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Lajos Juhász

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Everything posted by Lajos Juhász

  1. Lajos Juhász

    Recent Menu partly hidden

    I believe that's the part of the new Embarcadero policy. 0 bugs in Delphi 12 due to the fact that we cannot report any new bugs.
  2. Lajos Juhász

    "Elusive" joins

    Open a second connection to the database and fill the required fields. Here locate is your friend.
  3. Lajos Juhász

    Help to find database error

    You should read more carefully the error message. You to open the query using the open method of the TFDQuery instead of ExecSQL.
  4. Lajos Juhász

    Help to find database error

    Double click on the FDConnection to open the FireDAC Connection Editor.
  5. Lajos Juhász

    Help to find database error

    while not SQLQuery1.Eof do begin currentLine := ''; for i := 0 to sqlQuery1.fieldcount-1 do currentLine := currentLine + ' ' + sqlQuery1.fields[i].asString; memOutput.Lines.Add(currentLine); SQLQuery1.Next; end; The above code doesn't require the Stringlist to iterate the fields of the query. To add a database the documentation states it should be a form of (https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Using_SQLite_with_FireDAC): Database=<path to SQLite database> While you've tried: SQLConnection1.Params.Add('D:Delphi 11 Community\My Projects\Connecting to SQLite\Data\dat2.sqlite'); You should do SQLConnection1.Params.Add('Database = '); append here the real path to the database. I believe instead of MemOutput.ClearSelection you wanted MemOutput.Clear.
  6. Lajos Juhász

    Upgrading EurekaLog for Delphi 12

    The windows have to find the bpl (dll) to load it and it doesn't know about the library path.
  7. Lajos Juhász

    Upgrading EurekaLog for Delphi 12

    you've to add the folder to the path.
  8. Lajos Juhász

    Accessing protected symbols

    A warning Canvas.TextWidth is valid only during painting, otherwise it's not guaranteed that the canvas has the correct font assigned. To be sure you can use https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.RequiredState.
  9. Lajos Juhász

    Using Regex for file name matching?

    If you want to compare against file mask you should use https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Alexandria/en/System.Masks.MatchesMask. For example: uses System.Masks; procedure TMainForm.TestClick(Sender: TObject); begin if MatchesMask(edText.Text, EdPattern.Text) then lbData.Insert( 0, 'True' ) Else lbData.Insert( 0, 'False' ); end;
  10. Lajos Juhász

    Using Regex for file name matching?

    A short answer is that *.pas is not a regular expression. In this case: * The asterisk indicates zero or more occurrences of the preceding element. For example, ab*c matches "ac", "abc", "abbc", "abbbc", and so on.
  11. Lajos Juhász

    Can not install Delphi Community Edition 11.2

    You can expect Delphi CE 12 in 2024 or 2025.
  12. The bad news with this change is that the sk4d.dll is not compatible with the dll used by earlier version of delphi. This new version is by default on the path and can cause access violation with older versions of Delphi (for example if SVGIconImageList is installed).
  13. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 11.3 : FORSAKEN

    In my case I've renamed the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\!23.0" started Delphi 11.2 Closed it, renamed back the folder since then I can start both versions.
  14. Lajos Juhász

    Delphi 11.3 : FORSAKEN

    I have had something similair. The solution was to rename the D12 folder started Delphi 11.2 and after that I can start both of them.
  15. Lajos Juhász

    [FMX beginner] Key Handling

    This is off topic but you can try https://appuals.com/how-to-disable-beeping-on-errors-on-windows-7-8-and-10/. Maybe you did: sc stop beep && sc config beep start= disabled
  16. Lajos Juhász

    Email from Delphi using Thunderbird

    If you really have to you can use SMAPI. You can find a code from @Attila Kovacs here:
  17. Lajos Juhász

    Keyboard commad for paste with text controls [not working]

    You should give more details. I've tested a new Delphi 11.2 application with an edit and a memo. Works perfectly when compiled as 32 and 64 bit Windows application.
  18. In my opinion this is the wrong place to report the error. Delphi compiles the code correctly, your environment is giving the wrong result eg. it's not a compiler bug.
  19. You should try to debug the code. On an Intel Windows laptop I get the correct result '3'.
  20. It should be enough to use IdOpenSSLSetLibPath.
  21. Lajos Juhász

    RCS Chats - Rich Communication Services

    I refuse to use RCS at the moment
  22. TNT is compatible with the new VCL components. To replace them you can simply use the refind utility - https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/ReFind.exe,_the_Search_and_Replace_Utility_Using_Perl_RegEx_Expressions. The rules are simply for example: #unuse TntExtCtrls #unuse tntButtons TTntEdit -> TEdit TTntStringGrid -> TStringGrid
  23. Lajos Juhász

    How do I execute code after FormShow ?

    In order to do that you have to move your calculation into a background thread. Otherwise your calculation will block the main thread.
  24. For me there was only two cases of false positive. The last time it was this year MS Defender flagged application to be infected. MS solved it within 2-3 days.
  25. Lajos Juhász

    How can I get this code formatting ?

    Delphi version this requires Delphi 10.3 or newer version (https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Inline_Variable_Declaration)