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Uwe Raabe

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Everything posted by Uwe Raabe

  1. Uwe Raabe

    Issue with MMX 15.0.444.2474

    Up to now I am not able to reproduce. Unfortunately the error messages are of little help here.
  2. Uwe Raabe

    Window docking

    Good hint! Actually it happens when the IDE integration page is called twice without closing the dialog in between. Will be fixed soon.
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Window docking

    Can you try to delete the layout file reverting to the original one and try again?. I was not able to reproduce that here. Also the A component named BDS17Box already exists. error is a bit puzzling.
  4. Uwe Raabe

    The state of GExperts Support for Delphi 11

    If the form is showed modal you can try to wrap the whole thing: procedure ShowGXConfigurationForm; var previousDpiContext: DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT; frm: TfmConfiguration; begin previousDpiContext := SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_UNAWARE_GDISCALED); try frm := TfmConfiguration.Create(nil); try frm.ShowModal; finally frm.Free; end; finally SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext(previousDpiContext); end; end; I have to say that I didn't test nor use this approach in a DLL, especially not in an IDE plugin. So there might be more intricacies than I am aware of.
  5. Uwe Raabe

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    I am quite satisfied this time. From the issues in QP created by me there are 17 closed as Fixed in Delphi 11. The oldest is from Feb 2017, but most are from 2020 and 2021. Counting over all Delphi versions in QP there are 53 from 78 issues of mine fixed now. Not that bad.
  6. Uwe Raabe

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Yes. I just executed Host Licenses to achieve that. Perhaps the license isn't upgraded on the Emba side yet? I had to wait a few minutes after GA, but that might differ for others. There is also a web link at the bottom of the License Hosting page of ELC where you can get the server license files manually. Beware that it is HTTP and it requires your certificate user name and password, so you might want to change that to HTTPS before. It says Delphi 11.0 Alexandria Architect and C++Builder 11.0 Alexandria Architect . It says RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo Architect (that was the version I switched to a network license). Well, it says RAD Studio 11 Alexandria, but that seems to be a close match.
  7. Uwe Raabe

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Contact their installation support?
  8. Uwe Raabe

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    I had Delphi 11 installed on my build server with the beta key. After updating the named network license on the ELC server, exporting the slip file and importing it with the license manager, I could simply remove the beta key and Delphi 11 started without any problems using the ELC server license. (I know I could get away with no license on the build server at all unless I start the IDE itself, but this way it is less tedious)
  9. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11: Text size too small!

    Yes, I know. My answer was directed to Thomas' post about the missing slider, which affects the code editor font size, and the question about it being from a 3rd party plugin or not. It is not and it is also not missing in my installation.
  10. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11: Text size too small!

    No, it is standard and I can actually see it in Delphi 11 - directly right to the encoding drop down.
  11. With Delphi 11 release a few minutes ago, MMX Code Explorer is already supporting it: Change log V15.0.44
  12. StrToDate and StrToDateTime fail if ShortDateFormat is dd-MMM-yy StrToDateTime doesn't recognise mmm / mmmm formats - undocumented
  13. Or you place a replacement for StrToDate in a separate unit MyDateUtils or so and use that all over the your projects. At least that is less tedious than replacing all StrToDate calls and having to remember a new function name. I suggest filing a feature request in Quality Portal. (didn't check if some already exists)
  14. Uwe Raabe

    Format uses clause

  15. Uwe Raabe

    Re-Index a PageControl.PageIndex

    Sorry, but that code doesn't make sense. Pages is an array property. Why exactly do you need to change the PageIndex? After all each TabSheet also has a TabIndex property, which gives the index in the visible tabs or -1 if the tab is invisible.
  16. Uwe Raabe

    Format uses clause

    Thanks, now I see what you are after. The Vcl entry collects also the Vcl.ww* ones and the latter somewhat acts as a subgroup. Seems like the algorithm has to be fine tuned a bit. I will add that test case to the suite and see how I can make it green.
  17. Uwe Raabe

    Format uses clause

    I'm not sure if I understand that right. You might add a sample uses clause showing what you expect and what you get. (That would also make it easier to create a new test case) As I read the value shown, there is no "Vcl.ww*", but "Vcl.ww" which is handled as "Vcl.ww.*". Entries without a trailing star specify a unit scope.
  18. Uwe Raabe

    Use old glyph with tpngobject in 10.4?

    Indeed, the PngObject contains the files needed for versions below Delphi 2009, while since then these units are part of the Delphi standard libraries and can must be omitted.
  19. Uwe Raabe

    Use old glyph with tpngobject in 10.4?

    You should download all files from the repository.
  20. Uwe Raabe

    Anybody changing FileVersion directly in dproj file?

    I learned that creating a separate build project is mandatory even for small and/or short lived projects. Alone that it just gives the customer a professional experience when you are able to fix a bug and provide a new setup for download in a few minutes just by committing and pushing the changes.
  21. Uwe Raabe

    Console Manager for the Delphi IDE

    Not sure if that qualifies, but Windows App Store comes to mind.
  22. Nothing I am aware of, but it can be achieved easily with a wrapper like this: S := '05-Apr-17'; for I := 1 to 12 do S := S.Replace(fs.ShortMonthNames[I], I.ToString); newDate := StrToDate(S, fs); Of course there is some room for improvements, but you get the idea.
  23. This is documented behavior: System.SysUtils.StrToDate