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Dave Nottage

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Posts posted by Dave Nottage

  1. 6 hours ago, MikeMon said:

    I'm attaching the log from the XCode Console.

    There does not appear to be anything in the log that gives any clues as to why it hangs. This why it's important to also use the debugger and/or refine the code into a reproducible test case.

  2. 41 minutes ago, ertank said:

    I am uncertain why. Registry search did not find me anything that I think is relevant. There is no "javac" location setting in SDK settings

    As far as the SDK settings go, I believe it derives the JDKPath from one or either of the JDK settings:




    You can check this in the registry:



  3. 7 hours ago, MikeMon said:

    the error I'm getting is when I use the latest Firebase SDK 6.14. When I use 6.3 it's compiling fine

    Yes, I have that issue too. I've been meaning to report the problem.


    7 hours ago, MikeMon said:

    When I click yes and every time I run the app after that it is hanging

    It presents the prompt every time you run it? Which app is this?

  4. Not that it would affect many users (if any), but in FMX.Edit.Style:


        FNeedChange: Boolean;
        procedure Change; virtual;
        { Messages From Model}
        procedure MMSelLenghtChanged(var AMessage: TDispatchMessageWithValue<Integer>); message MM_EDIT_SELLENGTH_CHANGED;
        procedure MMSelStartChanged(var AMessage: TDispatchMessageWithValue<Integer>); message MM_EDIT_SELSTART_CHANGED;
        procedure MMCheckSpellingChanged(var AMessage: TDispatchMessageWithValue<Boolean>); message MM_EDIT_CHECKSPELLING_CHANGED;

    Spot the typo. The last method name pictured is ironic.


    Someone should whip up a "spell checker" (of sorts) to see how many of these there are 😉


    • Like 1

  5. 10 hours ago, MikeMon said:

    Any latest tutorials or links on how to set up Firebase Push notifications on iOS?

    If by "setup" you're referring to how to set up a project in Firebase Console, you should start here:



    ..and watch until the 4:52 mark (the rest is not relevant to Delphi)


    For Delphi code to implement FCM on iOS, you could refer to this article:



  6. 6 hours ago, ertank said:

    I am using Delphi 10.3.3. I would like to read caller number right at the time phone is ringing

    It would help to specify which platform(s) you want to achieve this on. If it's iOS/Android, then using the OnCallStateChanged method of IFMXPhoneDialerService is supposed to allow you to know when an incoming call starts, and using the GetCurrentCalls method should contain the number. That said, iOS now restricts being able to access the actual number. Also, I know others have had problems with making IFMXPhoneDialerService work at all on Android. I don't know whether that's the case now, however I use my own (non-public) code for it anyway.



  7. 35 minutes ago, Rollo62 said:

    So why should Bluetooth require GPS sensor ?

    Apparently this is the reason:




    I nearly fell off my chair when I read that: essentially give up your location privacy so no-one can steal your Bluetooth Mac address? Perhaps someone else can explain why that's a good thing.

  8. 7 hours ago, Maher Tannous said:

    I got an error here ( LAccounts.get(0) )

    That part should be more like this:

      LAccounts := TJTelecomManager.Wrap(TAndroidHelper.JObjectToID(LService)).getCallCapablePhoneAccounts;
      if LAccounts <> nil then
        for I := 0 to 1 do
          if LAccounts.size > I then
            LPhoneAccountHandle := TJPhoneAccountHandle.Wrap(TAndroidHelper.JObjectToID(LAccounts.get(I)));
            Intent.putExtra(StringToJString('android.telecom.extra.PHONE_ACCOUNT_HANDLE'), LPhoneAccountHandle);

