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    Delphi Community Edition

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  1. #ifdef


    Is it ok?
  2. #ifdef

    Do I really need a certificate?

    [source] It's funny because in the first time upload it seems was looks like a normal installer (not sponsored).
  3. #ifdef

    Do I really need a certificate?

    Maybe but... What does this change? Is this still a file from the official website with sources?
  4. [source] I have a harmless Windows-application but won’t it turn out that even with a certificate it will be recognized as malicious (like one popular FTP client)?
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouNEdebsq8Y + https://github.com/dondonondon/FMXTutorialYoutube/tree/main/Sesi%201/%23012%20Upload%20%26%20Download%20WebService%20.%20RESTAPI%20%26%20Permission
  6. #ifdef

    TPanel + Mouse

    Ok thank you.
  7. #ifdef

    TPanel + Mouse

    I disabled both labels, but the panel does not respond if the cursor is over the label. How to fix it?
  8. #ifdef

    check if App Minimized

    Em.... but the size of the Form1 changes (this can be seen on OnResize).
  9. #ifdef

    ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 5.70 just released!

    Are native Aero Snap and Snap Layouts supported?
  10. #ifdef

    check if App Minimized

    It doesn't work with Win+D 😞
  11. But how? [dcc32 Error] uMainForm.pas(27): E2010 Incompatible types: 'TFmxObject' and 'TForm1'
  12. #ifdef

    Delphi 12 is available

    Now Embarcadero may give Delphi out with a delay, but completely free, right? What prevents them from distributing without delay so that ALL users can try innovations at the same time? I mean few new people will download TRIAL Delphi when FREE VS is available. Once again: set the threshold not at 5 thousand dollars per year, but at 1 thousand dollars per year (if you are afraid that they will use it unlicensed) but release all issues at the same time. If I need an IDE for a hobby, I'll switch to Lazarus. But I need Delphi just to keep abreast of trends and not fall out of the community, without using it for commercial purposes and without deriving any benefit. And when I need it, I’ll just apply for a license, and I won’t have to study anything after the purchase.
  13. #ifdef

    Delphi 12 is available

    I think that their current policy is not aimed at attracting new users (and, as a result, expanding the community), but at retaining existing ones. And it’s a pity because new young people will choose VS precisely because it’s completely free. Embarcadero can do it too but doesn’t want to 😒 Ok, whatever 🥲
  14. #ifdef

    Delphi 12 is available

    Your joke is bad, but it's my fault? Ok, ok
  15. #ifdef

    Delphi 12 is available

    It will be useless when VS 2023 will be released but for now all editions are of the same version 😉