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Dave Nottage

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Posts posted by Dave Nottage

  1. 4 hours ago, Arsl01 said:

    Hello, I'm new to the forum, I installed mosco and it was working fine at first, now I'm getting an error, why?

    It gives an error after saying build ipa.

    In future, please report issues regarding Mosco here: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/Mosco/issues


    Also, please provide full error messages, and not images that have parts of the messages cut off. 


    From the little information that is available, it may be you not have followed the required steps, i.e. select App Store build type and do a Deploy (which will fail, but is a necessary step), then use the Build IPA menu item.

  2. 11 hours ago, Felix. said:

    Yes, you're correct

    You still have not explained what are you aiming to do specifically. It may be that whatever it is, can be done some other way.


    11 hours ago, Felix. said:

    Even Delphi comes with a huge number of demos,examples and snippets


    Yes - they're part of a commercial product, i.e. people are paid to write them.

  3. 16 hours ago, vedat said:

    here is the link

    That's information about foreground services. How does "a persistent menu on the status bar for next/play/pause musics" relate to it?

  4. 6 hours ago, Chris Pim said:

    They solved it by adding the legacy BILLING permission back in, so maybe that's something. I've successfully uploaded a new build to Production with this permission turned on along with the meta-tag and activity, and it was accepted no problem.

    I thought that's something that what was causing problems before? Weird. Anyway, good to know, and thanks for the update

  5. 7 hours ago, vedat said:

    As I understand from the research I must use foreground service to make a persistent menu on the status bar for next/play/pause  musics

    Can you provide links to the research that shows that is what is required?

  6. 14 minutes ago, Alisson said:

    Eu também tenho esse problema com rad studio 10.4.2 ,  consegue me enviar o link para ter acesso as correções?

    Links to Installers for Codex 1.5.1 and Mosco 1.2.1. Includes workaround for App Store builds with Xcode 13. Requires at least Mosco to be installed, however the Codex tool adds a convenient way of applying the workaround. Workaround steps:

    • Build/Deploy your app using App Store config (which will "fail" with Xcode 13)
    • If using the workaround in Delphi itself, in Project Manager, right click the root node of the project and click "Build IPA"
    • If using the workaround in Mosco, click the Mosco icon in the system bar to bring up the menu, click Fixes > Build App Store IPA. Select the app from the ~/PAServer/scratch-dir/[username]-[profile]/ folder and click Build


    Use o Google Translate se quiser as instruções em português: https://translate.google.com

  7. 7 hours ago, pcplayer99 said:

    Repeat modify "AndroidManifest.template.xml" again and again, I'm sure if I set targetSDKVersion=29, it can install in my phone successed, if I changed it to targetSDKVersion=30, it install in my phone will be failed and the error message is: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES].

    It's because Delphi 10.4.2 is using Jarsigner instead of APKSigner, which is required for APKs with a target SDK of 30 or higher. There are ways around it, however you are just delaying the inevitable. The bottom line is: If you want to stay current with Android development (or iOS, especially if deploying to the app stores), stay current with Delphi.



  8. There's a couple of problems with your deployment to Google Play:


    One of them suggests you're using a older project in Delphi 11, and have not performed "Revert System Files to Default" for at least Android 64-bit (my device is 64-bit so it only installs an .apk for 64-bit), in the Libraries node for the target platform, in Project Manager

    The other suggests the deployment information is incorrect for at least 64-bit. Once you have deployed, go into Deployment Manager, and select Android 64-bit target. Make sure there aren't any greyed out items that shouldn't be. You may have to use the Revert button (looks like an Undo icon) to make sure the entries are correct, then rebuild and redeploy.



  9. 11 hours ago, DiegoR said:

    i have the same problem.

    Apparently it's an issue with debugging iOS apps when using Monterey. Unfortunately it seems the current workaround is to use an earlier version of macOS 😞


    11 hours ago, corneliusdavid said:

    I can't debug it because it gets an error: "tcp:64311: cannot resolve name: No address associated with hostname"

       What version of Android is on the device? If it's 8.0, you'll need to upgrade it to 8.1, if possible. Otherwise, it could be an issue with which NDK is being used: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69238129/delphi-11-tcp64311-cannot-resolve-name-no-address-associated-with-hostname

  11. I have a client who is using JEDI VCS and would like to use the add-in for Delphi, however there is as yet no version for Delphi 11. They have attempted to contact Uwe Schuster, however there has been no response.


    Does anyone know whether anyone has access to the source that can build the add-in for Delphi 11?
