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Everything posted by corneliusdavid

  1. corneliusdavid

    Simple LiveBindings usage questions

    I inadvertently included a second screenshot in my previous post--ignore that. Also, I didn't thoroughly read the whole problem and my answer does not solve the problem, even after playing around with the combination of AutoActivate, InitializeControlValue, Managed, and Track properties of the binding.
  2. corneliusdavid

    Simple LiveBindings usage questions

    In the LiveBindings Designer, click on the arrow-line that connects the two components (the line will turn bold to indicate it's selected): (Instead of visually selecting it, you can double-click the BindingsList component on the form and select the TLinkControlToProperty that connects these two components from the list of LiveBindings.) Then in the Object Inspector for this link, check InitializeControlValue.
  3. Lots of options! Command-line parameter validation fixed for Delphi--pull request made. Generated a few different sized files for testing, the last two: 100-million row file created in 9 seconds 1-billion row file created in 2 minutes, 23 seconds.
  4. QuickLib.Parameters would've prevented you from needing to reinvent the technique--but it's a little overkill and it would require bringing a whole lot of other stuff along with it.
  5. I almost made a pull request last night but then backed it out after I made another test. The generator program parses the parameters and checks to make sure they're valid but in Delphi, the way it's done adds a CR/LF which causes 'h' <> 'h$D$A' and thus fails even a valid command-line. I fixed that but didn't take into account that some parameters have a second part (like --line-count or --input-file) so I need to add that. I'll certainly make a PR when it's ready.
  6. Hey Gus, It seems like a fun challenge that people who have time and interest will look at and participate. We've got a couple of months, so plenty of time to get involved if you're so inclined. One question: the .CSV in the repository has only 44,691 entries. So, the idea is that we need to run the generator program first to generate the 1B file, right? I suppose this could also, then, be used to generate smaller files for development testing. Thanks for the links and for bringing it to the Delphi community!
  7. corneliusdavid

    What about System.JSON?

    Might possibly be for future implementation. Or maybe these were part of a large group of types or constants imported from a header file of some sort. I found a couple of references that look like there's some relevance: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/29900 https://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/t_newtonsoft_json_defaultvaluehandling.htm
  8. I would consider this a report: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/we-are-experiencing-a-hardware-outage/
  9. corneliusdavid

    First Business Day Of Next Month ?

    This may be overkill and I'm not sure there's a way to limit to just bank holidays or to specify the country, but here's an API that boasts 5,000 holidays: https://apilayer.com/marketplace/checkiday-api
  10. corneliusdavid

    Opening form takes 1 minute in debugger, 2.5 s without

    If it runs fine in debug mode but then you compile in release mode (which I think is what you mean), is there a conditional in your code that sets up the database connection differently for debug mode, like maybe you're using a local database for testing but the release mode one is connecting remotely for the customer?
  11. corneliusdavid

    Opening form takes 1 minute in debugger, 2.5 s without

    What version of Delphi? At runtime or design-time in the IDE? What database? What type of activity--I assume at least connecting? Is it using the same connection in debug and release modes? Are the release and debug configs generating executable in different directories? Perhaps it loading a configuration from an .INI file which is in one location but not the other? After the form is loaded, does everything run fine (assuming this is at runtime)? There are so many things this could be--we need a little more information.
  12. corneliusdavid

    GetIt alternatives

    Interesting! And written in Go.
  13. corneliusdavid

    Rz components

    They're now called the Konopka Signature VCL Controls (KSVC) but carry the "Rz" prefix from when they were known as Raize Controls. Here's the GetIt link: https://getitnow.embarcadero.com/bonus-ksvc/ https://raize.com/embarcadero-acquires-raize-components/
  14. corneliusdavid

    GetIt alternatives

    This is the perfect time and place to bring it up and get people behind it! I've started reading a little about it and it looks well thought out.
  15. corneliusdavid

    GetIt alternatives

    Convenience, laziness, curiosity. I've found myself browsing the GetIt packages (when it worked) and coming across something that looks interesting but I had not seen before. To try it out, it's really easy to just click Install and start using it to see if it's something I want to keep around. After it's installed, it might get "stuck" there out of laziness or because I only used it once or twice. To switch to the original repo means uninstalling the GetIt package, cloning the repo, learning how it's installed or how to access it... not difficult, just steps to take when there's time and it's going to become a steady part of my library.
  16. corneliusdavid

    ParnassusCoreEditor.dll AccessViolation

    Do these files still exist? C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusNavigator_XSydney.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusCoreEditor_XSydney.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusBookmarks_XSydney.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusCoreEditor.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusNavigator_Alexandria.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusCoreEditor_XAlexandria.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ParnassusShared\ParnassusBookmarks_Alexandria.dll
  17. corneliusdavid

    GetIt alternatives

    I agree. Perhaps this will give a popularity/support boost to one of these: dpm duget For me, any open source package that I had previously installed via GetIt, I'm now pulling from GitHub. I suppose I should've done that from the beginning as it would always provide the latest version but this has certainly solidified that decision.
  18. corneliusdavid

    Delphi 12 Manage Features not working

    I'd suggest calling support.
  19. corneliusdavid

    False leak reported on FindFirst/Findclose inside a Threa?

    Oh, so the error was in code that we did not see! LOL! That makes it difficult for us to debug!
  20. corneliusdavid

    False leak reported on FindFirst/Findclose inside a Threa?

    Right, but only if FindFirst returns true; if it's false, that block of code, including FindClose, is skipped. However, as Anders pointed out, if FindFirst fails, it doesn't allocate memory and thus does not need to call FindClose. It's possible that MadExcept is thinking that there could be a memory leak when there isn't actually one.
  21. corneliusdavid

    False leak reported on FindFirst/Findclose inside a Threa?

    Ah! Then ignore my post. Thanks for pointing that out.
  22. corneliusdavid

    False leak reported on FindFirst/Findclose inside a Threa?

    if "FindFirst() = 0" returns false, then FindClose() is never called. From the documentation: "FindFirst allocates resources (memory) that must be released by calling FindClose"
  23. corneliusdavid

    D12 CatalogRepository Problem!

    I would think either copying the files from the CatalogRepository or choosing a different path from the default offered by the professional installer would be make things so much simpler. https://www.bonfire.com/dont-accept-the-defaults-abel-wang/
  24. corneliusdavid

    tform inside isapi webbroker

    There was nothing but FireDAC database components, a FDConnection and a few FDQueries--that's it. But--I found the problem! I had first created a FireMonkey program to test database connection and query results. Then I created an ISAPI DLL and copied the data module over and got the error. For easier debugging, I created a new a CGI app with just "hello world" for the default path, and that worked. So, then looked more closely at the data module and remembered to check the platform to which it's assigned and realized it had carried over the Firemonkey platform in its data module. The solution was to change the ClassGroup property of the data module from FMX.Controls.TControl to System.Classes.TPersistent and all is good.
  25. corneliusdavid

    Format text in TSpinBox

    If the only reason you're not using the TTimeEdit is because of the tiny up/down arrows on Windows (which I agree are practically useless), then you could build your own compound component out of a couple of combo boxes and buttons all squished together. But if you're targeting mobile platforms, you might want to see how the TTimeEdit looks on those platforms--they might look quite different. Or you you could use the IFMXPickerServices.