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A.M. Hoornweg

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Posts posted by A.M. Hoornweg

  1. 14 hours ago, Fr0sT.Brutal said:

    IDK what things you mean. Backward compatibility is pretty strong in current versions as main changes happened in D2009..XE2. So newer versions require very little changes, especially if you don't use newest features (and you have to avoid them if you care about older versions)

    I maintain some libraries that are used in our company and that have to be compatible with a range of compilers (2007 .. current).  Some of our programs are used on embedded devices with older operating systems hence the need for D2007. We want our products to compile without hints or warnings.


    Totally apart from the usual string problems (unicode/ansi and codepages), there's the issue of Embarcadero deciding to move RTL functions from one unit to another, of functions being declared "deprecated" and of functions suddenly being declared "inline".  So in order to suppress such warnings, I need to know when Embarcadero decided to pull off such changes.

  2. 4 hours ago, Angus Robertson said:

    What would be useful is a relatively concise list of RTL changes between releases, perhaps it exists?  Something that says AtomicIncrement and Pos(x,y) appeared in which releases, just two examples I've looked up in old compilers recently for ICS.  And when types appeared or disappeared. 


    I've been meaning to support native Json in ICS as well as SuperObject, but I think there are two generations in different compilers and needing to check which and when means I've done nothing instead.



    This is the most complete list I could find:



  3. 7 hours ago, Remy Lebeau said:

    This is the way Indy does it.  Then the conditional is defined only for D2006+ (and FPC), and only for release builds.

    I constantly have to look up in which Delphi version a certain feature was introduced.  And not just me, literally *every* component manufacturer maintains his own *.INC file with $defines to keep track of these things.  Those *.INC files have to be maintained with every new delphi version and they're a royal P.I.T.A.  


    Wouldn't it be great if Embarcadero (or anyone else, really) published a git repository with a freely usable  *.INC file,  with $defines for all feature changes in every Delphi version? That way everybody could speak a common "language" for detecting features instead of re-inventing the wheel. 

  4. 15 hours ago, c0d3r said:

    I think its definitely Delphi IDE issue,  you literally have to wait to see the codes scrolling up/down finish then continue coding.  Otherwise it works okay.


    I found so far that can be reproducible:



    4.  If an unit has over 10,000+ lines, while you are typing codes,  you would literally see the characters being inserted one by one, like typing in one character per second speed.





    As a workaround, you could disable the structure highlighting stuff in Delphi 10.4 and instead install CNPACK, which also offers that feature. This image shows what it looks like (in Delphi XE).


    cnpack structure highlighting.png

  5. 2 minutes ago, Mike Torrettinni said:

    Yes, I can't imagine how slow it would be on HDD.

    And what you are describing is the reason IDE should be better optimized. Perhaps future versions of LSP will help. It's hard to imagine every installation should tweak all these possible settings to find the right ones for Delphi.


    It is one of the reasons why I'm not a friend of "skinning".   


    But my changed Windows settings tackle the root cause which is unnecessary re-drawing of UI elements for the sake of smoothness and animations. I don't need any of that. Responsiveness is much more important.

  6. @Mike Torrettinni do you have your virtual machine on a SSD?  You should, it makes a dramatic difference.



    One more thing about VMWare and GPU acceleration. 


    My notebook happens to have more than one GPU.  It has an Intel adapter but also a faster additional NVIDIA GPU.   A nice but little known feature of VMWare is that it lets you select which GPU to use, but tweaking such advanced settings involves manually editing the virtual machine's *.vmx file.  These changes make the virtual machine less "portable" between host machines since different host machines may have different GPU's.   


    mks.dx11.vendorID = "0x10de"

    (This selects the NVidia GPU.  "0x8086" selects Intel, "0x1002" selects AMD)


    mks.enableDX11Renderer = "TRUE"     

    (This enables DirectX11/OpenGL  acceleration. It is the default setting).

    Some DirectX drivers have been "blacklisted" by VMWare for some reason; in that case no DirectX/OpenGL acceleration is available at all inside VM's. This might be an explanation for slow behavior. But luckily you can override even that setting in the *.vmx file:

    mks.gl.allowBlacklistedDrivers = TRUE




    One more thing about VMWare Workstation in general.  Normally if one uses VMWare one would leave Hyper-V disabled on Windows and let VMWare handle all the virtualization.  But the latest VMWare version 15.5.X can also run "on top of" Hyper-V.  I don't know if there's a speed penalty involved with that.  There might be.







  7. In my case, every project is generally in its own repository.

    Some projects, however, consist of many sub-projects (for example, a main project and a bunch of plugins/dlls and maybe a configuration program); in such a case, I keep these in one repository because they count as one big project.


    Almost all my projects use a bunch of libraries, some of which are commercial ones. And of course I keep each of these libraries is in a repository of its own. Source code versioning systems like Subversion and Git allow you to reference "external" repositories for libraries (in Git they are called Submodules).   So each of my project repositories has a subfolder "externals" where it automatically downloads the libraries which it needs.  













    • Thanks 1

  8. I just noticed that TMS VCL UIPack  supports drawing SVG graphics and there's even a tAdvSVGImageCollection. I haven't tested it myself though.  I quote from the manual:



    "SVG supported elements:
    - circle
    - clipPath
    - defs (limited to predefined style, no gradients, no paths, only single fill/stroke parameters)
    - ellipse
    - g
    - image (limited to base64 encoded string value)
    - line
    - path
    - pattern (no gradients, no paths, only single fill/stroke parameters)
    - polygon
    - polyline
    - rect
    - style
    Within the style element supported parameters are:
    - fill (no gradients)
    - stroke (no gradients)
    - stroke-width
    - opacity
    Within the primitives (line, polygon, polyline, rect, path) supported parameters are:
    - fill (no gradients)
    - stroke (no gradients)
    - stroke-width
    - transform (scale, rotate, translate, matrix)
    With SVG support in TMS VCL UI Pack we aim for smaller SVG icon sets that can be used to target
    normal and high DPI applications. When scaling, SVG will scale accordingly and still render sharp at
    different resolutions. SVG support has been added to avoid the need for numerous icons for each
    different scale / resolution"

  9. The problem is caused by the fact that a VM does not have a "real" accelerated graphics adapter. So lots of graphical bells and whistles that are used by Windows 10 (such as "smooth" scrolling, transparency, drop shadows, animations of menus and listboxes etc) are done by the much slower CPU instead of by the GPU. 


    And that is VERY noticeable in the Delphi IDE.  Disabling those options in Windows made my Delphi 10.4 FLY instead of crawl.

  10. I have that same setup.


    My Delphi 10.4 enterprise IDE was very sluggish until I changed some Windows 10 settings inside the VM as well as on the host machine.  After those changes it behaves much faster. 


    -> start - control panel

    -> in the control panel, double-click the "System" applet

    -> click "Advanced system settings"

    -> in the field "Performance", click the button "Settings"


    Then select the settings as in the image below.  Re-start windows.






    speed settings.png

    • Like 1

  11. You could use OutputDebugString in conjunction with Sysinternals' DebugView  to monitor the size of your lists in certain time intervals. 

    That way you can observe if one of your lists is growing out of control.


    DebugView can do tcpip client/server by the way, that way you can observe the debugging output on a different computer.

  12. 2 hours ago, Lars Fosdal said:

    We are fighting a memory leak, but neither FastMM nor EurekaLog reports what is leaking.

    This is a service without a GUI, which uses COM objects, sockets and FireDAC databases.


    Is there a non-UI FastMMUsageTracker anywhere that could shine light on if this is a fragmentation issue?

    Are there other things that I should be looking at using?

    Maybe you should look at allocations that bypass Delphi's memory manager and hence not get caught by FastMM4. I mean stuff like VirtualAlloc, GlobalAlloc, LocalAlloc and HeapAlloc. Are you using any external DLLs written in C ?.   


    You max need a tool like AQTime or Deleaker to track down such leaks.


  13. YES you need it. With a  source control system you can make as many backups (commits) per day as you want and you can return to any older version of a file if you broke something.


    A few tips:

    - There are very good freeware GUIs available (such as TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit).  Please use those, they save a lot of hassle.

    - I personally don't let the Delphi IDE manage the files in the repository, I prefer to do it manually.  I use both svn and git, but I use them exclusively using the aforementioned tools.

    - It isn't really necessary to use an external server for your own (non-shared) repositories.  An external USB drive will do just fine.  

    - Whenever you want to add/delete/move/rename a file in your working copy, don't do it with the Windows explorer, only do it with Tortoise. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  14. 15 hours ago, pyscripter said:
    • TAggregatedObject simply reflects QueryInterface calls to its controller.  From such an aggregated object, one can  obtain any interface that the controller supports, and  only interfaces that the controller supports.  This is  useful for implementing a controller class that uses one
        or more internal objects to implement the interfaces declared  on the controller class.  Aggregation promotes implementation  sharing across the object hierarchy.
    • TContainedObject is an aggregated object that isolates  QueryInterface on the aggregate from the controller.    TContainedObject will return only interfaces that the  contained object itself implements, not interfaces  that the controller implements.

    Okay, that makes sense; so if I use tAggregatedObject then I can use the "AS" keyword to freely switch between the inner and the outer interface (see example 1) whereas in tContainedObject that isn't possible (it would only let me switch from the outer to the inner interface, right?) .






  15. On 7/1/2020 at 9:12 AM, Mahdi Safsafi said:

    For curiosity, why are you mixing arabic with latin letters. Does such ArabicLatin word make sense for you? 

    In my experience,  when reporting is done on oil wells in the Middle East, the Arabic text is often interspersed with English technical terms.  And for a developer it is quite a challenge to get mixed  LTR-RTL text input right.   

    • Like 1

  16. 25 minutes ago, Anders Melander said:

    You've answered the question yourself with your example: Use TAggregatedObject when the inner object is reference counted.

    But tAggregatedObject doesn't DO the reference counting, it lets the controller (the owner)  do that.  And the controller explicitly manages the inner object's lifetime, not through reference counting.

    function TAggregatedObject._AddRef: Integer;
      Result := FController._AddRef;

    And when using a plain vanilla tObject (my examples 2 and 3), the owner ALSO does the reference counting.  Same thing, but faster (since the _addref isn't chained).     So I still don't see what tAggregatedObject is actually meant for, what problem it is supposed to solve!  




  17. COM is not the problem, I've been implementing COM objects for years. 


    My question is really specific about the correct use and usefulness of tAggregatedObject and tContainedObject, because as far as I can see they are not needed at all to build aggregates, tInterfacedobject can already do so using ordinary tObjects.  So I'm probably missing something essential about their use and usefulness!


    For example, this aggregate uses a tAggregatedObject:


      iHello = interface
        procedure Hello;
      iGoodbye = interface
        procedure Goodbye;
      tAggregate = class(taggregatedobject, iHello)
        procedure Hello;
      tCompositeObject1 = class(tinterfacedobject, iHello, iGoodbye)
        ainner: tAggregate;
        function GetInner: iHello;
        procedure Goodbye;
        destructor Destroy; override;
        property Inner: iHello read GetInner implements iHello;
    procedure tAggregate.Hello;
      messagebox(0, pchar('Hello'), pchar('Hello'), mb_ok);
    destructor tCompositeObject1.Destroy;
      messagebox(0, pchar('Destructor'), pchar('tCompositeObject1'), mb_ok);
    function tCompositeObject1.GetInner: iHello;
      if not assigned(ainner) then
        ainner := tAggregate.create(self);
      result := ainner;
    procedure tCompositeObject1.Goodbye;
      messagebox(0, pchar('Goodbye'), pchar('Goodbye'), mb_ok);
    procedure TestCode1;
      Hello: iHello;
      Goodbye: iGoodbye;
      Goodbye := tCompositeObject1.create;
      Hello := Goodbye as iHello;


    ... and this one does the very same thing using a plain vanilla tObject:


      iHello = interface
        procedure Hello;
      iGoodbye = interface
        procedure Goodbye;
      tSimpleObject = class
        procedure Hello;
      tCompositeObject2 = class(tinterfacedobject, iHello, iGoodbye)
        ainner: tSimpleObject;
        function GetInner: tSimpleObject;
        procedure Goodbye;
        destructor Destroy; override;
        property Inner: tSimpleObject read GetInner implements iHello;
    procedure tSimpleObject.Hello;
      messagebox(0, pchar('Hello'), pchar('Hello'), mb_ok);
    destructor tCompositeObject2.Destroy;
      messagebox(0, pchar('Destructor'), pchar('tCompositeObject2'), mb_ok);
    function tCompositeObject2.GetInner: tSimpleObject;
      if not assigned(ainner) then
        ainner := tSimpleObject.create;
      result := ainner;
    procedure tCompositeObject2.Goodbye;
      messagebox(0, pchar('Goodbye'), pchar('Goodbye'), mb_ok);
    procedure TestCode2;
      Hello: iHello;
      Goodbye: iGoodbye;
      Hello := tCompositeObject2.create;
      Goodbye := Hello as iGoodbye;


    So is there any advantage in using tAggregatedObject / tcontainedobject  at all ?



    I currently see more advantages in using tObject, because that allows me to take an existing class and encapsulate it inside a wrapper class whenever I want it to be interface based.  For example, these few lines of code make a tStringlist interface-based, expose the methods add, get and put and make the whole thing reference counted:


      // Just expose a selected bunch of methods of tStrings
      iStrings = interface
        function Add(const S: string): Integer;
        function Get(Index: Integer): string;
        procedure Put(Index: Integer; const S: string);
        property Strings[index: Integer]: string read Get write Put; default;
      tInterfacedStrings = class(tinterfacedobject, iStrings)
        fList: tStringlist;
        function getList: tStringlist;
        destructor Destroy; override;
        property list: tStringlist read getList implements iStrings;
    destructor tInterfacedStrings.Destroy;
    function tInterfacedStrings.getList: tStringlist;
      if not assigned(fList) then
        fList := tStringlist.create;
      result := fList;




  18. Hello all,


    does anyone have any links to documentation/examples about the correct use of tContainedObject and tAggregatedObject? 

    I find the little documentation I can find rather confusing.


    Kind regards,



  19. On 6/30/2020 at 1:00 PM, Dave Nottage said:

     Tools|Options, Deployment > SDK Manager:


    It wouldn't work. I have de-installed Delphi Sydney and deleted all Embarcadero folders and registry keys plus everything that had to do with Java and Android.

    Then I re-installed Delphi and now the compiler deploys the executable as expected. 


    The executable won't start on Bluestacks 4 (screen stays black), however, so I'll try a hardware device next.



