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    Delphi 10.4 Sydney

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  1. c0d3r

    Modern StandBy

    We don't see why windows got recreated and how to check HWND values before standby and after the wakeup, because we never know when its entering modern standby mode and when its waken up.
  2. c0d3r

    Modern StandBy

  3. c0d3r

    Modern StandBy

    HI, Remy As stated in my post #1, we are using PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification, call back routine, but we get ZERO notification when entry/exit from Modern Standby/Resume (regular Windows sleeping/wake up is working fine). Any difference between PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification and your RegisterSuspendResumeNotification. As the sample code we use to test, very simple, a TTimer and a Memo field on a vcl form, and OnTimer event (every 1 second): procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Lines.Add(TimeToStr(Now)); end; NO output in the memo field after exit from Modern StandBy mode.
  4. c0d3r

    Modern StandBy

    Got the report back: TTimer was suspended and never resumed after exit from Modern standby mode (S0). It looks to me that all activities in the applications threads and windows message handlers were suspended, never being resumed.
  5. c0d3r

    Modern StandBy

    Good idea. will do it and report back.
  6. c0d3r

    Modern StandBy

    Is this the new requirement for this? The regular Windows sleeping/wake up don't need this GUID, which was working just fine.
  7. c0d3r

    Modern StandBy

    I thought so, BUT there is no new PING records in the server database after exit from the standby, so I think the timer is dead completely (I was at least waiting for 5+ minutes to check).
  8. c0d3r

    Modern StandBy

    Hi, All Our client application used a timer (TTimer) to send a ping to our application server every 60 seconds. It seems that the timer being killed by Windows when entering the Modern Standby mode, and never being re-activated when exit. The big problem is that Windows seems never send notification to all the applications when entering/exit from the modern standby mode. any way we could restart the timer? BTW, We did register power notification call back, like this: var LParameters: DEVICE_NOTIFY_SUBSCRIBE_PARAMETERS; LParameters.ACallback := @DeviceNotifyCallbackRoutine; LParameters.AContext := nil; PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification(DEVICE_NOTIFY_CALLBACK, @LParameters, @FPowerNotify); However, we never got any notifications from Windows, no entry/no exit notifications at all. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Regards, William
  9. Something must be changed, was told it was working just fine on the same computer, and then stop working. They are using Windows 10.
  10. Works for some, won't work for others (not only 1), and they are on Windows 10
  11. The WM_POWER message is obsolete. It is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows-based applications. Applications should use the WM_POWERBROADCAST message.
  12. HI, All I'm getting a strange issue, the following codes were trying logout users when Windows is going to sleep mode. For some reason, it works for some laptops, but it doesn't work for others: procedure WMPowerBroadCast(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_POWERBROADCAST; procedure TMainForm.WMPowerBroadCast(var Msg: TMessage); begin if (Msg.wParam = PBT_APMSUSPEND) or (Msg.wParam = PBT_APMSTANDBY) then begin try Signout; except end; Msg.Result := 1; end; end; Got the report from my client, the signout routine didn't get called when some laptops went to sleep (leave them opened and auto entered Sleep mode or Hitting Power button to force sleeping), but other laptops/PCs were working just fine.
  13. Thanks, I meant thread-personal instances, no shared streams.
  14. HI, All Using Delphi 10.4.2, just wondering if TCompressionStream and TDecompressionStream in System.Zlib unit thread safe or not? Thanks.