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Uwe Raabe

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Everything posted by Uwe Raabe

  1. The problem with those ExplicitXXX values is that they are synched with their current XXX counterparts on several occasions. These are WM_SIZE, WM_MOVE and SetBounds. You cannot assume that these values contain the original DFM content, even if that was the case after loading the form.
  2. What about creating a new form instance and adjust the components and properties in question from that?
  3. Uwe Raabe

    class operator, AND/OR/XOR question

    From the Docwiki: Oops: too late
  4. That is a know deficiency: MMX doesn't work properly in the project code, only in units.
  5. Well, the Module Search is actually a member of the top pane and it is selected when you enter the Search box. It is similar to selecting one of the uses clause entries or a Live Metrics entry. Each selection switches the content of the bottom pane. I understand that you prefer a different behavior, but others (probably long time MMX users) prefer or may even rely on the current one. I'm sorry, but it is very unlikely that this will be changed.
  6. Well, at least that is what the tooltip for Member Search bar says:
  7. Uwe Raabe

    convert Procedure to a Unit??

    Do you mean a Class? Because a Unit cannot be created when required.
  8. Uwe Raabe

    Inherited on Properties and co.

    FData is private, but the helper sets inherited Data, which is public.
  9. Actually it is: https://github.com/DelphiPraxis/DDevExtensions/releases/tag/v2.87
  10. Uwe Raabe

    Inherited on Properties and co.

    At least since Delphi 7 (cannot check versions below in the moment). Just have a look at DB.pas (out of many others): function TFieldDefs.GetFieldDef(Index: Integer): TFieldDef; begin Result := TFieldDef(inherited Items[Index]); end; or the ancient Contnrs.pas: function TObjectList.GetItem(Index: Integer): TObject; begin Result := inherited Items[Index]; end;
  11. This is a screenshot of the 10.4.1 IDE with MMX 15.0.33 (no DPI overrides): https://www.dropbox.com/s/ij71pobp9kebxn1/07-02-_2021_14-13-21.png?dl=0 There are some glitches with labels being too long, which come from scaling fonts to the next Integer size. Whenever I see those I try to adjust that with the next update. Can you elaborate a bit on the problems you see? (Perhaps in a separate topic)
  12. I am running different Delphi versions together with the latest MMX on two 4k monitors with scaling set to 150% and I don't experience any problems. Inspecting the MMX changes between 15.0.29 and 15.0.30 I cannot spot anything causing spurious delays.
  13. Fixed in 10.4.1: Object inspector looses a changed property value when selecting an other component
  14. Uwe Raabe

    Compile speed ide vs MsBuild

    Did you rename the fast compilers to replace the original ones?
  15. I am unable to spot any change between 15.0.30 and 15.0.32 that may be responsible fot that. I need more info (yeah, I know that may be difficult)
  16. Uwe Raabe

    working with new APIs

    No, it was just a reply to the quoted statement.
  17. Uwe Raabe

    working with new APIs

    Well, at least there is Swagger Codegen
  18. Uwe Raabe

    Install two different licenses for Delphi 2007

    Login with another user account. It is a Named User license after all. The slip file containing the client license is the same for all users. The license server just looks for the user name logged in to the client computer. Edit: That user has to be listed in the named licenses of the license server - of course.
  19. Uwe Raabe

    AQTime Standard and MMX conflict?

    I remember someone else complaining about an error with AQTime and the editor context menu. There have been some changes in the context menu logic in recent Delphi versions. Perhaps the AQTime team didn't get a notice about that, yet. It might help to file a bug report at SmartBear.
  20. Uwe Raabe

    AQTime Standard and MMX conflict?

    That might be caused by the editor context menu being triggered even for non-source modules. Will try to catch that.
  21. After all, the first error was actually made by the developer, not the compiler.
  22. Actually there are two errors: undeclared identifier cannot compile unit Seems to be pretty correct in my view.
  23. Uwe Raabe

    DBNavigator Insert Issue

    In the Options property of TDBGrid set dgCancelOnExit to False.
  24. Uwe Raabe

    Add support for High-DPI gdiScaling

    In case you are referring to the GDI scaling: That is already available in 10.4.1 Manifest File (Windows Only)
  25. You have to start the IDE at least once to get the entries for HKCU. Otherwise you have to look into HKLM.