Lajos Juhász
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Everything posted by Lajos Juhász
If it's Embarcaderos fault it's tough to report it. I have had a situation when the IDE gave me the dialog to report a bug, it generates everything including the call stack. Even after submiting it I was asked for a test case (in my case it is impossible to give) while the call stack should help a developer to locate the error. In this case the first step should be to generate a call stack to see where to search for the bug.
The easiest way to use it: ShowMessage(WhichFailedToLoad()); I am not sure that those dlls are shipped with Delphi. There are some old threads about this error like
You can try WhichFailedToLoad from IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders to see which dll failed. Maybe a dependency on the dll. From where did you downloaded the open SSL dlls?
How to enter unicode symbols into the Delphi IDE
Lajos Juhász replied to Dave Novo's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
For me the easiest way is to use the character map copy - paste it into the source. Tested using var Φ: real; begin Φ:=5.8; showmessage(FloatToStr(Φ)); end; -
FMX is just another reason to keep up with the Delphi version. Unlike Windows, other platforms are not backward compatible.
BDE (Borland Database Enginge) is deprecated for about 20 years you should not use that. If you are referencing to the Delphi version you should use the official one that everyone can understand.
If you are looking how the Delphi is converting the month names you can search for @AFormatSettings.ShortMonthNames in the System.SysUtils.
Using Delphi 11.2 update 1 the code works correctly.
Delphi 11.2 is an update on version 11.
- FAQ part Can I obtain updates and hotfixes without a subscription? An active update subscription is the only way to obtain updates and hotfixes.
There was a change that only with active subscription you can download from Registered Products Portal.
$Q = Overflow checking (Delphi) $R = Range checking These directives are working and have their meaning just have nothing to do with ExceptionMask they are different things.
How to free object compiled to Linux
Lajos Juhász replied to Die Holländer's topic in Cross-platform
Are you using fastmm5? I don't have this procedure in Fastmm4. -
When the user moves outside the rect you want to move the rectangle to the first position thus the AnimateFloat should be corrected: procedure TForm2.Rectangle2MouseLeave(Sender: TObject); begin Rectangle2.AnimateFloat('Position.y', 222.0, 5, TAnimationType.InOut, TInterpolationType.Linear); // Rectangle2.Position.y := (Rectangle1.Position.Y + 200); end; Now you can easily see the real problem. As the rectangle is moved the mouse will get outside the rectangle and that will trigger the mouse leave event. To solve this you can change the height of the rectangle to 300.
Help installing TProcess on Delphi Sydney 10.4
Lajos Juhász replied to UtopicLabs's topic in General Help
The repository doesn't contains the files to install the component. You can use it from code (hint there are demo projects to show how you can use it). -
Destroy or clean TSaveDialog after save
Lajos Juhász replied to Zazhir's topic in Algorithms, Data Structures and Class Design
What a great suggestion to free a component from a form. That's a huge NO. If it's in a try ... finally it must be a local reference not a global one. programmerdelphi2k as others wrote please make sure that your reply brings something to the topic here the goal is to help and not to reply to every post. If a reference is freed in a code it should be local: var dlgFileSave: TSaveDialog; begin dlgFileSave:=TSaveDialog.create(nil); try ... finally dlgFileSave.Free; end; end; The code to save csv is almost how it should be, the problem there is that the wrong reference is freed. Instead of frmMainSIG.frmSIG.dlgFileSave the saveCSV should be freed. var Excel: Variant; Linha, i : Integer; mostrar : boolean; caminho, edtCaminhoRelatorio, nome, extensao, saveDir: string; saveCSV: TSaveDialog; f: TextFile; begin if not frmImovel.qryPesq.IsEmpty then begin if Application.MessageBox('Deseja acompanhar o Excel carregando as informações?', 'Opção',MB_YESNO+MB_ICONINFORMATION) = mrYes then begin mostrar := true; showMessage('Não clique no Excel até que o procedimento termine, isso interrompe o carregamento.'); end else begin mostrar := false; showMessage('O Excel está oculto gerando as informações. Clique em "OK" para continuar. O sistema ficará desabilitado até que termine.'); end; frmSig.jvAlertaProgress.MessageText := 'Iniciado!'; frmSig.jvAlertaProgress.Execute; frmExportarImovel.progressBarQry.Max := frmImovel.qryPesq.RecordCount; frmImovel.qryPesq.First; Excel := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application'); Excel.Workbooks.Add; Excel.Visible := mostrar; Linha := 1; for i := 0 to frmImovel.qryPesq.FieldCount - 1 do Excel.WorkBooks[1].Sheets[1].Cells[Linha,i+1] := frmImovel.qryPesq.Fields[i].DisplayName; Linha := 2; while not frmImovel.qryPesq.Eof do begin for i := 0 to frmImovel.qryPesq.FieldCount - 1 do Excel.WorkBooks[1].Sheets[1].Cells[Linha,i+1] := frmImovel.qryPesq.Fields[i].Text; frmImovel.qryPesq.Next; Linha:=Linha+1; atualizaTela; end; Excel.Visible := false; sleep(100); // Salvar como CSV saveCSV:= TSaveDialog.Create(nil); try saveCSV.Title:= 'Salvar como CSV'; saveCSV.Filter:= 'Arquivo CSV|*.csv'; saveCSV.DefaultExt:= 'csv'; saveCSV.FilterIndex:= 1; if saveCSV.Execute then begin AssignFile(f, saveCSV.FileName); end; Excel.ActiveWorkbook.saveas(saveCSV.FileName); Excel.Workbooks[1].Close; Excel.Quit; Excel := Unassigned; showMessage('Arquivo CSV salvo com sucesso!'); frmSig.jvAlertaProgress.MessageText := 'O Relatório foi Gerado com Sucesso!'; frmSig.jvAlertaProgress.Execute; progressBarQry.Position := 0; lblProgresso.Caption := '0 de 0'; lblProgresso.Refresh; if Application.MessageBox('Deseja abrir o arquivo?', 'Opção', MB_YESNO+MB_ICONINFORMATION) = mrYes then ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(saveCSV.FileName), nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); finaly saveCSV.Free; end; end else showMessage('Tabela não possui dados para serem exportados!'); end; -
Destroy or clean TSaveDialog after save
Lajos Juhász replied to Zazhir's topic in Algorithms, Data Structures and Class Design
Please define "the component are clean and ready to use". You can reuse the dialog component without freeing it. In this case your freeing it and set the reference to nil (freeandnil) then try to access a nil object reference. You cannot do that. Just remove FreeAndNil. In case you would like to use a fresh dialog object just use a local variable instead of a global one then you can free it at the end of the procedure/method wherever this code snippet was copied from. -
You can try to watch the webinar -
Getting feedback from the execution. As exceptions or in another kind of management.
Lajos Juhász replied to Juan C.Cilleruelo's topic in Python4Delphi
It's TPythonInputOutput as the property is definied: property IO: TPythonInputOutput read FIO write SetIO; -
You have to define the primary key in create table statement. Index on query component will not add a PK on database.
You can simply achieve that by changing that option and then recompile your source. Seriously you believe we can see your monitor and to read what you're doing?! You should give enough information. We don't know which database you're using and what you're doing. In SQL there is no concept of temporary primary key. You have only two options when you create a database table. The table has a key or it doesn’t (you can also create a primary key and later drop it).
You can fill a QP ticket - This is the only possible way to get response from Embarcadero.
When it was released it was not only Embarcadero could create a new driver. As far as I know this is still the case. If you have a support you can put a feature request for a new driver.
I would disagree here, my test bmp was 2.55MB in jpeg it's 277Kb. You should give more details. For example what is the error message or exception you receive. Please do not forget we are no hackers and have no access to your environment (cannot hack into your computer to see your display). If it's possible always post a minimal test case that we can copy and compile. I've tested with this code: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var NewBitmap: TBitmap; CodecParams : TBitmapCodecSaveParams; MS1 : TMemoryStream; Surf: TBitmapSurface; JpgQuality : TBitmapCodecSaveParams; begin ms1:=TMemoryStream.Create; try newBitmap:=Tbitmap.Create; newBitmap.LoadFromFile('d:\original.bmp'); JpgQuality.Quality := 100; MS1.Position := 0; Surf := TBitmapSurface.Create; try Surf.assign(NewBitmap); // use the codec to save Surface to stream if not TBitmapCodecManager.SaveToStream( MS1, Surf, '.jpg', @JpgQuality) then raise EBitmapSavingFailed.Create( 'Error saving Bitmap to jpg'); ms1.Position:=0; ms1.SaveToFile('d:\original_bmp.jpg'); finally Surf.Free; end; finally ms1.Free; end; end;