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Uwe Raabe

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Everything posted by Uwe Raabe

  1. Cannot test it from here, so something is probably still missing, but it might look like this one: uses System.SysUtils, REST.Client, REST.Authenticator.OAuth, REST.Types; procedure Main; var auth: TOAuth2Authenticator; client: TRESTClient; request: TRESTRequest; response: TCustomRESTResponse; begin client := TRESTClient.Create(nil); try client.BaseURL := 'https://notify-api.line.me'; auth := TOAuth2Authenticator.Create(nil); try auth.TokenType := TOAuth2TokenType.ttBearer; auth.AccessToken := 'U4314taadsffhjjjjykllFVissffdfssdfsdfsgfgz'; client.Authenticator := auth; request := TRESTRequest.Create(nil); try request.Client := client; request.Method := rmPOST; request.Resource := 'api/notify'; request.AddParameter('message', 'abcTest', pkREQUESTBODY); request.AddParameter('stickerPackageId', '1', pkREQUESTBODY); request.AddParameter('stickerId', '113', pkREQUESTBODY); request.AddParameter('imageFile', 'D:\mypic.jpg', pkFILE); request.Execute; response := request.Response; if response.Status.Success then begin Writeln('Success: ' + response.Content); end else begin Writeln('Failed with ' + response.StatusText + ': ' + response.Content); end; finally request.Free; end; finally auth.Free; end; finally client.Free; end; end;
  2. Uwe Raabe

    Reverse method walker

    Note that the shown price is for a one year subscription. Nevertheless totally worth it.
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Reverse method walker

    Depends on which country the server is locating you. AFAIK, for Germany the reseller is Emenda. @KodeZwerg, do you have anything like a proxy, VPN or something active when you browse that site?
  4. Uwe Raabe

    Reverse method walker

    This is a part of the Called By graph for the TCodeItem.Clear method in MMX Code Explorer as created by Understand. The dots allow to dynamically expand/collapse the next level. This goes up even to wired event handlers, f.i. to quickly find the form and control triggering the call.
  5. Place the cursor somewhere inside the method and press CTRL-W repeatedly until the whole procedure is selected. Standard IDE functionality.
  6. Uwe Raabe

    What is Comment Member(s) ?

    It is the same as Comment Entitiy. It places a line comment // before the entity at the cursor and all related entities (like getter, setter, field for a property). It comments interface and implementation part of that entity. It doesn't matter whether the cursor is placed in the interface or implementation of that entity. Note that there is no simple action to reverse that.
  7. Uwe Raabe

    Scalable IDE Toolbar icons?

    Of course it would. It is just that all others are completely incompetent. 🤦‍♂️
  8. Uwe Raabe

    Scalable IDE Toolbar icons?

    I guess, the tricky part is to make the IDE support High-DPI while the form designer stays on PixelsPerInch = 96 (Irony: This would be pretty easy with the undocked designer). Imagine the controls shifting around when one DFM is designed on several systems with different DPI. One cannot expect all developers in a team working in exactly the same environment. Merging changes in DFMs would be near to impossible.
  9. Uwe Raabe

    Delete a Registry Key...

    Any subkeys of the key need to be deleted first. TRegistry.DeleteKey already takes care of that, but it needs KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS access for that, which is not included in KEY_WRITE. Try KEY_ALL_ACCESS.
  10. Uwe Raabe

    Strange Dialog UI

    These are not UI bugs in the first place. The form design looks quite OK during design time (the "String" label is changed dynamically) and run time on my system. You can see that there is still some difference in the gap between External File and the combo box. I guess, your display problems are due to some buggy scaling of the Delphi IDE, which is to be expected as long as the IDE doesn't support High DPI properly. There is not much I can do about that.
  11. Uwe Raabe

    Strange Dialog UI

    This kind of display errors are often seen when the IDE is used in a High-DPI environment with GDI scaling. Windows sometimes select font sizes slightly larger as the scaling suggests. It is pretty hard to detect this inside the application, The only workaround I am aware of is to give some extra space between controls to cover these cases.
  12. It would be interesting to inspect the different settings in your DEBUG and RELEASE configurations to find the real cause.
  13. That works only when MMX Code Explorer is installed
  14. Uwe Raabe

    TEdgebrowser; View Source Code

    AFAIK, that Demo-Kit is meant to support presenters and bloggers to create content around Delphi 10.4.2. I don't know if that stuff is planned to go into the normal demos.
  15. Uwe Raabe

    TEdgebrowser; View Source Code

    This blog mentions a way: Execute Scripts and View Source with TEdgeBrowser
  16. As a workaround you can disable the toolbar in Pascal Expert Options. You might configure some shortcuts instead.
  17. I was able to create a similar call stack with my CodeCoverage plugin calling INTAServices.NewToolbar. This is most likely an internal bug inside the IDE. Probably all plugins adding their own toolbar to the IDE should be affected (f.i. TMS FixInsight).
  18. This blog post mentions support for 10.4: https://www.peganza.com/support-for-delphi-10.4.html
  19. AFAIK, it doesn't come with source.
  20. So you should be able to make a reproducible test case - in case there is none already.
  21. Yes, that is supported in 10.4.2
  22. Uwe Raabe

    MMX Properties dialog with IDE dark

    The IDE theming support in 10.2.3 is much more buggy and quirky than in the newer versions. I'm sorry, but I am not going to fix that as long as the workaround is to simply re-open that dialog.
  23. Uwe Raabe

    Does 10.4.2 overwrite 10.4.1

    No, it will remove 10.4.1 before installing itself.
  24. Uwe Raabe

    Can't load package Python$(Auto).bpl

    Which Delphi version?