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Dave Nottage

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Posts posted by Dave Nottage

  1. 2 hours ago, ptlycldy said:

    The application is for an aid in decrypting those "Cryptoquote" puzzles found in newspapers, so maintaining the sentence/line-of-text structure is important.

    Can you describe why it needs to be rich edit?

  2. 1 minute ago, KMarb said:

    Re: when permissions are requested, it's not that I think I need to request outside the main thread, but the logic makes more sense to me to request the permission within the task that downloads the file.

    It makes more sense to request the permissions within the UI thread, because if they're not granted, there's no point in even starting a new thread to perform the task, because it's not going to be able to do anything anyway.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Fabian1648 said:

    1. To have specific links, just type "Delphi 10.3 Android11" in Google

    The example link you gave describes a problem, but does not have enough detail to determine exactly what their issue was. It may be the issue I referred to in my comment, however that also applies to Android 10.

    6 minutes ago, Fabian1648 said:

    2. Personally I haven't tried it but according to some comments on the web an empty app compiled on Delphi 10.3 crashes on Android11

    If it also crashes on Android 10 and Android 12 (or later), then it may be the issue referred to (above). Without further detail, particularly whether the problem happens in a blank app, it's very difficult to determine what it is.



  4. 5 hours ago, philipp.hofmann said:

    But I get an OSStatus error -50 error back during the calls.

    What category are you setting the audio session to? According to the docs for AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers, it needs to be one of: AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, or AVAudioSessionCategoryMultiRoute:




    You might also want to read the docs on AVAudioSessionModeVideoChat:




    Also, what description is it giving for the error, and which calls, exactly? "the calls" is too vague.

  5. Just now, Calum Anderstrem said:

    I have also tried Device Lens 1.3.0 (mentioned by Dave Nottage here), which detects the Android device, displays all processes & allows a screen capture, but clicking the play icon to display notifications only shows one message, and that's it.

    I haven't seen that problem before. What make/model device do you have? Perhaps also include what version of Android is on it
