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Uwe Raabe

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Everything posted by Uwe Raabe

  1. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11.2 unofficial LSP patch

    If it can be reduced to the LSPServer alone, that may be (although I still doubt that), but in many cases part of the problem also lies inside the IDE/Compiler and cannot be fixed with an LSP replacement alone.
  2. Uwe Raabe

    Curious TRESTRequest behavior

    In that case the problem seems to be outside of the code in question. My guess is that either RESTRequest is destroyed in between or some memory is overwritten, but I doubt that the component itself is responsible for that. That's why I asked for a reproducible test case. Usually when one cannot create a reproducible test case, the problematic code part lies outside of the tested one.
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Curious TRESTRequest behavior

    Can you make a minimal example to reproduce? Oh, and: In contrast to your statement you don't clear the params in the shown code. BTW, you should keep the BaseURL as is and put the endpoint in RESTRequest.Resource instead.
  4. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi autoformat rules for Attributes

    I am not aware of such a setting. Given that my attributes often are multiline itself, I wouldn't even think of such a behavior, but that is just MHO.
  5. Sorry, but that is caused by just a simple RethinkHokeys call to the main menu. 🤷‍♂️
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Move objects to a second Data Module

    Actually you CAN just copy/cut and paste the controls to another datamodule, but any event handlers and some links can get lost. I suggest to copy the event handlers in the pas file first and then copy the controls in the designer. That way they are re-wired in the target module. Also make sure that you always copy all related components like a datasource linked to a query or vice versa in master-detail relations. Whatever you do, make sure you can re-establish the original state if anything went wrong.
  7. That is exactly what VirtualTreeView does. It makes use of the $(AUTO) Libsuffix feature for 10.4 and upwards.
  8. I was just going to write something similar.
  9. The garbage are mostly remnants of platform values for platforms that are not used. There are even compiler options from Delphi 5 or even lower times that the more recent compilers simply ignore. Regarding the second part of your statement I am still waiting for an example where using a newer project file to compile with an older version fails. Please note that I never suggested to upgrade older projects outside of the IDE. As long as no one comes with a case the where the described approach fails, I cannot see any benefit in caring about.
  10. I never had problems opening a project with a Delphi version which was created with a higher version. Usually Delphi ignores everything it doesn't expect and adds anything missing what is needed. So when the goal is to open the project in the IDE it doesn't really matter which way we choose. Perhaps others prefer to work differently, but I tend to do the work with the latest Delphi version and make fixes for previous versions when needed - namely when the build fails. The build starts with the lowest compiler version and therefore any incompatibilities in code are exposed early. Up to now I never had problems with project files. That may be related to normalizing the projects with Project Magician, which also strips a whole bunch of unnecessary garbage from the project files. The MMX project mentioned in my previous comment has only one DPR and DPROJ file for all Delphi versions from Seattle to Alexandria. Obviously I cannot rule out any problems appearing with other projects. Although, I tend to tackle those when they actually appear instead of trying to avoid anything unknown in advance.
  11. Actually they do! Only the GUI doesn't support it since XE2: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-20623 This is the relevant part of the MMX_BDS.dpr: exports InitExpert name WizardEntryPoint; {$LIBSUFFIX '21'} begin EnableCodeSite; TMMXInitialize.Execute; end. The value is adjusted for each Delphi version with a Finalbuilder action: Text Replace [ {$LIBSUFFIX '*'}... ] with [ {$LIBSUFFIX '%LibSuffix%'}... ] in [ %ProjectName%.dpr ] OK. I have added you as collaborator.
  12. Even if it were only you, I would be interested in the underlying use case for that.
  13. Perhaps I missed some point, but my understanding is that we want to simplify the creation/synchronization of Delphi package files for different Delphi versions. Like: Hey, I have a package project for Delphi 11. Please create similar packages for all Delphi versions below down to XE7. I don't see how renaming the project and/or output DLL fits here.
  14. I have also problems to get your point. Do you have a concrete example or is this only a gut feeling?
  15. Uwe Raabe

    Current subscription required to download ?

    The download request was for and it seems to be downloadable before: That implies that it should be downloadable even when the subscription expired after the release of that version. Usually the portal would not even list versions you are not entitled to download. That's why I guess it is a software or configuration error. Did anyone contact Embarcadero with this?
  16. Uwe Raabe

    Current subscription required to download ?

    That doesn't say anything about web installers or ISO images of versions you were entitled to while your subscription was still active.
  17. Uwe Raabe

    Current subscription required to download ?

    Do you have any reference to that?
  18. Uwe Raabe

    Current subscription required to download ?

    Can you download the previous versions? In that case it may just be a off-by-one error in the web software, which should be reported to Embarcadero.
  19. I suggest another approach: Instead of a definition scheme, I would rather take a project for the latest Delphi version and derive the lower ones from that. You need that anyway (at least for some more recent version) and you neither have to invent a new format nor write a GUI for that. IIRC, I gave you access to the Package Magician sources a while ago. Have a look in the CreatePackageStructure and PackageSynchronizer projects in the Berlin package folder, that make heavy use of the uPackageMagicianStructure unit. It will definitely need some work, but if I were to find a solution, that one would be my starting point.
  20. Thanks! Although a bit busy in the moment, I will nevertheless have a look when time allows. Actually I don't care for that. My (probably limited) experience is that dproj files are downward compatible at least for the recent versions. There may be problems when you go down to the lower XE levels, though.
  21. Uwe Raabe

    IsValidDate fails after the Year 9999

    The underlying reason is the Windows date format being limited to four digits
  22. Uwe Raabe

    TGUID to Json

  23. Uwe Raabe

    TGUID to Json

    As I cannot spot one, do you happen to have a QP report at hand? Otherwise I will create one. It would be nice if you can post the source here, unless you opt for creating that QP entry yourself.
  24. Uwe Raabe

    Dependency Analyzer command line

    Currently this is not implemented. The context is populated with help from the IDE ToolsAPI, which is not available for a command line tool. While in principle this is possible by evaluating the dproj file, but currently I have no spare capacity for that. When time allows I can share some code that can serve as a start.