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  1. Aamgian

    Thread Issues: using resume and start

    The code that I will use is actually a lot more, especially for doing the calculation process and making requests to the server. thank you for the advice you give.
  2. Aamgian

    Thread Issues: using resume and start

    I replaced all CreateAnonynousThread in my project with ITask and all works fine. thank you procedure THeaderFooterForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var aTask: ITask; begin aTask := TTask.Create( procedure begin TThread.Synchronize(TThread.Current, procedure begin HeaderLabel.Text := 'My Job'; end); end); aTask.Start; end;
  3. Aamgian

    Thread Issues: using resume and start

    I have tried using Samsung and Xiaomi brand devices with SDK 30 but this error does not occur. is there a role for the device in causing this to happen? as a note the device with the Vivo brand that I use is the latest release.
  4. Aamgian

    Thread Issues: using resume and start

    sorry if I respond wrongly to what was conveyed by @Der schöne Günther, i will try to make report to Quality Portal, I am trying to ask here, maybe someone has experienced something similar. vide-cap.mp4
  5. Aamgian

    Thread Issues: using resume and start

    therefore I am looking for a way to solve this problem so that I can use Start.
  6. Aamgian

    Thread Issues: using resume and start

    precisely because I found something strange I asked, some friends did not believe what I was experiencing. I'll send you a video clip so you can see it.
  7. Hello, simple code that I made: TThread.CreateAnonymousThread(procedure begin TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin HeaderLabel.Text := 'My Job'; end); end).Resume; when the target Android 64bit compile, using the application resume runs smoothly. Meanwhile, if you use Start to call the thread, error message will appear "cannot call start on a running or suspended thread" TThread.CreateAnonymousThread(procedure begin TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin HeaderLabel.Text := 'My Job'; end); end).Start; this case only happened on some android devices target android 64bit, but if the target is 32bit the error message does not appear. has anyone experienced something similar? and what is the solution? device with sdk 30. Thank you
  8. Aamgian

    How check VPN Active on Android?

    Thanks Dave, at least the VPN connection on the device can be known this code work i tested with android 9 and 10. function TPlatformConnectivity.IsVPNConnection: Boolean; var LManager: JConnectivityManager; LAllNetworks: TJavaObjectArray<JNetwork>; LCapabilities: JNetworkCapabilities; I: Integer; begin Result := False; LManager := ConnectivityManager; LAllNetworks := LManager.getAllNetworks; for I := 0 to LAllNetworks.Length - 1 do begin LCapabilities := LManager.getNetworkCapabilities(LAllNetworks[I]); if (LCapabilities <> nil) and LCapabilities.hasTransport(TJNetworkCapabilities.JavaClass.TRANSPORT_VPN) then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; end;
  9. Hello, How do I know if there is a VPN connection on the device that is active, because my application will ignore if using VPN? I use this code but it doesn't seem to work. function TPlatformConnectivity.IsVPNConnection: Boolean; var LManager: JConnectivityManager; LAllNetworks: TJavaObjectArray<JNetwork>; LCapabilities: JNetworkCapabilities; I: Integer; begin Result := False; LManager := ConnectivityManager; LAllNetworks := LManager.getAllNetworks; for I := 0 to LAllNetworks.Length - 1 do begin LCapabilities := LManager.getNetworkCapabilities(LAllNetworks[I]); if (LCapabilities <> nil) and LCapabilities.hasCapability(TJNetworkCapabilities.JavaClass.TRANSPORT_VPN) then //if (LCapabilities <> nil) and LCapabilities.hasCapability(TJNetworkCapabilities.JavaClass.TRANSPORT_VPN) then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; end; Thanks You
  10. Aamgian

    handle virtual keyboard with alcinoe library

    I have tried adding one layout component to shift them down by playing the top or bottom margin of the layout, but haven't gotten a good formula for the layout top / bottom margin value. in the above project I play the padding value of the frame.
  11. Aamgian

    handle virtual keyboard with alcinoe library

    sorry if my question is not clear, my problem is that not all aledit components can be directly above the virtual keyboard when it is showing. if you look at the 28 second video, the aledit component is not where I want it to be.
  12. hi, does anyone use the alcinoe library here? I'm making a project using the alcinoe library, I have trouble handling the virtual keyboard when it appears. as seen in the gif file, the code works well only for the bottom 5 components contained in the AlVertScrollBox component. The following is a stub project that I made with additional TFramestand and Kastree libraries. Thanks for your help vkeyboard.zip screencapture-1586748057878.mp4
  13. Aamgian

    Custom TrueType font in FMX Android app?

    thanks you for you help, but still not work. I decided to leave this font problem in the application that I made.
  14. Aamgian

    Custom TrueType font in FMX Android app?

    I use nunito sans font from Google font. I made an application using the third party taltext component alcinoe so that the method could not worked but in android 9 that work fine, after I tried it with the default TText component it worked fine. but the next problem if I use the bold font style then it doesn't work. The following sample file that I made true_font.zip
  15. Aamgian

    Custom TrueType font in FMX Android app?

    hi, I have followed the method carried out by Landerson Gomes like in the video on youtube . but on Android 10 it doesn't work, while on Android <10 it works fine. is there a newest way to do it?