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Everything posted by milan

  1. I try code from OverbyteIcsPemTool to export certificate from 'MY' windows store: xTmp := f_d2i_X509(nil, @pCertContext.pbCertEncoded, pCertContext.cbCertEncoded); if Assigned(xTmp) then begin X.X509 := xTmp; f_X509_free(xTmp); … end; however, this does not return private key (X.PrivateKey := nil). It does some additional code? Milan
  2. But I need to communicate with a web service (REST), that requires certificate authorization. And clients often have it on a USB token or in windows store without the possibility of export. So ICS cannot be used?
  3. So they can't use certificates from USB token, that can't be exported? Uf! Milan
  4. I need to solve this in the application, because of clients that do not have a certificate file and do not want or cannot export it. I'll do it with k and then take it through the buffer. Thank you!
  5. The OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst.dproj sample has a grid titled REST Parameters where i enter Name - "verify" and Value - "true". I need JSON {"verify":true} but method RestParams.GetParameters return {"verify":"true"}. Parameter aRaw make nothing.
  6. Thank you very much. In the meantime I will set HttpRest.ContentTypePost : = ''; (instead 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' set from Create) and code in OverbyteIcsSslHttpRest.pas: line 1818 { V8.64 set Json content type if empty } if (Params <> '') and (FContentPost = '') then begin if (Params[1] = '{') or (Params[1] = '[') then FContentPost := 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'; { V8.61 added UTF8 } will come into effect. Milan
  7. But if it does not take place function GetParams, will stay after THttpCli.Create FContentPost := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; because it will not be replaced: OverbyteIcsSslHttpRest.pas: ... line 1818 { V8.64 set Json content type if empty } if (Params <> '') and (FContentPost = '') then begin if (Params[1] = '{') or (Params[1] = '[') then FContentPost := 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'; { V8.61 added UTF8 } excuse my English Milan
  8. Thank you and at the same time please: I construct the Json manually, but where to assign in? Milan