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Javier Tarí

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Javier Tarí last won the day on October 15 2020

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  1. Any idea on how to get the colors used by a Vcl Theme to paint menu backgrounds? StyleServices.GetElementColor(Details,ecFillColor,vColor) does not return them for almost none of TThemedMenu values I can see a PopupMenu using a few background colors, depending on a combination of item selection and enabled state, but can't get them programmatically
  2. Javier Tarí

    Unicode weirdness

    I would just substitute the original characters for their equivalent codes, in the #99 or #$ab format
  3. Javier Tarí

    Huge memory problem

    Excuse my question, but: Are you using a memory table or file based table?
  4. Javier Tarí

    ANN: StyleControls VCL v. 5.11 just  released!

    Which is the latest release compatible with D2007?
  5. Javier Tarí

    Trying to find the correct mouse event

    All of the following applies to VCL,; I have zero experience with FMX: You should use OnEnter, not OnMouseEnter If you want it work 100% also when the form is closed, I do this: Save the form Active control value on a variable Assign to ActiveControl another safe control (I do it eg. btnCancel.SetFocus) Assign again to ActiveControl the control you saved This way you are simulating the user leaving the edit box Another way to observe a DB field changes is the TDataSource events: when your field is changed while the dataset is in dsEdit or dsInsert state, you will get a DataChange event refering to that field (and not to nil)
  6. Javier Tarí

    MQTT: advice wanted

    I'm planning to use MQTT to connect industrial devices (PLCs) to an ERP program running in Windows Never played with that, so I hope some of you could give me any advice The broker would be a Mosquitto As for the Delphi side, I need something that works without troubles, so was considering purchasing the www.esegece.com components, unless suggested otherwise Any advice would be more than welcome! Than you in advance
  7. I was just looking to purchase it as ebook; I read a lot of ebooks, but can't remember when did I read the last paper book Btw, in Amazon Spain the book is not listed
  8. Javier Tarí

    Duplicated SMTP messages

    Thanks for answering, Remy; I'm sure it's not Indy's fault, but I'm quite lost All and every email is sent to exactly the same recipients: the email addresses are used by an automated system, always from the same "From" to the same "To", CC" and "BCC" All the emails are sent successfully, and arrive successfully. Some of them (5%-10%) are received twice, and never more than twice I call TIdSMTP.Send once The source of the repeated emails, at least as seen on Thunderbird "source code" message option, is exactly the same, even compared with a text comparer On the source I can see some IDs (as I said, exactly the same on both emails): X-Cyrus-Session-Id: llcc507-a-18474-1651934775-1-2233586116162072206 ESMTP id 4KwVcR2Dvdz30vg ESMTPS id 4KwVcQ5F2Lz3072 ESMTPA id 4KwVcQ1gtSz2t2D
  9. Javier Tarí

    Duplicated SMTP messages

    I'm having a strange issue sending messages through TSMTP The emails are sent to a fixed destination, and CC'd to the sender email Although I only send them once from program, About 5% of them are sent twice To increase my confussion, I've added as BCC my own email, and that email doesn't get duplicates So I'm quite lost
  10. Is there any library/framework out there for D2007, wich makes easier using interfaces, DI , factories or anything on that line? I would jump on Spring4D, but some legacy issues doesn't allow me to go other Delphi versions for now I'm using interfaces for just a couple years now, and would prefer not reinventing the wheel if possible
  11. Javier Tarí

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    The installer is failing for me. These are some details for my subscription; This is what happens when I try to install from the web installer or the ISO installer: Just in case, I downloaded the activation file from the licensing page: and tried removing the license from licensing manager, and leting the installer use the new one Result: Delphi 10.3 and 10.4 keep running with the license, but Delphi 11 won't install
  12. Javier Tarí

    Need help finding the IDesigner

    Works perfect; thank you very much
  13. Javier Tarí

    PlasticSCM, Delphi, Semantic merge

    Has someone tried PlasticSCM with Delphi sources? The semantic comparison seems awesome, but I wonder if someone has tried it already, and has found how good it is - or is not Thanks in advance
  14. Javier Tarí

    Database app good practice

    If you can, sure. I work everyday on the same project, for more than 20 years, and it can't stop evolving So no chance of rewriting projects here
  15. Javier Tarí

    Database app good practice

    Testing Greater Platform independency Long term, evolutive applications Same happens with DB-aware; you just have some DBaware components