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About Ghostwalker

  • Birthday February 26

Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
  1. Ghostwalker

    Units design

    As the speekers before, Example A is the better joice. As an addition, i personally prefer a more "namespace" like notation: Example: uses utils.math,utils.graphics,utils.ui
  2. Ghostwalker

    Inline Variables Coming in 10.3

    When i read Marco's blog post the first time, i just was afraid. It thought, that this will making code more chaotic and it will going into the direction of PHP (using variables without declaration). In the meanwhile, i read the post a second time and had time to thing about this new language feature. And came to the conclusion that there are more situations, where this features is usefull, because its clarifiying code. You do not have to jump around, to see where a variable is declared. Also it gives us a new method for using temporary objects. So, imho its like with all new features. It has its advantages but also its disadvantages.