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Posts posted by AndrewHoward

  1. Hi,

    What's the equivalent of this code in C# ?

    procedure FetchFromIStream( myStream : TStream ; myIStream : IStream ) ;
       TOS : TOLEStream ;
       TOS:=TOLEStream.Create(myIStream) ;
          TOS.position:=0 ;
          myStream.position:=0 ;
          myStream.copyFrom(TOS,TOS.Size) ;
          myStream.Position:=0 ;
          TOS.position:=0 ;
       End ;
    end ;


  2. Hi,

    I have an application which loads & uses an unmanaged dll. All I have to do is drop the dll it in a specific folder.

    Can I use a .Net  dll instead ? (I know the .Net dll needs to expose the same functions which are in the unmanaged dll)

    Can an unmanaged & managed DLLs  be used interchangeably ?



  3. Hello,
    I am receiving data about different holidays in a delimited string e.g:
    Booking number, flight details, package type, etc...


    There are serveral holiday types e.g
    Beach holidays
    Ski holidays
    City breaks


    Most of the holiday types have the same fields but there are some differences, e.g. some holidays don't have fight details.


    I would like to create a function to which I pass the delimited string & it returns the object which represents the booked holiday:
    Booking number, flight details, package type
    Booking number, cruise details, package type, pick-up point


    Which is the best to achieve this ?


    I can create a record which holds all possible fields & return that as a result.  Is there a better way?

    Thank you.

  4. Hi,
    Can anyone recommend a non-visual component for RS232 serial commnuncation ?
    I'm working on a project which sends data over RS232.
    I need to create requests & intercept responses.

    Any RS232 components I can use or good examples I can browse ?
    I'm using Delphi XE7.
    My app is to run on Window platform.
    Thank you
