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Everything posted by DelphiUdIT

  1. Yes, you can use the GetRTLVersion function. That return the Major release and Minor release ... for example Athens12.2 -> is $2402 Only Update level version, no patch informations. It is a new function that works from Athens 12.
  2. DelphiUdIT

    eztwain.obj для 64 bit

    I think that file is part of commercial project, you must pay for it: https://www.eztwain.com/
  3. DelphiUdIT

    Excel Get Column Number

    I remeber somethings about decades ago ... may be the property is Sheet.Cells[x, y] or Sheets.Cells[x].Column ? For your facility, if you import the Excel typelib, you will able to see all properties of all "components" in the "Excel..._tlb.pas" created. These should be near the same as you use with OleObj.
  4. I disagree the use of pointers directly for a waste use. In the past I had some side effects not "beauty" ... especially if they were targeting structures with "managed types". In the state of Darian exposition, I will prefer the mix solution. CodGen projects are always "beasts", I wish you good luck in your job @Darian Miller
  5. DelphiUdIT

    New patch is coming ?

    In GetIt online page this is appeared: It's a new build, this means that a patch will be released soon ?
  6. DelphiUdIT

    New patch is coming ?

    NO, also Delphi and some more then this ( like NDK ?). EDIT: No NDK update. The patch is installed in 10 seconds without any Issues.
  7. DelphiUdIT

    12.2 Instability

    I agree with you, and in the past i reported in QP that. But sometimes I fill (always in the past) that some Issues found on IDE were about some components. But that was only a perception I was not sure about that, and replicate this was difficult. So, I tried in this way. Now, really I dont'use IDE comp. from thirdy-parts that need to be used in designer. Some exceptions are from JVCL (very few now) that never give me any trouble or some other historical little tools (for example I have the TSPVoice installed in the palette, but I never used in the designer ). Also some visual tools about artificial vision (where I can simply make a component for designer) are used to be construct at runtime (construct some dozen of windows over one or two TPanels). The RAD, like you told, should be the best way to construct an application, but this doesn't means that ALL should be done in the designer. And for me that work a lot with threads, the "runtime way" for many "components" are the best way.
  8. DelphiUdIT

    12.2 Instability

    I, and not only me, have noticed that the instability of the IDE is mainly due to (in my case ONLY to) third-party components installed in the IDE. For a long time now I have been trying to use third-party components (there are few that I install now) only at runtime. And where a graphical surface defined in the FORM is needed, I "hook" them to invisible TPanels placed at design time. Of course, not always it's possible but when it is that save me about those issues probably.
  9. DelphiUdIT

    New patch is coming ?

    The "Adopt" is there, empty from the previous version ... I don't use Adopt, I use Oracle JDK 22. Of course, I agree ... and may be that if someone knows the answer ... is under NDA. But I've never seen different versions of the NDK than the IDE build. I probably never paid attention to that.
  10. DelphiUdIT

    New patch is coming ?

    Are you sure ?
  11. If you have installed Android, also AdoptOpenJDK should be installed (it is the default Java SDK that Embarcadero install). Search for that in "Program FIles" or "Program FIles (x86)" .... If you have installed any other Java SDK it's OK from version 17. I have Java SDK (version 22) from Oracle. In the SDK Manager, you must choice the correct Java.exe from the Java SDK installation bin.
  12. DelphiUdIT

    Problem with EmbeddedWB in Delphi 12

    Put those two define lines in a DPR file of your application after "program" section in 10.4 and buld it with x64: program ..............; {$SETPEOPTFLAGS $40} //SET ALSR ON (Address space layout randomization {$SETPEOPTFLAGS $020} //SET HEVA ON (HIGH ENTROPY VA) You will see (should) the same issue.
  13. DelphiUdIT

    Problem with EmbeddedWB in Delphi 12

    The changes that were done are the enable of ASLR and High LOAD in all projects (old and news). WIthout this the component works, OR BETTER SEEM TO WORKS. Don't put you hand over the fire about this. Like I told the component is derived from very old projects, and it's near the true that is not "fully" compatible with x64 tech. The full project should be take in care and updated to x64, looking everywhere in the code. EDIT: to better explain, in the x32 the pointers are 4 bytes long, where in x64 are 8 bytes. If you don't use the "high memory" is possible that all works ... but really always ? Look there: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Converting_32-bit_Delphi_Applications_to_64-bit_Windows
  14. DelphiUdIT

    Problem with EmbeddedWB in Delphi 12

    UPDATE: IT WORKS DOING SO: But this is only an "escamotage" because this means that in your components there are something not working with WIN64 convention ... normally are the pointers ...
  15. DelphiUdIT

    Problem with EmbeddedWB in Delphi 12

    EDIT: READ NEXT POST I try to debug it, but something goes wrong in the source (compiled system unit) of IDE. There is no chance (or better I was not able) to let it works or diagnose what is the problem. The only thing that I catch is that is generated an error (0xc000041d), in Microsoft that means: Link in Italian: https://support.microsoft.com/it-it/topic/errore-ntstatus-0xc000041d-si-verifica-quando-si-fa-clic-su-un-collegamento-in-un-applicazione-basata-sul-web-in-internet-explorer-10-in-windows-8-o-windows-server-2012-49b8cfdd-a841-06ce-ae60-8c04ff74a2f3 If you use the IDE standard component TWebBrowser all works.
  16. DelphiUdIT

    Problem with EmbeddedWB in Delphi 12

    This is a works derived from old github repository. Most of the definitions are included in new IDE (like SHDocVw of IDE that have more complete defines). For example, this is something differents: Embedded define from SHDocVw_EWB (look var PostData): IDE define from SHDocVw (look const PostData): Since those project come from very old one, I think it's really difficult to define what is the issue: the lack of source code for your app, related to how you use the component, then does not help.
  17. I made some times ago this to retrive the p-core (I think is similar to that used in the post from @Anders Melander ) : use Windows.System.SystemInformation; //this come from WINMD (getit) //Result = 0 --> No Hybrid system //Result = -1 --> DIFFERENT RECORD LENGTH (API VERSION OLD OR NEW) //Result = -2 --> API Error //Result > 0 --> mask with Power Core (no more than 63 core, or the result type should be change) //Tested only with Intel x64 CPU (no Xeon, no Numa system) function GetCPUPowerArray: INT64; var CPUInfoSet: TArray<SYSTEM_CPU_SET_INFORMATION>; dwlengthsize: ULong; begin Result := 0; dwlengthsize := 0; setlength(CPUInfoSet, 0); GetSystemCpuSetInformation(nil, 0, dwlengthsize, 0, nil); if (dwlengthsize <= 0) then begin Result := -2; exit; end; if ((dwlengthsize mod sizeof(SYSTEM_CPU_SET_INFORMATION)) <> 0) then begin Result := -1; exit; end; setlength(CPUInfoSet, dwlengthsize div sizeof(SYSTEM_CPU_SET_INFORMATION)); GetSystemCpuSetInformation(@CPUInfoSet[0], dwlengthsize, dwlengthsize, 0, nil); for var i := Low(CpuInfoSet) to High(CpuInfoSet) do if (CpuInfoSet[i].CpuSet.EfficiencyClass > 0) and (i < (sizeof(INT64)*8 -1)) then begin Result := Result or (1 shl i); end; setlength(CPUInfoSet, 0); end;
  18. DelphiUdIT

    TEmbeddedWB in a 64 Bit application

    I don't know the EmbeddedWB, so I cannot help you. Sorry.
  19. DelphiUdIT

    TEmbeddedWB in a 64 Bit application

    Read here: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/Floating_Point_Operation_Exception_Masks The math exceptions are already masked from AThens 12. P.S.: @Brian Evans sorry, I write concurrently with you.
  20. I think you are in the right way. Think about HTTPS transfer and may be a simple login (sending username and password for example).
  21. There are too few informations to do a proposal: - they should work inside a LAN, a WLAN, Internet ? - they should work inside an office, a complex structure ? - how many processes will there be? 100 per seconds, 100 per hours ? -etc ...
  22. DelphiUdIT

    Problem of click on a component

    I know that EVERY components of FMX project should have 'Name' property SET. And of course all must be differents.
  23. DelphiUdIT

    Continuity solution of the Default font Sydnye vs. Athens

    Take care about that the Form, I dont'know if is with new version of IDE, have the "ParentFont" set to FALSE ... In this case the "Application.Default....' is not working 😞 The images come from an old base project that I use for quick test and I see that "ParentFont" value is in BOLD, meaning that is not the default. Create new App, the Form has this property set to false ....
  24. DelphiUdIT

    Continuity solution of the Default font Sydnye vs. Athens

    Of ourse the font should exists ... This is the default font setting. This is the modified setting from DPR, without changing nothing in the source or design.
  25. DelphiUdIT

    migrating projects to RAD Studio 12

    If you post here the piece of source code interested and the screen shoot, sure someone can help you.