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ConstantGardener last won the day on July 1 2021

ConstantGardener had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

31 Excellent

About ConstantGardener

  • Birthday 10/14/1970

Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

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  1. ConstantGardener

    Does the main form's OnShow event only ever fire once?

    I think the onShow is also triggert if you change the VCL.Skin in your program?
  2. ConstantGardener

    New to delphi - coming from web

    @Alexander Sviridenkov
  3. ConstantGardener

    Getters & Settters??

    ...good point, especally when your Code Insight is broken.
  4. ConstantGardener

    Getters & Settters??

    ...or you can use default parameters or even overloaded constructors with different parameters.
  5. I am signed up only for the fact that Allen Bauer comes to the party.
  6. ConstantGardener

    Q for MAPI Expert

    @Attila Kovacs Thank you for the unit!
  7. ConstantGardener

    Rest Server file transfer

    @al17nichols These are the "good old" RTC Components sold to teppi.com as one of the users.
  8. ConstantGardener

    Hot Reload in Delphi?

    Here not 5-10 minutes, but 2-3 minutes. Without question , hotload can save us hours, but in c++ it can save days. 🙂 That's the whole point.
  9. ConstantGardener

    Hot Reload in Delphi?

    On the other side: when you take the compiletimes of c++ into account the hotreload is of more interest in this ecosystem then in delphi.
  10. ConstantGardener

    Install Quickreort 10.3 RIO on Delphi RAD 104

    Take a look at this thread in the german delphipraxis. In the second part is a step by step guide for installing an old quickreport version in newer versions of delphi. U need a source-version of quickreport. https://www.delphipraxis.net/204516-quickreport-einziger-entwickler-gestorben-wie-geht-es-weiter-2.html
  11. ConstantGardener

    Looking for Spreadsheet component

    i don't know the devEx one, but the TMS thingy has a very wide range of events, procs and functions for such operations. Maybe you need to add some eventhandlers, but all in all it is very powerfull. My 2 Cent!
  12. ConstantGardener

    Looking for Spreadsheet component

    ...the TAdvStringGrid from TMS should do the trick.
  13. ConstantGardener

    Compiler detecting repeated lines?

    ....this is more a topic for static code analysis (for example TMS FixInsight)
  14. ConstantGardener

    LSP - Alexandria

    This may be the case for very complex projects, but when the Tooltip show's you the right file and classname and an Ctrl+click shows you nothing (don't open this file/class) in a not so big project (build's in 17 sec)? This drives me crazy!