It's not $1000 specifically 😉
unit amLocalization.Import.XLIFF;
function IsAnsi(c: char): boolean; Inline;
// Result := (c <= #$FF); [JD]
Result := (Ord(c) <= $FF);
unit amLocalization.Persistence;
// case Value of [JD]
// #$20..#$7E,
// #$A0..#$D7FF,
// #$E000..#$FFFD:
case Ord(Value) of
unit amLocalization.Normalization;
function IsAnsi(c: char): boolean; Inline;
// Result := (c <= #$FF); [JD]
Result := (Ord(c) <= $FF);
Ouch, that version got an error immediately on startup. That is the Invalid source language ID: 2000 that I also get when running from the debugger (I put ignore/handle breakpoints around those when testing). I have attached the bugreport.txt. That error occurs a second time after choosing the Helloworld example.
I could then continue the program.
After setting target language to Dutch, choosing Update, then Build (all languages) worked.
I assume that if I download new sources these will work too, but I'll wait until the constant warnings are out as well. I have no need to run from the IDE, that was just out of curiosity.