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DJof SD last won the day on April 25 2022

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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. OK, that's a good start. I'd like to also be able to capture the GetIt specifics from inside the IDE. Specifically, when using the Filter Installed.
  2. DJof SD

    Delphi 12.3 is available

    I've had nothing but problems. It started with not being able to use the Windows Control Panel to uninstall RAD Studio 12.2. It would hang after it was doing something with GetIt. I ended up using the original installation media (DL DVD) to attempt to reinstall RS and when it discovered an existing installation was there, responding yes to remove it -- that did the trick. Installing 12.3 using Web Install failed. Using an ISO was successful and the product was functional. But when I used the Migration Tool to import the settings from 12.2, when starting the IDE, it would complain about a missing DLL for things Parnassus then die. Rinse and repeat the Control Panel unable to remove 12.3 and then using the DVD to redo an installation and have it perform the uninstall. Right now, I have a usable 12.3 but no add ons, nothing has been done using GetIt. .
  3. Is there a way to get the details of what GetIt shows but as text? Say, like an HTML file or perhaps XML?
  4. Lars, thanks so much for the post and pointing out that CLI command -- fixed my issue!
  5. Thank you for posting the note here and the BLOG entry. It just might be a tool that can help me solve a little problem.
  6. DJof SD

    docwiki.embarcadero.com is not working

    Try again -- I just got onto the site and could select the patch to D/L.
  7. https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/#2022
  8. https://blog.unit221b.com/dont-read-this-blog/0xdead-zeppelin TL;DR CATCHUP ON ZEPPELIN Zeppelin is a Russian ransomware written in Delphi that is a successor to the Buran family of Ransomware (considered an evolutionary successor to VegaLocker, and others that predate it).
  9. DJof SD

    CodeInsight: Loading project [...] hanging

    Just a guess: try changing the Code Insight Manager setting to Delphi (Classic Code Insight) to see if that makes any difference. Tools -> Options -> UI -> Editor -> Language -> Code Insight (tab) then Code Insight Manager drop down to select Delphi (Classic Code Insight). I make this suggestion after finding earlier today on my 10.4.2 installation that changing from LSP to Classic fixed a problem. Using LSP no Doc comments (XML style documentation) were being displayed, just a brief glyph message 'calculating' but as soon as I changed it, that problem went away and the expected formatted display of those XML style comments was seen.
  10. DJof SD

    Keyboard macro help

    First of all, thanks for the suggestion. The results showed nothing is recorded when I attempt to record my series of keystrokes to fold doc comments. But when I used a different series of keystrokes (SHIFT+CTRL+K+A) that was recorded and GExperts showed: that expand all blocks of code does work as expected when the playback function is used. So I conclude there is some reason why a keyboard macro is not recorded.
  11. DJof SD

    Keyboard macro help

    I been unable to record a keyboard macro and I don't understand what is wrong. I am trying to capture the series of key stokes which results in a folding of Doc comments. Those key strokes in four groupings are: (1) Alt+V; (2) I; (3) L; (4) D . The macro record button is clicked and the status line shows recording. The sequence of ALT+V I L D is entered and the sequence results in the IDE menu items being navigated with the desired collapsing of the /// blocks of comments. But when the stop recording button is clicked then the playback macro button is clicked, nothing happens. It is as if there's nothing recorded. Am I missing something really obvious or is there some "trick" I need to learn?
  12. DJof SD


    OK, I'm just catching up on this change. And I need a little help (or more coffee). First, when I click on the Recent Post RSS link, I end up with a file to D/L which has a DWS file extension. The file content does not appear to have any XML and using T'bird to use it for adding a subscription is a no-go. How is that file suppose to be used? Next, is it expect to always receive a link in order to sign into the site? Yes, I saw the notice about it being an atypical way of doing things but this is the first time I've come across this modality and it just seems strange to me. TIA DJ
  13. DJof SD

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    FWIW. I'm always curious to know what changes when fixes are installed. In this instance, just the code and for both the debugger and Parnassus bookmark patches. After both updates for my Professional edition, the Help About version information did not change -- both before and after was V28.0.44500.8973. And that is likely expected. Drilling a little deeper, there was differences when looking at the Help About Version Information along with the addition of a line in the Installed Products list. The details: again, this is for Professional (though I'd expect the other two editions would be the same). Here's some difference reports from a simple examination of the IDE Help About Version Information and the Windows Program Files (x86) directory and subdirectories -- no effort to look at either the registry or other folders. The Windows folder information was obtained by using Karen's Directory Printer saved to a file (both a before and after updates) and then using Beyond Compare to examine the differences and to generate a differences report. (Ya, I know, anal retentive). rpt06C08.htm rptE3EAB.htm
  14. DJof SD

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Thanks for posting this update. I don't know if there is some other way to discover changes other than this forum and the occasional BLOG post from Marco -- IOW, this thread is my only source of info about the BM issue. As a matter of curiosity, does that change to the build process mean that the bookmarks feature is now fully integrated into the IDE?
  15. DJof SD

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Thanks for that feedback. I should look at what GExperts offers. Was that something from the initial offering or did you add that when you took over support? I guess what I am irritated with is the lack of communication and responsiveness by EMBT. As it is now, I use Parnassas without having to think about it. The change to another paradigm would be a disruption. Programming/debugging is enough of a challenge without having to slow down to think about how to do things in the IDE. </rant>