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Everything posted by #ifdef

  1. #ifdef

    Determine the language

    There is a multi-line multi-lang (DE, EN, FR) document, and now I need to determine the language of each individual line. No any web. Local only. Preferably using VCL + ISpellChecker (WinAPI) or even Microsoft Word (OLE). What do you think, is it possible?
  2. #ifdef

    Determine the language

    Yes, and that's why I would not like to invent another dictionary, but use a ready-made one 🙂
  3. #ifdef

    Determine the language

    Thanks. Here is a spell checker, is it possible use it for language detect (do it without dictionaries)?
  4. #ifdef

    XE5 > RIO

    Hi everyone! Need your help with old one sample* from Christen Blom-Dahl: objc_msgSend((FStillImageOutput as ILocalObject).GetObjectID, sel_getUid('addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:'), FVideoCaptureDelegate.GetObjectID, (NSSTR('capturingStillImage') as ILocalObject).GetObjectID, NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew, (FAVCaptureStillImageIsCapturingStillImageContext as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); * article + listing I have an error message "Too many actual parameters", of course. And don't know what should I do now in Delphi 10.3.3. Found a similar question but it is unanswered too. Any suggestions?
  5. #ifdef

    XE5 > RIO

    I think Christen Blom-Dahl is in da house but not sure
  6. #ifdef

    XE5 > RIO

    Thanks a lot for suggestion! I'll see which variant is right the best for me :)
  7. #ifdef

    XE5 > RIO

    Ok, I'll try in other words: how to split (or merge) correctly that too big objc-message for success send? I see where mismatch is (the Macapi.ObjCRuntime is not so far) but don't understand what should I do with it.