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Dave Nottage

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Posts posted by Dave Nottage

  1. 54 minutes ago, Raymond Ng said:

    RAD 11 + XCode14 with iOS16 SDK - App crash at start-up on splash screen.

    A blank app starts fine, here.

    54 minutes ago, Raymond Ng said:

    Any ideas ?

    You could try using the debugger?

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, mofareh said:

    i have this code but the parameters post with QueryString ... i want to post parameters with data forms

    Is it failing? If so, what's the response? Also, please show how you are encoding the image to base64. If using TNetEncoding.Base64, you may encounter problems because it inserts line breaks by default, which may not be what the API is expecting.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Rollo62 said:

    Yes, thats problably true ..... until the day when its NOT :classic_biggrin:

    Why gambling russian roulette, just to safe a few minutes time ?

    Well, I guess you could decide not to cross the street in case the Wonder Of The Seas passes through

    • Haha 1

  4. 23 minutes ago, Rollo62 said:

    I would never trust such information, no matter how deeply this was tested

    Given my experience, I would trust it. The times where there has been a binary compatibility issue between updates has been very rare, and rectified soon after, if it happened at all.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Michael W. S. said:

    just wondering if there is a quick fix for biometric on Android 9 using latest D11.x

    There was a "quick fix", however my preference is for something long-term, which I happen to be working on right now. You could try adding this jar to the Android Libraries in the project, however bear in mind the app may still fail depending on what other resources Delphi might deploy.

  6. 40 minutes ago, Michael W. S. said:

    Is there a known issue with Delphi 11.2 and Android 9?

    You mean Delphi 11.1? Delphi 11.2 is yet to be released. I just checked on my Android 9 device - it appears there is an issue. I'll repost again after I've found a solution.

    40 minutes ago, Michael W. S. said:

    I tried adding dw-biometric-2.0.0.jar in right-click Project, Android64-Library but it does not add for some reason.

    Because it needs to be added to Android 32-bit only. It will apply to both.


    38 minutes ago, Michael W. S. said:

    I followed the instructions in the readme to

    a) right-click in Library, Revert System Files to Default

    There are no such instructions in the readme for that demo project. Doing so is what has caused your problem, as it has re-enabled the jars that need to be disabled. Please re-load the original version of the demo project (BiometricD11)




  8. 1 hour ago, guarasemini said:

    I have other 2 app and never took more than 8h.

    About 4 weeks ago I submitted an update to an app for review on Google Play Store and it took 4 days. After 2 days I queried the delay (which was unusual because the previous updates were available within hours) and they replied that such delays occur from time to time.

  9. On 8/26/2022 at 4:16 AM, guarasemini said:

    I received a message that i need api 31 or more.

    The message would be that you need to target API level 31 or more. As pcplayer99 inferred, you will need to modify your AndroidManifest.template.xml, by replacing %targetSdkVersion% with the value: 31. You will also need to add an android:exported="true" attribute to the application node in the same file, so that it looks like this:

            <activity android:name="com.embarcadero.firemonkey.FMXNativeActivity"

    If you changed your SDK settings in Delphi SDK Manager to use API level 31, you should change them back to API level 30 unless you want to be stuck with other problems in the manifest (when compiling the app)

    • Like 1

  10. I'd like to be able to remove a dependency on OpenSSL, which is being used in this routine (original context here😞

    class function TgoSSLHelper.Sign_RSASHA256(const AData: TBytes; const APrivateKey: TBytes;
      out ASignature: TBytes): Boolean;
      BIOPrivateKey: PBIO;
      PrivateKey: PEVP_PKEY;
      Ctx: PEVP_MD_CTX;
      SHA256: PEVP_MD;
      Size: Cardinal;
      BIOPrivateKey := BIO_new_mem_buf(@APrivateKey[0], Length(APrivateKey));
      PrivateKey := PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(BIOPrivateKey, nil, nil, nil);
      Ctx := EVP_MD_CTX_create;
        SHA256 := EVP_sha256;
        if (EVP_DigestSignInit(Ctx, nil, SHA256, nil, PrivateKey) > 0) and
          (EVP_DigestUpdate(Ctx, @AData[0], Length(AData)) > 0) and
          (EVP_DigestSignFinal(Ctx, nil, Size) > 0) then
          SetLength(ASignature, Size);
          Result := EVP_DigestSignFinal(Ctx, @ASignature[0], Size) > 0;
          Result := False;

     I'm a bit green when it comes to cryptography routines, so I'm not exactly sure what it is doing, and the OpenSSL docs are quite verbose, however my goal is to be able to use another library like LockBox, or DCPCrypt (if it can handle it) so as to remove the dependency on OpenSSL. Can someone help replicate it using LockBox3 or perhaps some other (non-commercial) library, or at least point to which classes should be used?

  11. 4 minutes ago, Ian Branch said:

    I know I can put something as the last action in the OnClose event

    Use OnCloseQuery in the main form, and prevent the main form from closing unless the "exit" form has already been shown. If it hasn't been shown, show it 🙂

