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Everything posted by bravesofts

  1. Is there a safe solution to block the main thread smoothly without freezing the app while waiting our task to complete "using the right task way above.. " Especially in mobile devices
  2. About my repository didn't help you understand my request... --- I simply if I Don't use itask.ExecuteWork; and use the regular Start; The main thread App will not wait for task completion and execute the next line code... But with executeWork I succeeded to force main thread App to wait smoothly without freezing the app.... I don't like use sleep function inside while loop in order to execute background thread... --- Try to use my wrong code (like I said before it's not complete...) in VCL and FMX windows example and you will find the magic of executeWork method.. --- NB: sorry for my wrong solution in my GIthub..
  3. In android maybe android service could help... Or add some Java activities that play our background threads safely while our main thread App is using while loop application.processmessage;
  4. Unfortunately didn't help at all... I see that post before..
  5. Is there any solution targeting the mobile devices!! ---- I'm afraid that : Delphi does not support background threads in Android and iOS devices !! ---- And if yes... I think it's OS problem or Firemonkey single Main Activity doesn't accept more activities !!!
  6. This is my git repository uses that method executeWork: Wait Solution Here Maybe help to understand my request.. Nb: my repo not complete yet... Wait Solution (VCL/FMX) Stop the Use of Stupid Sleep function !! Now with this Solution : your Main thread Should Wait until your wait function finsh her work without freezing the entire App using the stupid Sleep function !!! other Threads that are runing outside your MainThread (they still could work without Any Problem!!) using the method ExecuteWork from ITask we can force the App to wait until Our WaitThread finish work
  7. First : i have this code: type TClass_Instance = class(TClass_Ancestor) end; what happen at runtime when our program is using this Unit? i mean exactly this Explicit : TClass_Instance = class(TClass_Ancestor) does this Allocate something in Memory ? or system resources .... second: ihave this declaration here: var vObj_Instance: TClass_Instance; begin end; what happen at runtime when we are declaring some Objects ? i mean exactly this Declaration : vObj_Instance: TClass_Instance; does this Allocate something in Memory ? or system resources .... third: i have this code here: type {$M+} TBaseForm = class(TForm) // This my template Base Form procedure Abstracted_Event(Sender: TObject); virtual; abstract; end; TSubBase_1 = class(TBaseForm) // SubBase_1 Members goes here .. published procedure Abstracted_Event(Sender: TObject); Override; end; TSubBase_2 = class(TBaseForm) // SubBase_2 Members goes here .. published procedure Abstracted_Event(Sender: TObject); Override; end; TSubBase_3 = class(TBaseForm) // SubBase_3 Members goes here .. published procedure Abstracted_Event(Sender: TObject); Override; end; i have this super procedure for calling sub forms acording to their Class Names: procedure Get_SubForm(AFormClass: TFormClass; aOwner: TComponent; aParent: TWinControl); var vObjInstance: TBaseForm; // Define Object Instance Type; vRef: TBaseForm; // our Object vRef is the Universal variable for All SubForms that inherited from TBaseForm begin vObjInstance := TBaseForm(AFormClass.NewInstance); //Fill Object [vObjInstance] with [AFormClass.NewInstance] .. vRef := vObjInstance.Create(aOwner); //Fill Object [vRef] with [vObjInstance.Create] .. try vRef.Parent := aParent; vRef.Align := alClient; vRef.BorderStyle := bsNone; vRef.OnShow := vRef.Abstracted_Event; finally vRef.Show; end; end; my question is : what happen here: vObjInstance := TBaseForm(AFormClass.NewInstance); //Fill Object [vObjInstance] with [AFormClass.NewInstance] .. at runtime ...? does this line Above is trying to replace the first declaration Above here: var vObjInstance: TBaseForm; // Define Object Instance Type; in other words: does NewInstance Above is trying to redeclare our variable vObjInstance with Another Type ? if not (so what happen exactlly ?) Another sample Example: procedure TFrmMain.Btn_CreateObjClick(Sender: TObject); var vObj_Instance: TButton; // declaration Type of our Object vRef: TButton; begin vObj_Instance := TButton(TButton.NewInstance); vRef := vObj_Instance.Create(Self); try vRef.Parent := Self; vRef.Name := 'Btn_vObj'+ ComponentCount.ToString; vRef.SetBounds(Round(8 * fScaleFactor), Round(48 * fScaleFactor), Round(185 * fScaleFactor), Round(41 * fScaleFactor)); finally vRef.Visible := True; end; end; here i'm using the same approach Above that using TBaseForm but with one base Class TButton my question is: we used to use this Rule here: <vObject> := <ClassName>.<ConstructorName> ; but here we have an object trying to Allocate the memory (fiil the Class inside that variable) for Another Object ... my Remark: procedure TFrmMain.Btn_CreateObjClick(Sender: TObject); var // vObj_Instance: TButton; vRef: TButton; begin // vObj_Instance := TButton(TButton.NewInstance); vRef := Btn_CreateObj.Create(Self); try vRef.Parent := Self; vRef.Name := 'Btn_vObj'+ ComponentCount.ToString; vRef.SetBounds(Round(8 * fScaleFactor), Round(48 * fScaleFactor), Round(185 * fScaleFactor), Round(41 * fScaleFactor)); finally vRef.Visible := True; end; end; if we click on button Btn_CreateObj the object will be created but the Button Btn_CreateObj will be disappear !!! and when closing the app will have a memory leaks !!! my Approach of using another variable as a mediator, remind me with A & B replacement values var A, B, C: integer; begin A := 10; B := 5; // Solving requiring us Another Variable with the same Type C := A; A := B; B := C; // AND IT'S DONE .. end; finally: what is a Class Instance and an Object Instance? and is my Approach for creating base forms is a good approach or not ? thanks in Advance...
  8. honestly i'm a native Delphi !!! ------- my post here is to understand exactly what delphi is that i was used before without a deep attention to delphi details
  9. and what about the exe it's self ? does A variable having a type equal to a class is actually a pointer to the memory allocated for the class instance inside the exe it's self and not comming from calling the constructor. !!! i mean the delphi is deployed for us a ready to use objects variables that pointer to the exe it's self (pre Allocated Classes)
  10. i have this Abstract Base Unit : unit UBase; interface uses System.Classes; type TBaseAbstract = class(TComponent) procedure Method(aObjectEvent: TNotifyEvent); virtual; abstract; end; TConcrete = class(TBaseAbstract) procedure Method(aObjectEvent: TNotifyEvent); override; strict private fReadOnlyProperty: string; public constructor New(aValue: string; aOwner: TComponent); destructor Destroy; override; property ReadOnlyProperty: string Read fReadOnlyProperty; // Read Only Property .. end; implementation { TConcrete } destructor TConcrete.Destroy; begin inherited; end; procedure TConcrete.Method(aObjectEvent: TNotifyEvent); begin aObjectEvent(Self) end; constructor TConcrete.New(aValue: string; aOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(aOwner); fReadOnlyProperty := aValue + Self.ClassName +' ] '+ sLineBreak + 'Object Instance Name is: [' + Self.Name +' ]'; end; end. in my App Demo Main Form i have this: var FrmMain: TFrmMain; implementation uses UBase; var fConcrete: TConcrete; fBASE: TBaseAbstract; {$R *.dfm} procedure TFrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin fConcrete := TConcrete.New('i''m a Read Only PROPERTY of [ ', Self); end; procedure TFrmMain.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin fConcrete.Free; end; procedure TFrmMain.Btn_Normal_EventClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage('i''m an Event of [ ' + Sender.ClassName +' ] '+ sLineBreak + ' And My Object Instance Name IS: [ ' + TComponent(Sender).Name +' ]'); end; procedure TFrmMain.Btn_Call_MethodClick(Sender: TObject); begin fBASE := TConcrete.Create(nil); try fBASE.Method(Btn_Normal_Event.OnClick); finally fBASE.Free; end; end; procedure TFrmMain.Btn_Call_Abstract_MethodClick(Sender: TObject); begin fConcrete.Method(Btn_Normal_Event.OnClick); end; procedure TFrmMain.Btn_Get_Concret_PropertyClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage(fConcrete.ReadOnlyProperty); end; end. Btn_Normal_EventClick work correctlly (i got the name of this button when i click on it [Btn_Normal_Event]) but from fConcrete or fBase whether using Abstract Method or GetProperty the NAME IS EMPTY !!! ------------ do i missing something ?
  11. wow it seems a complicated backstage that the developer like me didn't know or even think about it previously !!! ------- i need to a respect time to understand exactly what happen inside that designtime backstage !!! thank you All for this Very valuable information ...
  12. i have another Kinda strange question: (Maybe a Stupid hhh :) ) why the components that we create at designtime can call them using their NAME's Rather Call them from their Variables Names that Contains them ? in runtime we can do this for ex: procedure CreateButton(aParent: TWinControl; aBtnEvent: TNotifyEvent); var vButton: TButton; begin vButton := TButton.Create(Self); try vButton.Parent := aParent; vButton.Name := 'Btn_Test'; vButton.SetBounds(10, 10, 100, 25); vButton.Caption := 'Test'; vButton.OnClick := aBtnEvent; finally vButton.Visible := True; end; end; whereas any Object created at designtime we call them using their Name !!! -------- what is the secret thing or the missing part that should i know (seriously) to understand the difference between an Object Name at DesignTime & Obj Name RunTime ? -------- i know Logically that we can't Call any Obj not yet created in designtime from his NAME because it is not reconized for our Project yet (Therefore, we used variables instead), whereas we can call Objects that was created at designTime just from their Names because our Project know them & Recognize them !!(so how did recognize them and use TComponentName which is a string by default as pointer or i don't know as whatever is !!!) ------- what i mean exactlly: what happen to any OBJ CREATED AT DESIGNTIME makes delphi & our project call them from thier Names instead of variables Names like the RunTime Scenario does ?? -------- i know that my question is trivial & stupid !!! but (seriously) i'm lost here (i know that i missing An essential thing that childrens know ....) plz clarify to me the Secret behind delphi backstage designtime objects !!! Notice: All Objects will at the end created Atruntime (so why designtime is a superbox than others !!! (is a designtime = a temporary or pre runtime section or what is the word that can describe this superbox better than designtime ???) ) -------- in another meaning: why TComponentName of any OBJECT from ObjectInspector IS totally different from TComponentName of Runtime of any Object !!! they are both a string (TComponentName = type string;) from System.Classes -------- thanks in advance
  13. thank you All for All this Infos ... ----- Really i'm not just low on caffeine :) i Missing one of the Pillar of delphi language hhh
  14. is it fBase the name of that Object fBase ? and fConcrete the name of fConcrete Object -------- for example the NORMAL Button when user click on it it will give him the TButton as ClassName and the Btn_Normal_Event as Object Name where the Default was Button1 in Delphi
  15. i test also the code for a Normal Class with ancestor TComponent the same Result !!! ------ why ?
  16. i read carefully this Emb docwiki page here And this sentence caught my eye: Note: ShortString is used by the Delphi desktop compilers, but is not supported by the Delphi mobile compilers. For more information, see Migrating Delphi Code to Mobile from Desktop. does this mean a desktop program is compatible to work with this shortstring without any future problems while in mobile can't ...? or shortstring is not compatible for any platform (is just maintained for backward compatibility only. like coding a library for example ...) ----- Also : if my first understanding is true, why there is no shortstring in mobile platforms (I think the mobile platforms is the first and most deserving of this Short TYPE HAhA HAhA HAhA ) Also: why Shortstring is Old and eliminated or Died while Byte Still Alive... ------------- Note: My question is Related with this Question here.
  17. bravesofts

    Change Scroll bar color

    try to add TScrollbar and make it related with that SynEdit and finally you will have a completely separated scrollbar with StyleElement property don't forget to make Scrollbars property to ssNone for your SynEdit
  18. is there a possible way to SetLength using [Max Length] for arg of string in a Method ? function foo(aValue: string [20]): Result; procedure foo(aValue: string [20]); this question is just a Curious question and nothing more ..
  19. It seems to me that this technique is not implemented yet !! (not only delphi maybe all languages) --------- and thank you All for the Advice about the shortstring ...
  20. the valid code that can fit to my question is this: type TTwenty: string [20]; function foo(aValue: TTwenty): Result; procedure foo(aValue: TTwenty); i hope my question is clear now ----------- is ther a way to avoid declaring a new custom types for every arg ? ----------- Note: My question is Always a Curious question ..
  21. is it possible to create an Enumeration Type at runtime ?
  22. while EnumTypes was just a const list of predefined values ... i think it is impossible or a kind of crazy to make a dynamic declaration for it !!!! same thing with any const value that we use in our Apps ... -------- my conclusion: An Enumeration Type is just a predefined const list of values ------- Answer is no way logically and not unfortunatelly
  23. let think that delphi has just Enum Types for just a second and think about my Random Scenario Above is impose us to use just the Enum Type !!!! ---------- i know that scenario it wasn't able to convincing you to use the Enum Type (and me too) but i want to know just if delphi has dynamic (Enum Types )