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Jan Doggen

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Everything posted by Jan Doggen

  1. Jan Doggen

    ANN: Better Translation Manager released

    New question: I just reread the documentation and it says that "if you run the application where the regional settings have been configured as "German (Germany)", then the HelloWorld.DEU resource module will be automatically loaded and all translated texts will appear in German." Can a program be written in such a way that it picks a *specified* language file. Preferably at runtime (sometime during program startup). Or is BTM just not the tool for that?
  2. Jan Doggen

    ANN: Better Translation Manager released

    It's not $1000 specifically 😉 unit amLocalization.Import.XLIFF; function IsAnsi(c: char): boolean; Inline; begin // Result := (c <= #$FF); [JD] Result := (Ord(c) <= $FF); end; unit amLocalization.Persistence; // case Value of [JD] // #$20..#$7E, // #$A0..#$D7FF, // #$E000..#$FFFD: case Ord(Value) of $20..$7E, $A0..$D7FF, $E000..$FFFD: unit amLocalization.Normalization; function IsAnsi(c: char): boolean; Inline; begin // Result := (c <= #$FF); [JD] Result := (Ord(c) <= $FF); end; Ouch, that version got an error immediately on startup. That is the Invalid source language ID: 2000 that I also get when running from the debugger (I put ignore/handle breakpoints around those when testing). I have attached the bugreport.txt. That error occurs a second time after choosing the Helloworld example. I could then continue the program. After setting target language to Dutch, choosing Update, then Build (all languages) worked. I assume that if I download new sources these will work too, but I'll wait until the constant warnings are out as well. I have no need to run from the IDE, that was just out of curiosity. bugreport.txt
  3. Jan Doggen

    ANN: Better Translation Manager released

    (How) Is Windows supposed to know that a .NLD is a dll?
  4. Jan Doggen

    ANN: Better Translation Manager released

    Sorry, I can't get this to work - New Project based on the Helloworld example - Source language was set to EN/US, target to Dutch - Update project to read in the forms/resources If I click Build/Dutch or Build/all languages, in TResourceModuleWriter.BeginWrite, the line FResourceHandle := BeginUpdateResource(PChar(FFilename), True); gives an OS error 193 %1 is not a valid Win32 application. FFilename is D:\BTM\Examples\HelloWorld\Win32\Debug\HelloWorld.NLD at that point, so indeed, not an application 😉 What can be going on?