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Everything posted by TonyB

  1. Are you using an EXE compressor such as AsPack by any chance? AV programs don't like compressed executables.
  2. TonyB

    Getters & Settters??

    Apart from data validation as suggested above, you can use setters and getters for other purposes e.g procedure SetName(NewName: string); begin if NewName<>fName then begin fName := NewName; ProjectNotSaved := true; end; end;
  3. TonyB

    MessageDlg, mtConfirmation Wrong After Delphi 10.4

    Noting the comments above, if I'm asking the user a question that needs an answer, I want a question mark. My fix is to create a descendant of TTaskDialog, put the question mark in a resource file and load it immediately after creating the dialog CustomMainIcon.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'QUESTION_BLUE'); Flags := Flags + [tfUseHIconMain]; See https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/Vcl.Dialogs.TTaskDialog.CustomMainIcon Tony Bryer, Greentram Software Pty Ltd
  4. TonyB

    Delphi 5 Printing

    This may or may not be relevant, but this thread reminded me of a fix I made a while back, adding the following line to my printing code Printer.Title := ProgName + ' calcs '; // 11.11.18 latest Win10 update falls over without this
  5. Our apps have used the Plasmatech OLE structured storage library https://plasmatech.com/storage.htm for many many year and it still works but doesn't appear to have been updated since 2011. To remove a dependency on what looks like abandonware (though the website is still live) I'm looking for a replacement, so far in vain. Any ideas?
  6. Thanks for the feedback. It's not that UPT doesn't work, just that a business query related to using software that doesn't appear to be actively maintained.
  7. TonyB

    Manage overloaded IfThen functions

    Mine - in use for the last 20 years - is named iif. Yes, I was a FoxPro user in the 1990s! I was looking at something in one of my programs a few weeks back and realised it was there to save space when saving to floppy disk. If there's such a thing as a code archaeologist they could have a great time with my codebase.
  8. TonyB

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Only issue I've found so far (desktop VCL) is https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-29287 : Wrong text positioning for TButton with custom style. In my case it's buttons with images; OK without styling; add style and caption is output in the middle of the button, not in the middle of the space to the side of the button. Appears to be caused by a line added to TButtonGlyph.CalcButtonLayout.