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Everything posted by mp3freak_en

  1. I've found another situation where compiler returning that weird output not working: procedure Test1(var ii:array of integer); begin setlength(ii, 0); // (..) end; [dcc32 Error] Unit1.pas(100): E2008 Incompatible types [dcc32 Fatal Error] Unit1.pas(100): E2158 System unit out of date or corrupted: missing '@Clr' working: type iArray=array of integer; procedure Test2(var ii:iArray); begin setlength(ii, 0); // (..) end; well, never mind, think there are still some issues. edit: testet with delphi 10.2 - same error testet with delphi 10.3 update 3 - same error didn't teste with delphi 10.4.
  2. mp3freak_en

    TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL and TLS 1.3 ?

    thanks to all working on that
  3. mp3freak_en

    TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL and TLS 1.3 ?

    Missing support for openssl 1.1.1 will get an annoying problem for all of us even there is currently no big security issue in openssl. Would be cool if you find some time to send changes to github - by pull request to main indy repository