; const wdNormalTemplate = $00000000; wdGlobalTemplate = $00000001; wdAttachedTemplate = $00000002; // Consta ......
// *********************************************************************// // Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library // (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface) // *********************************************************************// Word = IWord; // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IWord // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {4261D89B-82E0-4ED7-8F71-BCEF8E6E267E} // *********************************************************************// IWord = interface(IDispatch) ['{4261D89B-82E0-4ED7-8F71-BCEF8E6E267E}'] function OpenSession(var ASessionID: Integer): Integer; safecall; function CloseSession(ASessionID: Integer): Integer; safecall; function ReleaseSession(ASessionID: Integer): Integer; safecall; function SessionCount: Integer; safecall; function OpenFile(ASessionID: Integer; AFilePath: OleVariant; var AFileID: Integer): Integer; safecall; ....