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Posts posted by corneliusdavid

  1. 13 minutes ago, Steve Maughan said:

    I managed to compile for 32 bit but not for 64 bit. It needs "DesignIDE.dcp"

    There are two packages, ChromeTabs_R.dpk and ChromeTabs_D.dpk. The "_R" is the run-time only and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit. The _D package is the Delphi component and is the one that gets installed in Delphi and does not ship with applications. Delphi is 32-bit only so components also have to be 32-bit only.


    So if you compile both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms of ChromeTabs_R.dpk then install only the 32-bit platform ChromeTabs_D.dpk, you'll have 32-bit and 64-bit support for the components in your application. I just compiled and ran the 64-bit version of the demo that comes with the package so I know it works.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Tom F said:

    I'd think that a good marketing department would have omitted sending this email to customers like me who are current on their update subscription

    Yeah, I get lots of emails like this, too, and just have to delete them. Those seconds glancing at emails add up each day (not being sarcastic).


    However, I can see Embarcadero wanting to send this out to everyone just on the off chance that:

    • You have one product (Delphi or C++Builder) and have been thinking of getting the other one, or..
    • You might want to upgrade your current subscription, or ...
    • You know of someone that is ready to purchase but hasn't done it yet and they're not on the mailing list.

    A couple of years ago, I was a current subscriber of the Professional edition and I took advantage of one of these offers to upgrade to the Enterprise edition. It was considered a new purchase because I did not currently have the Enterprise edition so I qualified for the advertised sale but I was able to get an additional discount because I upgraded from the Professional edition. So in some cases, these sales can even be good for existing customers.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Tom F said:

    Why did you conclude that it's only for someone re-subscribing to updates rather than also renewing?

    I didn't conclude that--just the opposite, in fact.  What I said is "It's a sale on a new purchase..." If you follow the link in the email and read the "Terms and Conditions" you'll see: "This offer does not apply to term licenses, renewals or academic licenses."

  4. It's still in Delphi 10.4 GetIt but since Delphi 11 support has not yet been added, it's not in the D11 GetIt. You can add it yourself quite easily, though: just clone the GitHub project to your development area, copy the Delphi 10.4 packages to a new folder, and open them in Delphi 11. Then you can save the updated projects to your own .groupproj file.


    I had no trouble compiling/installing them in D11.1.



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  5. 4 minutes ago, TCH said:

    Confused the installer? How can i confuse the installer in a way to make it believe that a non-existent product is installed?

    RAD Studio is not a non-existent product. It's just that it's not licensed as a Community Edition. So somehow you have an installation of RAD Studio (valid for trial or purchase only) with a Community Edition license (valid only for a single personality; not valid for RAD Studio which contains both personalities).


    7 minutes ago, TCH said:

    I've already installed, uninstalled and reinstalled these environments multiple times.

    And when you reinstalled, did you re-use an existing license or enter a new CE-specific license?


    8 minutes ago, TCH said:

    I don't get the reason behind this though; windows 7 and 8 are still being used by one out of six people...

    It doesn't matter whether you understand the reason or not--it's not supported which is why Embarcadero won't help you. And remember, you can deploy to Windows 7 but you should not develop on Windows 7.

  6. I'm suspecting you installed the trial then uninstalled and installed the CE, perhaps using an existing license--or some other scenario that confused the installer. It should not be possible--and Embarcdero does not intend--for there to be any way to use the CE of both Delphi and C++Builder at the same time. See their CE FAQ, specifically this one: 


    2. Is there a RAD Studio Community Edition?

    No. Only Delphi Community Edition and C++Builder Community Edition are available.

    So what I would suggest is uninstall all remnants of Delphi and/or C++Builder and reinstall Delphi CE and be sure to enter a new CE license. If you already did this, you'll have to call Embarcadero for support.


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  7. It sounds like, perhaps, you have no experience with Delphi. So I have to wonder why you would take on a project that requires Delphi? And by talking with the previous developer, you'd realize you would need the Professional version and that it costs money--which is another reason to question why you would take on this project. So either get a down-payment from the customer or use the trial and get some billable hours in--you will very likely need to own a purchased copy of Delphi Professional. Maybe there's more to this story than that...


    The Trial version is the Architect version which has all the FireDAC components (the CE version does not). Perhaps it's just not installed correctly?


  8. 1 minute ago, zsleo said:

    My thought was to give the user a feature whereby they could see and select from a list of opened windows.

    OK, good. I'm glad my suggestion might be useful. I know there's a way to present a list of windows as well (involves digging into Windows APIs and calling FindWindow if you don't build this list yourself) but I don't have a link ready to give you for that.  I know I've seen blogs about how to do it in the past.

  9. 27 minutes ago, zsleo said:

    No. I want to know how to populate the window list as the RD Web environment. i.e in the same area as the red box

    Sorry--my reply was totally off. I thought you wanted to solve the problem of windows getting stuck behind other windows.

  10. In the "Find in Files" dialog, there are two buttons next to the Directories edit box. The first one is "Browse for Folder" and does what you think, browses for and selects one folder and puts it in the Directories box.


    The second button is "Folders and Groups" and allows you to build a custom list of folders and even have named groups of folders (for different projects, for example). So instead of excluding certain folders, you create a list of all folders you want to include, then uncheck "Include subdirectories."

  11. I'm re-reading your post and realize you're accessing a different form, FocalForm. So if that's on a different form than the posted code, use ShowModal instead of Show and call that after you've loaded the items. ShowModal will show the form and wait for it to be closed before continuing:

      else if ChooseFocalForm then begin
        for i := nwordfirst to nwordlast do
          getword (i, jstoretmp, jhmgrphtmp, whead, nheadlast);
          FocalForm.LemmaListBox.Items.Add (jstoretmp);
        FocalFormResult := FocalForm.LemmaListBox.ShowModal; // <--waits for Windows to handle form and return
        if FocalFormResult = mrOK then
          nwordfirst := nwordfirst + FocalForm.LemmaListBox.ItemIndex
      end else 


  12. One of the regular attendees of the Oregon Delphi User Group did a lot of research last summer on this very issue because he had the exact same problem you have. We were meeting virtually and actually recorded this particular meeting. You can view the recording and listen to his explanation and complete solution in the first 25 minutes of the video here: https://odug.org/2021-06

    • Thanks 1

  13. Yeah, the first video is a web-based solution. I offered it in case it would interest you.


    The second link is a blog but contains a couple of videos and even though it's about 5 years old, contains a lot of information about the plethora of small system-on-a-chip computers. IIRC, it touches on why it's there isn't native compilation for that platform yet.


    As an alternative, you can put Android on a Raspberry Pi and then use Delphi to create an Android app deployed there. I've done it--and explain how in my book--and Jim McKeeth shows it in the video in that second link.

  14. 9 hours ago, Bill Meyer said:

    The collision of shortcuts in plug-ins has lately become annoying, with operations I don't use hiding operations which I value highly.

    Which ones and in what version of Delphi?


    I looked through IDE plug-ins I have and they're either either fully configurable (GExperts, Parnassus Bookmarks and Navigator) or don't have shortcuts (EurekaLog, CodeSite, UniDAC, etc.). DDevExtensions allows you to disable the Ctrl+D shortcut to start the source code formatter. Plug-ins I use in older versions of Delphi (Castalia and Documentation Insight) also have configurable shortcuts.


    I don't have CnPack or MMX Code Explorer--perhaps one of those are causing the anguish?

  15. The quick and lazy way to handle this is to turn off the Scaled property in all your forms but then all your controls will be really tiny when the Windows scaling is cranked up.


    What you'll need to do is change several aspects of your forms to gracefully rearrange themselves as heights and widths change. Notice I didn't say "re-design" your forms but it does take some work. Get to know the Align and Anchors properties first. Consider using container components that automatically rearrange components but keep them in their place like the TFlowPanel and TGridPanel.


    There are many other things you can do--a quick internet search will reveal many blog posts and articles over the years.  Here's a good starting point: https://zarko-gajic.iz.hr/writing-and-enabling-delphi-application-to-support-high-dpi-displays-and-4k-screen-resolutions/

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  16. 12 hours ago, Rinzwind said:

    Don't release one, it will be pirated in no time. Nothing as comforting as reading from real paper in a real book

    I don't buy printed tech books anymore--electronic only. That way I can take my library anywhere I go--like when I go to a meeting or when I'm camping. I never know when I'll need a reference for something and I'm constantly switching projects.

    And yes, I pay for every one I get.

  17. You might consider posting questions about C++Builder in the "C++Builder Questions and Answers" section instead of the Delphi section. 


    The RAD Studio editor takes a different approach to code editing; it doesn't force you to a strict coding standard as you type but lets you write code free-form. Then, as an option and with a single shortcut key, you can format the entire source with formatting rules you've set up.
