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Uwe Raabe

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Everything posted by Uwe Raabe

  1. Uwe Raabe

    Loss of Datasouce??

    This can also happen when the missing DataSource is not located at the same form/frame as the DB components and the IDE fails to open the datamodule (or wherever this datasource resides) for whatever reasons. I had similar experiences with actions located in a datamodule. If by any chance that datamodule shares its name with one of the IDE internal ones (including those in 3rd party modules) that can be the cause of breaking the linkage.
  2. Uwe Raabe

    File-> Open recent: way off the top of the screen

    The settings are in the same dialog as the list of recent files and projects. The default is 10 projects and 15 files.
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Special Offer for Documentation Insight

    As long as it keeps doing what it was made for even in newer Delphi versions I would not rate that negative. There is plenty of software just refusing to work anymore where I would love to see it in some maintenance mode.
  4. Uwe Raabe

    Copy a record from TTable to kbmMemTable??

    TDataSet offers a method CopyFields for that.
  5. There is a function for that in System.IOUtils: MyByteArray := TFile.ReadAllBytes(filename);
  6. Sure that: var bmp: TBitmap; png: TPngImage; begin bmp := TBitmap.Create; try png := TPngImage.Create; try png.LoadFromFile('c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\bin\Artwork\Windows\UWP\cppreg_UwpDefault_150.png'); bmp.SetSize(png.Width, png.Height); png.Draw(bmp.Canvas, TRect.Create(TPoint.Zero, png.Width, png.Height)); bmp.SaveToFile('c:\temp\test.bmp'); finally png.Free; end; finally bmp.Free; end; end; Depending on your Delphi version you might even succeed with a simple bmp.Assign(png);
  7. What about just Draw the Png to the Bitmap Canvas?
  8. Uwe Raabe

    Magic numbers (1)

    OK, inline const and inline var are not fully covered by MMX in the moment. It is on the ToDo list, though.
  9. RAD Studio includes Delphi and C++ Builder, but you can purchase each separately.
  10. Uwe Raabe

    IDE being destroyed by new versions

    When you use it on an existing method to change its name.
  11. IIRC, there used to be a Delphi Driver Development Kit at least up to Delphi 2007, but I never had the need to make use of it.
  12. Revenue is proportional to number of sales and price.
  13. Not sure where you get this from. The price for the first year and the price for the renewal are clearly shown side by side: https://www.embarcadero.com/app-development-tools-store/delphi They also offer subscription for multiple years if you ask for it.
  14. Not sure if I understand, but you can extend the life time by renewing your subscriptions for one or multiple years. Are you referring to the annual subscription cost being too expensive?
  15. I will never run out of activations, because I use a Named Network License provided by a local ELC server. This allows me to install Delphi on as much targets I want as long as I keep the same user name on all of them.
  16. That's why renewing the subscription is highly suggested. The commercial versions can be run indefinitely. As mentioned before, security patches are very rarely necessary in Delphi. There are plenty of people out there working with Delphi versions years old, if not decades.
  17. Note, that the implementation of TIBase<I> can be in another unit, where neither IFooBroker is known, nor that TIFoo is a type instance for IFooBroker. Nevertheless that unit has to be compiled before the unit containing IFooBroker and TIFoo. The compiler should only allow anything of type I as a parameter for inherited Create. That will rule out to grab any interfaces via Supports or AS constructs. Please file a bug report.
  18. Uwe Raabe

    Move current entity to another unit?

    No, MMX is not open source and I don't have control over that fact.
  19. That is a decision made by Embarcadero based on the nature of the patch.
  20. Uwe Raabe

    Move current entity to another unit?

    I cannot believe that this is real code. To me it just looks like made up. If for any reason there is a need for a global procedure ResetHoverColor acting on Form1, the straight forward implementation would rather be procedure ResetHoverColor; begin Form1.ResetHoverColor; end;
  21. Uwe Raabe

    Bookmarks dead?

    It is probably in quarantine due to a COVID infection...
  22. Uwe Raabe

    Move current entity to another unit?

    Surely I want. I just don't want to implement things that may be valuable to a single person in a special situation. There are way more things to implement that most likely bring benefit to a lot of people in several situations. My time for MMX is limited and I have to take care for what I spend it. Note that I already took this under consideration: Regarding your requests: This would only work on Forms and Datamodules. Frames and all other classes don't have such a global variable. Given that many people suggest to get rid of these global variables, it would be counterproductive to encourage their usage. Besides that this point is somewhat moot given my response to 1. Moving fields from private to public is not something that I would do without asking for consent, which will add some more user interaction to the process. It is easier to select the relevant field(s) in the class and move them to public with the available tools (like selecting public in the visibility dropdown). This all does not even tackle the fact that the resulting code shown is anything but clean.
  23. Uwe Raabe

    Developing under Windows 11 in a VM not feasible ?

    Believe me, testing is not to blame here.