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Lajos Juhász

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Lajos Juhász last won the day on March 25 2023

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248 Excellent


About Lajos Juhász

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. I've never tried this product. In my experience it still requires a human developer to find bugs. All the find & replace changes to migrate between versions can be achieved using the refind utility.
  2. Lajos Juhász

    Detect CTRL or SHIFT Keys Being Held Down at Application Start.

    You can query the state of these buttons using https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getkeystate if GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)<0 then .... if GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)<0 then ....
  3. Lajos Juhász

    Why does IDE require UAC elevation when starting?

    Same for me. I don't have the registry entry in the AppCompatFlags\Layers. Delphi 12 works just as should be with a normal level user without beeing elevated.
  4. Lajos Juhász

    Access violation installing a component

    The first instance of bds should debug the second one. Thus, it should break on the error and show the call stack. The last Delphi version where I have had problems that required to debug a second instance of Delphi was XE5. In Delphi 12 I compile without runtime packages and have a limited of debugging this kind of errors.
  5. Lajos Juhász

    Access violation installing a component

    Select the package and from the main menu activate Run - Parameters. For host application you shoulds select bds.exe (default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\bin\bds.exe). Hit F9 a second instance of Delphi will start in that instance open the package and try to install. You should get a call stack.
  6. The product About page gives you an explanation. According to that page it is an automatized robot that can analyze and rewrite your code. In my experience that is a very bold claim.
  7. Lajos Juhász

    Read a .ini file in the project file??

    I've copied IPADresses you posted and using the i.ReadString('DBiDashboard', 'IPAddresses', '') cannot reproduce your problem.
  8. Lajos Juhász

    Stack Overflow Developer Survey for 2024

    It's not a Captcha it is a test for AI. Only advanced AI can fill this questionary.
  9. Lajos Juhász

    Why does IDE require UAC elevation when starting?

    Correct the IDE. The question was if using ISO and WEB installer will behave differently.
  10. Lajos Juhász

    Stack Overflow Developer Survey for 2024

    Same question for me.
  11. Lajos Juhász

    Why does IDE require UAC elevation when starting?

    For me this is the first time that I am using a standard user, the IDE works without a problem. I have the default UAC for standard users, that is Always Notify.
  12. Lajos Juhász

    Why does IDE require UAC elevation when starting?

    I am using ISO to install Delphi, never have had to start it elevated.
  13. Lajos Juhász

    Codolex 2.0 is now Free - Low-Code for Delphi

    To get the access violation I have a simple example. I do not know how to create a bug report. If you try to connect the show dialog to the merge element. (I guess it is not supported, but killing the IDE is not acceptable behavior.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using copy paste I have managed to break the code generation (the last show message - thank you is missing): Also, for some reason the files are not generated: [dcc32 Fatal Error] mainFRM.pas(25): F2613 Unit 'Test.M1.V1' not found. What I dislike in the code is that everything is an inline variable. If you have a decision (if then - else structure) the elements after the merge point are generated inside every branch. I have had no time to test it in detail (I will have more time next month).
  14. Lajos Juhász

    Codolex 2.0 is now Free - Low-Code for Delphi

    It generates a code that you can call but cannot change. If you change it will be rewritten the first time when the new code is generated. Note. I find the generated code unreadable and can kill the Delphi IDE with stack overflow.
  15. Lajos Juhász

    Codolex 2.0 is now Free - Low-Code for Delphi

    It is in the e-mail you going to receive. Interesting on the installation that it doesn't support limited users, to install it you must run the installation as administrator. When the install is finished the limited user will not get it in the IDE. The solution is to install it outside program files where your user has write access.