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Stefan Glienke

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Everything posted by Stefan Glienke

  1. Stefan Glienke

    Sorting two lists in step?

    Wait what? Well first of a string is basically a pointer so you could store that inside of the pointer - nobody is talking about storing the string content into a pointer - you could only ever store 2 or 4 Unicode characters in there. So yes, of course, it's about storing the string index into the pointer.
  2. Stefan Glienke

    Decrement a value by 1 each time a function is called

    Cannot be - if it's decremented by more than 1 then because the method was called more than once, simple as that. If the method is being called from multiple threads you need to use AtomicDecrement though. If you don't know from where the method is being called unexpectedly, use a data breakpoint on MyValue and the debugger will stop as soon as its being modified
  3. Stefan Glienke

    How can I allocate memory without raising exceptions ?

    If it's just a string variable you don't need to heap alloc anything - either use a const if you already know the exact content or use a preallocated buffer.
  4. Stefan Glienke

    Sorting two lists in step?

    You could (ab)use the objects part of the first stringlist entries as index of the entry in the second stringlist 😏 To be more serious - while the dictionary is a fair approach it leads to duplicated data which can make updating data more complex. To find a good solution it might be worth it to explain a bit more about the data and the use case itself. You also mentioned a TStringGrid for UI which I personally find a terrible component.
  5. Stefan Glienke

    TParallel Version and TTask Version

    As Dalija already mentioned some things that you need to do in a parallel environment add some overhead. This means that when the actual workload you are doing (such as incrementing a number) is so small that added overhead dominates the overall time. We all can agree that incrementing a number is not a suitable task to be executed in parallel. However, if you were to do some real-world tasks in parallel, there are still some things to consider - such as what has been discussed some while ago on StackOverflow, namely partitioning of data to process it in parallel properly.
  6. Don't bother and simply use BigInteger from https://github.com/rvelthuis/DelphiBigNumbers (or rather https://github.com/TurboPack/RudysBigNumbers which seems to be the maintained fork) - it most likely has all operations that you need
  7. When comparing the costs of GitKraken (4.95$/month/user) vs a one-time purchase of $49.99 I would say that either GitKraken is a rip-off or has some impressive feature set and offers way more than what a graphical git client has to offer.
  8. Stefan Glienke

    How many people use Delphi?

    Rhetoric 200 - What's Whataboutism?
  9. Stefan Glienke

    How many people use Delphi?

    If it weren't for other statements already this one really disqualified you from even participating in any performance-related discussion. I just recently updated from an Ivy Bridge CPU to a Raptor Lake at home and the single-thread performance of some Delphi benchmarks approximately doubled. If you don't believe my sample then simply take a look at https://www.cpubenchmark.net/year-on-year.html You see that in about 10 years the single thread performance approximately doubled (and even less on server hardware). And when we think about how the real gains in performance are achieved these days (parallel computing) Delphi is even in a worse situation given the poor support for anything parallel computing (yes, it can be achieved but you need to handcraft a lot of code and much existing code does not scale well at all).
  10. Stefan Glienke

    How many people use Delphi?

    "An E-Smart is a pretty fast and comfortable car!" - grandma who only ever drives to the local grocery store.
  11. Stefan Glienke

    How many people use Delphi?

    Those Delphi Linux numbers are sad to see - but no surprise given how bad LLVM is being used (it basically lacks the IL opt step). Would be interested to see the difference between what dcc64 and fpc emit though - can do share the benchmark code somewhere?
  12. Stefan Glienke

    How many people use Delphi?

    According to several sources, there are around 28 million software developers worldwide, give or take. I am highly skeptical that every 10th of them is a Delphi user. The number I have seen for C# is around 6 million. The 2022 Stackoverflow survey had around 3.5% of the participants list Delphi for the question "Which programming, scripting, and markup languages have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year?" - C# has 28-30% mentioned in that list. If we check the 28mio software developers vs the 6 million C# users from some statistics with this percentage we see that this is somewhat realistic (30% of 28mio would be 8.4mio and 6mio out 28mio is around 21%). So we can assume that although Stackoverflow survey participants are not representative of the entire developer population we get kinda realistic numbers. If we assume that Delphi users were not overly invested in participating in the survey that leads us to around roughly 1mio.
  13. Stefan Glienke

    DevExpress: DBView-FilterRow without wildcard

    Simply use the contains filter instead of like - for reference: https://supportcenter.devexpress.com/ticket/details/t803106/changing-default-filter-condition-from-equal-to-contains
  14. No, not always - that's why it says "Measure, don't guess". Anyway apart from being Java, that article is over 10 years old and things change - libraries get optimized (yes, even Java ) I have no idea how the various pieces at play are implemented in Java - so why don't you simply run your own benchmark? I explicitly did not mention search but wrote insert or delete. I am well aware of the fact that access to contiguous memory is so much faster than random memory access that I know that if you add searching to the use case the more costly insert/delete can become totally irrelevant simply because the search is so much faster. Of course, usually, you don't just insert or delete to a linked list but also perform some search to determine the location where to insert or delete which is the reason why many benchmarks also include search. I know a lot of literature mentions using linked list + hashtable but I would probably simply use a queue or deque that is backed by a circular array buffer. If there is anything to take away from the article you linked to then it is this: This is because it completely ignores constant factors. Constant factors are why often the fastest algorithms and data structures, in reality, are hybrids that combine different algorithms. IntroSort is a good example that combines QuickSort with InsertionSort (for small sizes) and switches to HeapSort for QuickSorts worse cases. If you would ask "Which is better: QuickSort or InsertionSort?" Many people would say "QuickSort" but the the fact is that it depends on the number of elements. Similar to the question "Which is faster: a hashtable or linear search in an array?" Again it depends on several factors: the number of elements, the expense of comparison and hashing, and the actual implementation of the hashtable. And talking about the O(n) for inserting or deleting from a list. Here is a little benchmark and the results from Delphi 10.4 and 11.3: program BenchListInsertDelete; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Spring.Benchmark, System.Generics.Collections; procedure InsertDelete(const state: TState); var list: TList<Integer>; i: Integer; _: TState.TValue; begin list := TList<Integer>.Create; list.Capacity := 1000; for _ in state do begin for i := 1 to 1000 do list.Insert(0, i); for i := 1 to 1000 do list.Delete(0); end; end; begin Benchmark(InsertDelete, 'insert-delete').MinTime(2); Benchmark_Main(); Readln; end. Delphi 10.4.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Benchmark Time CPU Iterations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- insert-delete/minTime:2,000 223341 ns 223644 ns 11947 Delphi 11.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Benchmark Time CPU Iterations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- insert-delete/minTime:2,000 41379 ns 41487 ns 68923 You can guess why that is
  15. I think this came as response to some general pointer-related comment and is quite OT to the original topic which was about linked list - but I agree - especially when dealing with string parsing and alike, naive code often is full of tiny substring allocations which could be avoided by similar approaches as .NET went with their Span<T> - using that throughout the runtime significantly improved performance in many areas. In Delphi code one typically uses PChar but that lacks a length limitation and routines that take that into account often have an additional len parameter which requires carrying around two distinct values which in fact belong together.
  16. It is and that is not the main purpose of using a linked list - a linked list shines when you often insert or delete entries because that is O(1) whereas using an array is O(n) because of the necessary move operation.
  17. Stefan Glienke

    Unicode weirdness

    That would be quite nonsense given that strs is TStrings as David wrote ("strs points to a memo.Lines property"). Then don't use a Memo and its Lines property I would say - they are Unicode.
  18. I have no experience with ChatGPT writing unit tests but there have been some other approaches explicitly for unit tests that are based on static code analysis because then it knows exactly what code to write to exercise all possible paths. For Delphi land that however is utopia since all the tools in these areas typically don't know anything about delphi/pascal.
  19. Stefan Glienke

    Forum for Spring4D

    Looks to be yet another Bitbucket glitch - I have seen others report the same behavior recently and in the past. One more reason to move forward to another place rather sooner than later (99% sure it will be github which only lost to bitbucket back then because it did not have free private repos at that time).
  20. Stefan Glienke

    Forum for Spring4D

    The days of using Bitbucket are coming to an end later this year anyway.
  21. Stefan Glienke

    Forum for Spring4D

    These are the issue tracker settings that have not been changed for ages: And given that the most recent reported issue was reported on march 11 I assume that it's possible.
  22. Stefan Glienke

    Forum for Spring4D

    Any registered Bitbucket user can report an issue here.
  23. Especially when your own code doesn't work and you don't even know why, amirite? 😉
  24. Stefan Glienke

    Spring4d compile error on Delphi CE 10.4.2

    I do, in fact, last week I did the 2.0 rc1
  25. Stefan Glienke

    Spring4d compile error on Delphi CE 10.4.2

    CE does not have working command line compilers afaik so you have to manually install: - open <your-spring4d-dir>\Packages\Delphi10Sydney\Spring4D.groupproj - build the project group (unit tests might not compile as they require TestInsight - does not matter to you) - add <your-spring4d-dir>\Library\Delphi10Sydney\<platform>\<config> directory to the library path (Tools->Options... then Language->Delphi->Library (select the platform at the top and then "..." next to the Library path