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  1. Noodles

    Delphi CE 10.4.2 - Command Line Compilation

    Yeah, it's a pain because of how bloated the system/sysinit.pas files have become and you cannot recompile them without the command line compiler. Some fun "unrelated" trivia though... Did you know the GetIt package manager used by Delphi/CBuilder can deploy compiler patches? Did you know that the GetIt package manager simply downloads patches from an open/public https server? Did you know that "CompilerLSPHotfixGeneral-20201104" fixed some compiler issues and in doing so needed to deploy a new version of the command line .exe's? Did you know that although CE doesn't need this patch it is still openly available for uses that do need it and is perfectly compatible with the current CE version? Just sayin' =D
  2. Noodles

    Delphi CE 10.4.2 - Command Line Compilation

    This is correct. It was removed in 10.4. https://blogs.embarcadero.com/delphi-cbuilder-community-editions-now-available-in-version-10-4-2/#comment-1339
  3. Noodles

    Delphi CE 10.4.2 - Command Line Compilation

    Technically everything needed to compile is located in the dcc[platform]270.dll libraries. Looking at the exported functions it even looks like they provide a simple function for the command line compiler. I'll leave it or you to explore this yourself as I'm no lawyer and wouldn't even think about the legality of writing your own .exe to call this function. Hell, I could even provide you with a link to zip file on Embarcadero's own servers that contains the command line compilers but I'd probably be breaking some law or EULA. XD