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Everything posted by corneliusdavid

  1. corneliusdavid

    Apache Module with TDataSet Needs Wait Cursor

    Then neither the Linux nor the Windows versions shows the dataset. At least the way I have it now, the Windows one works. Here's my uses clause: {$IFDEF LINUX} FireDAC.ConsoleUI.Wait, {$ELSE} FireDAC.FMXUI.Wait, FireDAC.Comp.UI, {$ENDIF} Here's a constant defined which shows on the generated web page that indicates which platform it's running under: {$IFDEF CONSOLE} APP_NAME = 'My App Console'; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF LINUX} APP_NAME = 'My App Linux'; {$ELSE} APP_NAME = 'My App Windows'; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} The Windows one shows up for Apache for Windows, the Linux one shows up for Apache for Linux. The Console one, as you might guess by now, never shows up. So yes, I'm sure the conditional compilation is working as expected.
  2. corneliusdavid

    Apache Module with TDataSet Needs Wait Cursor

    I had something very close to that--I tested for Linux instead of Console. And I guess that's the problem--it's not really a console app, even though it doesn't have a GUI.
  3. corneliusdavid

    Android 11 Support in 10.4.2?

    Thanks very much--that makes sense and I got it installed and configured in Delphi and connected to my Pixel phone. 🙂
  4. corneliusdavid

    Android, how to call a TJIntent

    This is a two-year old post but I just want to say a big THANK YOU for this answer. I spent the better part of a day in anguish over this very problem where a demo program worked just fine but copying the code to my program did not. After comparing everything between the two projects and hunting around the internet for possible answers, I finally found this and it was solved immediately!
  5. corneliusdavid

    Delphi 10.4 (.1) Welcome Page

    This is awesome! Thank you for posting that. I like it better than my solution.
  6. I just had this exact same problem today, did a search, found your post and answer and joined this forum just to say THANK YOU for posting both the question and the answer. I had updated xcode to try and deploy to an iPhone but the iMac I was using was too old and ran into incompatibility problems. In the course of downloading an older xcode and trying to update libraries, I think it got stuck into the wrong directory and I was unsure what I did. Seeing your post made everything clear and fixed it immediately. Thanks again! David.