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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. This is a link for software to initialize the sim card: https://support.certum.eu/en/cert-offer-card-manager/ According to this: I will do it now with my new set ... EDIT: I can confirm that the sim card can be initialize with the software (link provided above) and you can SET your free fantasy PIN and PUK.
  2. But this means that you can use the sim without PIN ? Of course, not maximun security, but certainly a minimal annoyance. I'll have the "kit" this evening and tomorrow I'll see the various options for playing with it.
  3. I bought an EV certificate yesterday from Certum ( @Patrick PREMARTIN talked about it in a previous post) obviously on physical media (USB Reader + SIM). And they confirmed to me that the SIM is "virgin", it will be written with the certificates once it arrives in my possession and after confirmation of the header data. Again, with each update (I will do it after three years) both the public and private key will be lost because everything will be overwritten. Now I await delivery and the subsequent activation processes. I don't know if the "writing" and activation process will be online or if they will send me something.
  4. DelphiUdIT

    Refactor rename field fails always

    You can simply do from IDE (start it with administror privilege): Double click on "Register":
  5. DelphiUdIT

    Refactor rename field fails always

    I start in Delphi using Rad Studio and I missed lots of "voices" of refactoring menu, they are disabled. (CTRl SHITF E) open the search tab (like if you press (CTRL F)). I don't have that exception. My "interop" are inside "bin" folder and there is a TLB file that you can use to register the "type library".
  6. DelphiUdIT

    What is this flashing message doing there?

    To capture the screen you can simply make a video with your smartphone.
  7. DelphiUdIT

    Resizing Object Inspector Pane in 12.2p2

    I have a monitor (laptop) 2560 x 1660 with 100% scale and a secondary monitor FULL HD. I don't have this issue in whatever configuration I set (like @dummzeuch). I can resize the panels and it's working. Bye
  8. DelphiUdIT

    Where is the VC++ option check box

    I have been using it for many years and have never changed it... int WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinst, unsigned long reason, void* lpReserved) {....}
  9. DelphiUdIT

    for loop variable value after the loop

    And where exactly? It would be useful to know...
  10. DelphiUdIT

    for loop variable value after the loop

    Me too thought that. And it's for this that I start using inline variable, sò no one can use the "index" outside the loop. Bye
  11. DelphiUdIT

    Import .NET Assembly

    The structure was changed and reported to the release notes: The new field "val" is an Hcpar type. It contains the old "HPar" members ("par" pointer) and "&type". So, while before it was possible to access the value of the Tuple directly, now it is accessed via "par": var fDeviceHandle: HTuple; ----- //New way if fDeviceHandle.val.par.l <> 0 then ..... //Old way if fDeviceHandle.val.l <> 0 then Other important thing is that the float field "f" doesn't exist anymore .... (I dont' know any official notes about that). This should not have a major impact on the code, since "f" is a further definition of an identically field type "d", so replacing "f" with "d" in the code will make both the old and new code compile without errors and without any {$IFDEF... This is the first time in many years that they have changed the interface to a basic structure like HTuple making the code totally incompatible with the past. In the past they had changed some definition of some parameters, but by changing only the declaration of the variable everything was back to normal without any change in the "procedural" code (I remember something about the parameters of the "get_mposition" function for example). What I did: 1) Copy all include files (except Halcon.h) in a single directory wherever you want; 2) Run CHET (this is my example): You will see some errors about include files not found ... change the relative path in the source originated the error. Retry the RUN, and go redoing the same until all errors are gone. After that you have the PAS file. Now You have to change (in reality move at the top of file) some declarations, for obviuos reasons that you will see ... is more complicated to explain that to do. Some change to definitions (like NULL), and you should also modifiy some declarations that point to wrong DLL, refer to my original wrapper searching for "LIB_MVTEC_SYSTEM". Without this you will have a runtime error in the application if you use some system functions. A little bit too: you must delete (or divide) some very long commented lines: That's all.
  12. DelphiUdIT

    FindFirst : with network files it fails

    For a long time I have always used the form "\\?\". It has some advantages (like bypass MAX_PATH limits and the name parsing). See here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file?redirectedfrom=MSDN#win32-file-namespaces Bye
  13. For something to be patentable it must have a creative and innovative character. I don't think that a few lines of assembler can be considered as such.
  14. DelphiUdIT

    Clipboard history

    Catch the clipboard is really simply, why don't you do it ? Using the JvClipboardMonitor, you can "ear" all "copy" actions, you can also choose what you are cacthing (look at source of JvClipboardMonitor and Microsoft docs). That example is simple, no control about the "paste". That catch also the administrator level "copy" and all copy / paste password .... like @Brandon Staggs said. unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, JvComponentBase, JvClipboardMonitor, Vcl.StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) JvClipboardMonitor1: TJvClipboardMonitor; Memo1: TMemo; procedure JvClipboardMonitor1Change(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.JvClipboardMonitor1Change(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.PasteFromClipboard; Memo1.Lines.Add(#10#13); end; end.
  15. DelphiUdIT

    Import .NET Assembly

    I update this topic 'cause new versions are released of Halcon (and quote Matthias that were interested about that). I post a Delphi wrapper around this, not a really Delphi wrapper, only a porting from C headers that I have done with CHET. Take care that some adjustments should be done from your previous sources because in Halcon are changed some records (Tuples), and for other reasons too. Read carefully the "Release Notes for HALCON Progress-Steady" (https://www.mvtec.com/products/halcon/work-with-halcon/documentation/release-notes-2411-1) for full details. I tried the new wrapper only partially. Bye HalconC_2411.pas