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Dave Nottage

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Everything posted by Dave Nottage

  1. Anyone here successfully deployed a macOS App Store application? I've followed the instructions here: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Completing_the_Provisioning_Page ..have a correct provisioning profile on my Mac, and have set CFBundleIdentifier to the correct value, however Delphi complains: [Error Error] Missing provisioning information. Mobile Provisioning Profile has not been specified for the "AppStore" platform configuration. Any ideas as to what I should check?
  2. Dave Nottage

    Deploying macOS apps with App Store configuration

    Yes, by having the correct provisioning profile for App Store that matches the CFBundleIdentifier value in the Version Info page of the Project Options, and by specifying the correct certificate information in the Provisioning page of the Project Options.
  3. It's possible that the app is installed for another user, in which case the form of adb uninstall will need to be: adb uninstall 'some.package.name' Where 'some.package.name' is the package identifier, e.g. com.embarcadero.FMXClock. This form of the command will uninstall for all users
  4. Yes. If the app does not appear in the icons then it may not have uninstalled properly. See the steps here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32702041/3164070
  5. What's the actual error message(s)?
  6. I assume you've followed the steps as outlined in this video?
  7. The actual error message may help, however I recall seeing problems elsewhere with Redmi and Android 12
  8. Your AndroidManifest.template.xml file is out of date. Delete the file, then rebuild the app, which will recreate the file. If that does not fix the problem, see here:
  9. Dave Nottage

    Android app bundle with RAD Studio 10.2

    Not "out of the box" - it might be possible using a whole bunch of command line commands, however if you're serious about having something on Google Play, you're far better off upgrading. You could start with Delphi 10.4 Community Edition, depending on what you earn.
  10. I get this error when the setup launches FPDelphi after installation:
  11. Dave Nottage

    Unable To Install Android Apk Under Developer Mode Via USB

    Uninstalling the original app would have had the same effect. If you find you need to add that attribute, please refer to:
  12. Dave Nottage

    Unable To Install Android Apk Under Developer Mode Via USB

    If you haven't made any changes to the AndroidManifest.template.xml file in the project, just delete it, and rebuild. If you did make any changes, you'll need to reapply them
  13. Dave Nottage

    Unable To Install Android Apk Under Developer Mode Via USB

    This may be of help: https://stackoverflow.com/a/48524656/3164070
  14. Dave Nottage

    delphi camera focus

    This is a forum for solving problems for other developers. Your answer does not solve the question that was asked. Posting wrong answers only serves to confuse developers that might come across them
  15. Dave Nottage

    delphi camera focus

    Yet another wrong answer. This code only compares what the current mode currently is, with auto (which is not one of the continuous modes) - it does not compensate for what modes are supported
  16. Dave Nottage

    delphi camera focus

    Some do not support it, for example the Samsung S4 apparently does not.
  17. Dave Nottage

    delphi camera focus

    Most front cameras support fixed (TFocusMode.Locked) only. One way (likely the easiest) to resolve this would be to use a patched FMX.Media.Android unit. Copy the unit to the project folder and change this routine: procedure TAndroidVideoCaptureDevice.SetFocusMode(const AFocusMode: TFocusMode); var Params: JCamera_Parameters; // Patch code vars: LFocusModes: JList; LFocusMode: JString; I: Integer; LIsSupported: Boolean; begin Params := Camera.getParameters; if Params = nil then Exit; // Patch code BEGIN LIsSupported := False; LFocusModes := Params.getSupportedFocusModes; for I := 0 to LFocusModes.size - 1 do begin LFocusMode := TJString.Wrap(LFocusModes.get(I)); if ((AFocusMode = TFocusMode.AutoFocus) and LFocusMode.equals(TJCamera_Parameters.JavaClass.FOCUS_MODE_AUTO)) or ((AFocusMode = TFocusMode.Locked) and LFocusMode.equals(TJCamera_Parameters.JavaClass.FOCUS_MODE_FIXED)) or ((AFocusMode = TFocusMode.ContinuousAutoFocus) and LFocusMode.equals(TJCamera_Parameters.JavaClass.FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE)) then begin LIsSupported := True; Break; end; end; if not LIsSupported then Exit; // Patch code END FFocusMode.Value := AFocusMode; UpdateFocusModeParameter(Params); Camera.setParameters(Params); SetAutoFocus; end; This means that if the mode is not supported, it doesn't try and change it, so it will remain either the default, or the last supported mode it was set to.
  18. Dave Nottage

    ChatGPT Example

    Because the URL is probably invalid. It does not appear to be documented anywhere. Because, as the error says, the request is bad. As I said: This should work as long as there's no characters that need escaping in the question variable: rest.PostData := '{"model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "' + question + '", "temperature": 0, "max_tokens": 64}';
  19. Dave Nottage

    ChatGPT Example

    Why did you choose not to include those in your post? Do the quotes here really need to be escaped? Is that URL documented somewhere? I'm unable to find it
  20. The jars I am referring to are not included in the jars that come with Delphi. A number of your answers are very plainly incorrect - you should refrain from doing that because it only confuses other developers.
  21. Remove them from Android 64-bit and add them to Android 32-bit. The IDE knows to use them for both when added there.
  22. It seems you may not have included the vision jars in your project, as per the readme.
  23. Dave Nottage

    Android 13 ask permission for push notification

    In AndroidManifest.template.xml, change %targetSdkVersion% to 33
  24. Dave Nottage

    Android 13 ask permission for push notification

    Yes, I'm having the same problem - I'm looking into it
  25. Dave Nottage

    Android 13 ask permission for push notification

    This value is incorrect - it should be android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS