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  1. FranzB

    Some functions for Linux

    what did you do in the meantime ? I also need omnithread for UBUNTU
  2. FranzB

    Omnithread for UBUNTU

    is there any plan when this update will be available ? Any first version available ... in order to compile my existing windows code to UBUNTU .
  3. I create a working folder with this statement workingpath : String; myfolder : String; /// example workingpath :='\\myserver\username\options\process\'; myfolder := 'Runme\results\txt\'; ForceDirectories ( workingpath + myfolder); after completing my work I want to delete everything in myfolder , keep workingpath untouched Any good inverse function ?
  4. FranzB

    Jupyter Notebook with P4D

    can I start Jupyter Notebooks using P4D components ? P4D is installed, can this be done with Delphi code or / and python code what I need a) check if notebook is available on my computer c) start a new notebook regarding a) pip install notebook regarding b) jupyter notebook
  5. would like to understand the difference in the uses statement between uses System.Types; vs. uses Types; After a long time I need to recompile an application which has already been successfully compiled for the LINUX OS. Today the compiler claims I need to change from Types only to system.Types . This is basically not a big deal but I want to understand why this happened. my unit scope names are definded as : FMX;Winapi;System;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win
  6. FranzB

    difference .optset and .dproj file

    we use a JENKINS build server , JENKINS works with Delphi via MSBuild option (I guess .... ) . As a software developer in my case , I must supply path to project , projectfile (*.dproj) and .optset file for generation of or executeables. My first idea fails to create two separate *.optset files for VCL and FMX framework as the supply for the unit scope names via different *.optset files is not working FXM : FMX;Winapi;System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap VCL : VCL;Winapi;System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap the source code of my dll is here mydllproject.dpr ( as for all of us 🙂 ) . I don't want to create 2 different source code versions with the identical source code , just to have different *.dpr *.dproj and *.optset files
  7. FranzB

    difference .optset and .dproj file

    the project is an DLL. Yes can save the project file twice like mywork.FMX and mywork.VCL . But this requires each time I update a single line code in one version, I need to manually also update the second one . Not a desired solution path
  8. I want to compile one project with 2 totally different compiler settings/options , one version goes to the VCL - the other to the FMX framework etc... What is the role of project file and optset file? Unit scope names are only defined in the project file , but I need to exchange it using the optset file while compiling for the other framework.
  9. FranzB

    Utility to import/convert simple Python code

    Delphi Community edition is free, just download latest DELPHI 🙂 https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi/starter/free-download?aldSet=en-GB
  10. thanks, the issue is now solved ... did too much coding in JAVA as well 🙂
  11. I want to compile this test code below for regular expressions, but none uses option works for me ... error [dcc32 Fatal Error] ..... .pas(10): F2613 Unit 'System.Generics.Collections.TArray' not found. uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Memo.Types, FMX.StdCtrls, FMX.ScrollBox, FMX.Memo, FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.Edit, // System.Generics.Collections.TArray, // System.TArray, System.RegularExpressions;; ..... procedure TForm2.Button_evalregexpressionsClick(Sender: TObject); var regex: string; analysistxt: string; list: TArray<string>; item: String; begin regex := Edit_regexp.Text; analysistxt := Edit_analysisText.Text; list := TRegEx.Split(analysistxt, regex); for item in list do begin ShowMessage(item); end; end; end.
  12. which unit contains the TArray class , I*m using Delphi 10.4 not working units : System.Generics.Collections.TArray, System.TArray,
  13. MyWord is the string i want to extract, in the brackets come a list of numbers or strings LongList ( 1,2,3,4,5) Towns ( Paris, London, NY, Berlin) later I also need to extract the text between the brackets and need to port this code to delphi txt = "Town (my) simple test"; reg = /((.*))/; Ausgabe = txt.match(reg);
  14. I need to extract a word from a text file, the word is defined like MyWord ( ......... . ); MyWord( .....) MyWord ; MyWord; Can I extract MyWord with one regex expression or do I need 2 spilt lines of code and compare ? list := TRegEx.Split(Input_Text, '(' );
  15. I use this code below to read an integer value from an database aObject.IntValue := Fieldbyname('IntegerField').AsInteger; my code is functional, if there is an integer value stored. Reading an " " empty field I get an exception failure. What is the best coding style to avoid this error in an application ?