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bill parish

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Everything posted by bill parish

  1. Delphi10.2.3: OTL, FMX, ACTIVEX DCOM i have a big problem in my code to call the parallel.Async many times i have 6 ActiveX DCOM in Delphi, and wanna call these in same time, to calculate an invoice, so in my exe i work with OTL to async all calls activex, i don't like to wait result or freeze my screen. Parallel.Async( procedure (const task: IOmniTask) var iInnerExc: integer; begin /// ***********************************************************/// { return Log} TLogSingleton.Instance().Log('Services XX calcul: Début appel.',True); //************************* PARALLEL ASYNC ****************************// // executed in background thread try // {Create instance de ViewModel annexes: XXServiceXX} mainViewModelPreCalculOTLLevel03 := CreateMainViewModelOTLLevel03Class; {Affecter le même Model principal} mainViewModelPreCalculOTLLevel03.Model := fModel; {Suscribe the observer in list} mainViewModelPreCalculOTLLevel03.Provider.Subscribe(fSubscriber); {Call VieModel.ServiceXX} mainViewModelPreCalculOTLLevel03.StartPrecalcul; except on e:exception do {call the raise, juste ci dessous, dans le onterminated Handle} raise Exception.Create('Exception lors du traitement de Service XX.'); end; end, Parallel.TaskConfig.OnTerminated( procedure (const task: IOmniTaskControl) var excp: Exception; begin // executed in main thread if assigned(task.FatalException) then begin {expoiler l'exception, captcher ci dessus} excp := task.DetachException; TErrorSingleton.Instance().Log(Format('Service XX: [Fin TASK Error]. %s:%s',[excp.ClassName, excp.Message]),True); FreeAndNil(excp); end else begin // executed in main thread { return Log} TLogSingleton.Instance().Log('Services calcul: [Fin TASK] Fin appel traitement.',True); SendNotification([actServiceXXFinish]); end; end )); the Active X Call in exe FMX: (the server activeX is integreted in framework, i don't have the source code, and i don't know haw it writen) _Dm_Dcom := CreateObject('SERVICE.XX.CLT.SERVICEXX', 'DEFAUT') as ICoServiceXX; //Instance of the DLL //CALL the function in ServiceXX_impl _Dm_Dcom.GETTRaitementServiceXX(SafeArrayIn,SafeArrayOut,FListnerForPushNotif ); //with SafeArrayIn =Json IN, and take result in SafeArrayOut; FListnerForPushNotif to send notification (Type Interface: Iunknow) the ActiveX initialization in every SERVICEXX (DLL) TAutoObjectFactory.Create(ComServer, TTest, Class_Test, ciMultiInstance, tmApartment); in this DLL; we have ServiceXX_impl unit, we have one function to call traitement in another class, we can found a communication with the IInterface (published) to send notif like this: (FListnerForPushNotif as IDataListnerForPushNotification).PushNotificationForLog('Message to send to client side'); //we have many logs types: event, Error, Exception //PushNotificationForLog, PushNotificationForError,PushNotificationForException this is my call, i repeat it 6 times, Parallel.Async( CALL01 ); Parallel.Async( CALL01 ); Parallel.Async( CALL02 ); Parallel.Async( CALL06 ); i don't need to freeze my exe, and i don't need to wait, with SendNotification([actServiceXXFinish]); or other Action like "actService01Finish", "actService02Finish" i can kown if my traitement is finished or not, finaly, if i write all 6 calls, i will fall in many and many problems, like freeze screen, and deadlock (the only solution kill the process crl+alt+supp), but if i write only one call, it will be perfect, i have, my result, but the freeze screen persist, Conclusion: 1- with many calls: problems: screen freeze, traitement not working, --> kill the process. 2- with one only call: problems: screen freeze: the "TAniIndicator" not working and the screen freeze when Delphi enter in the other DLL (activeX). Nota: the Exe is FMX (in another step it will be a Form application), the 6 services are DLL (ActiveX DCOM). plz help me
  2. it's ok now, 🙂