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DelphiUdIT last won the day on January 3

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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. DelphiUdIT

    How to sign .msix packages

  2. DelphiUdIT

    How to sign .msix packages

    I don't know if there is difference, but have you tried to use: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\signtool"
  3. DelphiUdIT

    Build time affected with an updated component...

    From embarcadero official docs https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/What's_New: May be this is ?
  4. I work with real machine not VM, and I don't have Android Studio installed. That tool works and show me the same window, but after install the USB driver (in Extras may be) it stopped works. I use a personal path for Catalog Repo (no UTF chars) ... But it's not a real problem for me. You can do the same with other means. EDIT: UPDATE: I used the old "Android SDK Tools" and delete the USB Driver. Now the new Embacadero tool is working again ... 🙂Install again the USB driver ... the Embarcadero tool seems to still works ... (with some graphic glitch about old Anroid tools).
  5. Yes, this is tue, after updating with that tool the USB driver, it (the tool) doesn't work anymore ... same issue. But of course you can use the command line to install other sdk platforms. This is because when you used something from Embarcadero (but if try to update Android platforms was the same) your Windows environment was setting for Java version less the 17. JDK, JRE,SDK or like you want to call them MUST BE version 17 or upper to managed class file version 61. In this case the error seems to say you had active Java SDK version 8. I normaly used to set this two environment "variables" and I never had problem with JAVA or Android SDK: Of course with the correct personal path and be sure the you have Java version upper or equal to 17 (by now, in the future will see).
  6. DelphiUdIT

    RAD 12.3 and Eclipse Temurin JDK

    The ISO also install all that you see in the previous post. One time only, some years ago, in a fresh VM I had to install some prerequisites packages before (Vc++ 2015 redist, .net 4.5 and jdk). I always used ISO to install Rad Studio.
  7. DelphiUdIT

    Saving files as UTF-8 with BOM

    I can confirm that UTF8 will be saved with BOM, certainly in the 12.3 editor.
  8. DelphiUdIT

    RAD 12.3 and Eclipse Temurin JDK

    In my ISO 12.3 (Enterprise) there is an option to install the JDK, But it is the same like you have.
  9. DelphiUdIT

    RAD 12.3 and Eclipse Temurin JDK

    It's always the 17th (it was as option to install). But I use Oracle SDK version 22th. I don't install other JDK. And I install the new SDK / NDK without problem. Like always you should install other SDK version by hand. Set in the Windows Environment : Sò no check will be done.
  10. TRecordLoader<T> = class sealed class function Get: T; static; If you use full generic declaration it works.
  11. The best thing you can do is debug the identical procedure write in Pascal and see how the compiler acts ...
  12. Look this, I think that the information on the NOW() function in Embarcadero page is old and no more accurate.: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20170921-00/?p=97057
  13. DelphiUdIT

    Using external chemistry libraries with Delphi

    I used Python in some projects (with P4D). I found the approach very simple and effective, except for the versioning of the various components. The version of Python, with all the various libraries that it brings with it (and if AI is used it is even worse) is quite critical. For now I still prefer the old method of "wrapping" the libraries from C in Pascal if available. However, I understand that using Python as a base can be in some cases (especially for those who do not have much experience) certainly the best choice.
  14. DelphiUdIT

    Using external chemistry libraries with Delphi

    If there are not any wrapper for Pascal ,you need to arm yourself with a lot of patience and start creating your wrappers from the definitions of the include (i.e. the files with the extension ".h"). It might not be an easy path, quite the opposite. However, there are some tools that can help you: https://github.com/neslib/Chet this utility allows you to create pascal wrappers from .h files. Keep in mind that what is done will not be perfect and you will have to get your hands on it. Also keep in mind that you can only use C includes, NOT C++. And you will also have to convert the code by hand. Another equally valid alternative is to pass the include file and ask some AI to convert it to Pascal ... Surely some forum user will be able to give you some further and better advice. This is an example of conversion of the Indigo APIs performed by the tool I proposed to you, you need to get your hands on it but it is a start. I wish you good work. Indigo.pas Indigo.h
  15. DelphiUdIT

    Guidance on FreeAndNil for Delphi noob

    Nothing ..... wrong replay