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David Hoyle

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Everything posted by David Hoyle

  1. David Hoyle

    Importing Excel2016 Type library into Delphi

    @ByteJuggler Out of interest (as I do COM DLLs for Excel 32 and 64) I assume you are having to import the 64-bit version as you do not have 32-bit and you want to use feature post Office 2002?
  2. Still can't find the article which I think was written by David Millington but my new Windows 10 system suggests that RAD Studio 10.3.1 is using .NET 4 (looking in the about dialogue's list of DLL version numbers).
  3. If I remember those 2 versions of the IDE use different version of .NET. I think 10.3 changed to a higher version then was previously used (Can't remember the exact version but I think that 10.3 use .NET 3 or 3.5).
  4. David Hoyle

    Windows 10 OS Themes and VCL Styles

    I've just moved my development to a new Windows 10 machine and wondered why my VCL applications do not use the Windows 10 OS theme that I've selected, i.e. Dark Theme. Now I understand that there are specific VCL themes you can select from the project options for an application and some of those are Windows 10 related however in the application I'm building I was wanting to provide a choice to the user of either an unthemed VCL application which uses the Windows 10 OS theme or one of the VCL themes but my current experiments suggest that an unthemed VCL application does not use the OS theme. Am I missing something?
  5. David Hoyle

    Windows 10 OS Themes and VCL Styles

    @Uwe Raabe Thanks. I had not made that distinction before. I'll experiment with a test application tonight to see where I get.
  6. David Hoyle

    Windows 10 OS Themes and VCL Styles

    @PeterBelow Yes my application has "Enable Run-time Themes" checked but by default uses the "Windows" theme. In a test application this scenario shows as TStyleManager.Enabled = False. I'm guessing that there is a particular set of circumstances that I need to configure to get this to work?
  7. When I want to check this type of thing I create a debugging profiles specifically for CodeSite tracing and I install the trace calls with IFDEFs (in the constructors and destructors) so they are not in the main debugging code or release. You can then see a call hierarchy for objects. Obviously you would need the full version of CodeSite for this.
  8. Try the following: https://www.davidghoyle.co.uk/WordPress/?p=349
  9. David Hoyle

    Please vote - SonarCube support

    Re-FixInsight - after chasing up Roman, I got an email acknowledging the issue (crashing 10.3 on exit) and then a few days later a patch to test (I said I was not going to renew until the issue was fixed). It has fixed the crashes but it does not seem he has issues out a new version. I would suggest chasing him up through the support feature.
  10. Whole heartedly agree with you Thomas but if your working with VCL Styles aligned panels work better as I've found anchors do not always compensate for border width changes (even in the IDE, and yes its been reported).
  11. David Hoyle

    Creating a "pull request" for jvcl

    You need to commit the change to the local repository and then "pull" the request.
  12. David Hoyle

    Creating a "pull request" for jvcl

    Looks like you cannot do it from the command line with the out of the box stuff.
  13. David Hoyle

    Creating a "pull request" for jvcl

    Thomas, You shouldn't need to create a repository, just clone the JVCL to your machine. If you use the GitHub Desktop application, it allows you to submit your changes as a Pull request. Not sure how this is achieved from the command-line but I'll have a look.
  14. David Hoyle

    Code completion stopped working on my project

    Do you use ant of the new in-line vars / const in your code as this is known to stop the IDE tooling working?
  15. There are 2 things you need to do: 1) If you want to use the components from the tool palette then you will need to install the appropriate package for your IDE however this will not necessarily allow you application to compile the code; 2) You either need to add the Source\ directory to the IDEs library path or to your projects Search path. Your application should then compile.
  16. I'm not sure I understand the question. If you need backwards compatibility to before XE3 then you will need to use VTV 5.3 (say for instance you building an Open Tools API project to be backward compatable to D2010). If you using it in an application with a modern version of the IDE (10.x) then you could use VTV 7.0 or above. I'm using 7.0 in one of may application and not the latest version as I've had issue with the live repository introducing breaking changes that affected basic functionality so I test the releases before committing and using them.
  17. There are changes between VT 5.3 which you would probably be using for D2010 and VTV 7.0+ (6.x and above stopped being backwardly compatible to versions of the IDE before (I think) XE3.). You can still use VTV 5.3 on 10.3.1 but you would get fixes and enhancements if you used VTV 7.0+ (latest I think is 7.1).
  18. David Hoyle

    Hands-On Design Patterns with Delphi

    Mine came through the door last Thursday (UK). I'm only on Chapter 2 but have already learnt something new :-).
  19. David Hoyle

    Access violation maybe from GExperts

    I disabled FixInsight (the latest version) the other day as I was getting IDE crashes on closedown. I raised the issue with TMS but have not heard anything. I’m glad someone else has managed to replicate it as I sometimes wonder whether its my old machine.
  20. David Hoyle

    Rio Dark Theme and the structure panel

    Its intermittent and I've seen it in 10.3 (Beta and Production) and I assume you're seeing it in 10.3.1? Therefore they need to investigate else it will never be fixed.
  21. David Hoyle

    Rio Dark Theme and the structure panel

    This is similar to this QP I raised: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-22221 I don't use the structure pane so I don't know whether that was affected at the time.
  22. David Hoyle

    OTA Ide Shutdown

    @Dave Nottage Sometimes we for get the simple 🙂
  23. David Hoyle

    OTA Ide Shutdown

    Main form is call AppBuilder if I remember correctly and is available from the Forms collection in the Screen object. Have a look at my Delphi IDE Explorer plug-in (https://github.com/DGH2112/Delphi-IDE-Explorer).
  24. David Hoyle

    OTA Ide Shutdown

    @Attila Kovacs Another non-OTA solution might be to try hooking either the IDE's main form CloseQuery event or similar (you will probably need to chain an existing event and restore that event when you plug-in closes) or the events of the TApplication object.