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Posts posted by at3s

  1. 1 hour ago, David Heffernan said:

    Then I don't know why you asked if it was possible to do something that you were already doing.

    I'm interesting in eigen tasks solving has been implemented in my project.

    Since an implementation of Aberth–Ehrlich method was fail, I've implemented libopenblas.dll function calling.
    And now I'm trying to implement Eigen library usage as you proposed.
    But speed of calculation is a top priority requirement for me.

  2. 9 hours ago, David Heffernan said:

    Possible. But I doubt it. I bet you are asking different questions, and not comparing like with like. 

    I just trying to check if it's possible to find eigenvalues\eigenvectors using Eigen library so fast as libopenblas.dll does.


    9 hours ago, David Heffernan said:

    Quite simple to call libopenblas from delphi. I do just that.

    I am as well.

  3. 2 minutes ago, David Heffernan said:

    OK, I see. We'll, I don't really know. It seems odd because they use the same algorithm as I understand it. I imagine there is a good explanation. But there'd need to be more detail.  

    I geuss the difference is because LAPACK is based on Fortran math.

    And probably one of reason is Fortran is faster in calculations.

    The other one could be difference in algorythm as well.

    I'm interesting, if it's possible to call a Fortran function within the Delphi code like libopenblas.dll does?

  4. 2 minutes ago, David Heffernan said:

    That would be surprising. I wouldn't want to comment without seeing what options you used when calling the functions.  

    Actually I did not make a wrapper for Eigen library yet, but rather ran within the VC++ code:

    Eigen::MatrixXcd A(n, n);
    Eigen::ComplexEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXcd> es_c(A);

    And simple calling of function from the libopenblas.dll within the Delphi:

    LAPACKE_zgeev(101, 'N', 'V', n, a, lda, w, vl, ldvl, vr, ldvr);

    It was tested for the same 150x150 matrix with the complex values.

    VC++ ComplexEigenSolver: 19.0 s

    Delphi LAPACKE_zgeev:          1.5 s

  5. On 8/20/2020 at 10:10 PM, David Heffernan said:

    ARPACK is recommended for extracting a small number of eigen vectors from a huge problem.


    LAPACK has effective methods for extracting all solutions using a direct method. 


    Neither are easy to use from Delphi. I have done so but it isn't for the faint of heart. Especially ARPACK. 


    The famous C++ Eigen library is very capable though and easy to use. I'd suggest you wrap that in a DLL. 


    Start in Matlab to prove that it can do the calculation sufficiently quickly for a typical matrix that you will work with. 


    Then write a C++ program in Eigen to solve the same problems. Does that work effectively? 


    Then, and only then, try to wrap it up to be called from Delphi. 

    I've noticed that Eigen::ComplexEigenSolver works much slower for large matrices than LAPACKE_zgeev from OpenBLAS library.

  6. 2 minutes ago, mausmb said:



    You didn't specify the path. 


    assests\internal is for deployment


    TPath.GetDocumentsPath, 'db.s3db' is for PATH




    Well, I found solution. It was my bad.

    I had

    FDConnection.Params.OpenMode = omCreateUTF8

    So changing it to omReadWrite rather is a solution.

    • Like 1

  7. 9 hours ago, JDS2018 said:

    Keep all The Query components in data-module, if you keep FDconnection and Query or table in another form this error gives, i had the same issue. so then i kept all tables in side Data-module , its work fine.

    Thank you for your answer.

    Unfortunately it didn't fix my issue.


    Probably I have to describe more details here.

    My SQLite database has predefined tables inside with the data.

    It's added to deploy to an Android device into 'assets\internal'.

    But when I did:

    FDConnection.Connected := True;

    the application raised an exception [FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] ERROR: no such table: items.


    But when I've added code below:

    procedure Tdm.FDConnectionBeforeConnect(Sender: TObject);
      FDConnection.Params.Values['Database'] :=
          TPath.Combine(TPath.GetDocumentsPath, 'db.s3db');
    procedure Tdm.FDConnectionAfterConnect(Sender: TObject);
      FDConnection.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, image_name TEXT, name TEXT)');

    FDQuery opens properly.

    It seems, that database file was not deployed to the Android device.


    What I did wrong?

  8. Few months ago I prepared small demo application used FireDAC SQLite connection on an Android system.

    And it worked fine in an application built in Delphi 10.3.

    Then I updated Delphi to 10.4.

    And now I got:

    Project xxx.apk raised exception class ESQLiteNativeException with message ''. 

    and after that:

    [FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] ERROR: no such table: items.

    Even table 'items' exists in the database file and I did not any changes in sources.


    Anyone had the same issue?

  9. 10 hours ago, David Heffernan said:

    If your goal is to find eigenvalues then you should use a dedicated library for that. There are a good few about that can handle matrices with sizes in the thousands.


    It sounds like you are trying to find roots of the characteristic polynomial. This is not a robust approach.  

    Can you please suggest libraries for the eigenvalues\eigenvectors finding?

    Is it possible to use them in Delphi code?

  10. Here is part of my sources where is a main calculation:


    	  j: SmallInt;
    	  nTmp, nDiv, nRootsValueOfFunction, nRootsValueOfDerivative: TComplex;
    	function _GetValueOfFunction(ACoeff: TEquation; AValue: TComplex): TComplex; // calculate value of function F
    	  Result := ACoeff.GetValueOfFunction(AValue);
    	function _GetValueOfDerivative(ACoeff: TEquation; AValue: TComplex): TComplex;
    	  Result := ACoeff.GetValueOfDerivative(AValue); // calculate value of derivative of function F (F')
    	for i:= 0 to Pred(mxRoots.Cols) do
          if not arrExcited[i] then // is not a "root" yet
            // calculate denominator
            nTmp := 0;
            for j := 0 to Pred(mxRoots.Cols) do
              if j <> i then
                nTmp := nTmp + 1 / (mxPrevRoots[0, i] - mxPrevRoots[0, j]); // mxRoots - array of root candidates; mxPrevRoots - array of "previous" root candidates
            nDiv := mxPrevRootsValueOfFunction[0, i] / mxPrevRootsValueOfDerivative[0, i]; // F/ F'
            mxRoots[0, i] := mxPrevRoots[0, i] - nDiv / (1 - nDiv * nTmp); // current calculated root value
            nRootsValueOfFunction := _GetValueOfFunction(_Self, mxRoots[0, i]); // calculate value of function F in mxRoots[0, i]
            nRootsValueOfDerivative := _GetValueOfDerivative(_Self, mxRoots[0, i]); // calculate value of derivative of function F (F') in mxRoots[0, i]
              (nRootsValueOfFunction = 0)
              ((mxRoots[0, i] - mxPrevRoots[0, i]).Abs <= AMistake) // detect that previous and actual roots values changed less than input error
              arrExcited[i] := True; // array of Boolean; True - root is found
              Inc(iRootsCnt); // total amount of found roots
              mxPrevRootsValueOfFunction[0, i] := nRootsValueOfFunction;
              mxPrevRootsValueOfDerivative[0, i] := nRootsValueOfDerivative;

    Probably someone will tell me what could be wrong here.


    I'll try to compile my code in FPC, but I did not have experience with it and not sure if it's compilable there.

  11. 1 minute ago, Anders Melander said:

    Yes they both suffer from floating point rounding errors. The fact that the exact error values differ doesn't make any difference. All compilers will suffer from this as the imprecision is inherent in the nature of floating point precision. Higher precision will make the error smaller but there will still be errors.


    As David points out the only way to avoid that is to use another algorithm. If that isn't practical then one might try to implement with an arbitrary precision library.

    I'm not agree. As I mentioned above, when I used MPArith library and tested matrice 50x50, I got exactly the same result as Octave (did not test in Matlab, but there is not differences in eigenvalues results).

    I also thought, I did something wrong in initial roots defining (based on Gershgorin circles).

    But when I got that result with MPArith, I was convinced the problem is not in algorithm realization.


    I've implemented Aberth–Ehrlich method for finding all roots of polynomial (actually it's one of steps of eigenvalues finding).

    It works very well with the degree less or equal 25.

    But when degree is larger, my Delphi calculations begin to fail.

    In both cases speed of calctions is acceptable (< 1 sec).

    I'm quite sure it's because an accumulation of errors of very small and very large numbers during calculations.

    For an algorithm needs I've developer

    TComplex = record … end;

    structure based on Double. The same result I got when the base data type is Extended.

    I'm quite sure the problem is not an algorithm, because when I've updated TComplex to use MPArith multi precision library rather, I got exactly the same results as Octave and Matlab programs - so I assume they are correct.

    But in this case time of calculation is veeery slooow (more than 20 min) because MPArith works with the memory rather.

    So my questions are:

    Do you know how to bypass multi precision issue in Delphi?

    Do you think, if I'll port realization of calculation to another programming language (f.e. C++, C# or any other), I'll have no problem with the precision of calculations? Sure, I'll have to wrap it into dll to call within the Delphi code.

    Did you already fixed a similar issue related to multi precision (maybe other more fast library)?

    Any thoughts are welcome.
