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Dave Nottage

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Posts posted by Dave Nottage

  1. 3 hours ago, Eric Bonilha said:

    the blank app just crashes when opening.. in fact I can't even debug it because it crashes before Application.Initialize is even called

    Please make sure you don't have any source files in the path that shouldn't be. Starting/compiling/deploying a blank app works fine for me, using Xcode 13.1, Delphi 11, iOS 15.1 on my device.

  2. 10 hours ago, KenR said:

    You need XCode 13.1 and not sure if that will then work with Delphi 11 patch


    2 hours ago, KenR said:

    I get the same

    Works fine here.

  3. 4 hours ago, Eric Bonilha said:

    When debugging, I got an Error 6 while app is initializing. "Project1 raised exception class 6"

    I wasn't having any issues with iOS 15.0.2. Just updated my device to iOS 15.1, and everything is still working OK so far. Delphi 11, Xcode 13.0, iOS 15.0 SDK

    • Like 1

  4. 2 hours ago, MichaMD said:

    i get a popup:

    java.lang.nullpointerException:attempt to invoke virtual method


    android.content.pm.ProviderInfo.loadXmlMetaData(android.content.pm.PackageManager,Java.lang.String)' on a null object reference.

    This is usually because the Secure File Sharing checkbox in the Entitlements List in the Project Options is unchecked, and it needs to be checked

  5. 48 minutes ago, KenR said:

    Is there a way of running on the iPhone locally as I can't manage to do so.

    An App Store build? Not until it is in TestFlight or actually on the App Store and you install it from there. Are you unable to deploy a build in Developer config?

  6. 32 minutes ago, Walter Campelo said:

    Is there any information about this issue already available?

    PAServer does issue the xcodebuild commands that you referred to, when building an IPA for App Store. Using PackageApplication was removed after Xcode 8.3 was released, so either PAServer thinks you have Xcode 8.2 or earlier, or you actually do have that on your machine. On your Mac, in a command line (Terminal) window, can you run:

    /usr/bin/xcodebuild -version

    and report the results?



  7. 6 hours ago, billyb said:


    This one possibly means there's a bug in TFMXTextRange.Destroy (FMX.Platform.iOS on line 1768 in 10.4.2). The references are being set to nil, but they're Delphi object references. Some of the others may be happening as a result. One way to check would be to make a copy of FMX.Platform.iOS and put it in the project folder, then modify TFMXTextRange.Destroy to call Free on the references

  8. 5 hours ago, ertank said:

    Though, it is still not working even above quote error is fixed.

    I expect that part of the reason is because the minSdkVersion is 23, which corresponds to Android 6. You should change %minSdkVersion% in AndroidManifest.template.xml to 21, and refer to the section "Important information about the NDK settings" here regarding changing the NDK settings.

  9. 16 hours ago, ertank said:

    You can find it attached.

    The xml in the file is invalid, because of a missinq quote on line 40:




    Perhaps AndroidManifest.template.xml was modified and the closing quote was removed by mistake?

  10. 12 hours ago, KenR said:

    Can anyone tell me if this combination will work

    Not at present, deploying iOS apps for App Store configuration with Xcode 13 is currently broken: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-35701


    One solution is to revert to Xcode 12.5.1. Another is to use a workaround I have created, however it requires installing at least Mosco 1.2.1 (a macOS app):

    Workaround steps:

    1. Install at least Mosco, and Codex if using the workaround from Delphi
    2. Build/Deploy your app using App Store config (which will "fail" with Xcode 13)
    3. If using the workaround in Delphi itself, in Project Manager, right click the root node of the project and click "Build IPA". 
      If using the workaround in Mosco, click the Mosco icon in the system bar to bring up the menu, click Fixes > Build App Store IPA. Select the app from the ~/PAServer/scratch-dir/[username]-[profile]/ folder and click Build

    Links to installers:




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  11. 6 hours ago, ertank said:

    There is a problem with the packet parsing.

    Are you sure the error doesn't actually say: "..problem parsing the package"? It is important to ensure that error messages you quote are exact, otherwise it may be difficult for others to help.


    In your case, it may be an issue with the manifest (AndroidManifest.xml in the project's output folder). Can you attach it here?
