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Everything posted by toms

  1. toms

    Username in post

    The username is not displayed in the header of a post. Just the avatar. (mobile view)
  2. toms

    Reverse chronological order?

    I set sorting -> "newest first" but I still see the oldest post of a topic on top.
  3. Is there a setting to display posts in reverse chronological order (from newest to oldest) ?
  4. toms

    Chrome/TamperMonkey for Design

    @Neutral General Is it really supposed to look like this? t is a bit too condensed for my taste.
  5. toms

    Proportions of forum elements

    The sections could be made more compact (reduce their height) Compare the now vs. compact screenshot. I've just added a height property here: .ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra > .ipsDataItem { height: 50px; }