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Henry Olive

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Everything posted by Henry Olive

  1. I wish everyone a healthy day. My Portal Table : Company...PortalAdress...........UserName...Password XXX...............Https://xxx.com.....xxx..................xxx To login the customer portal in my apllication I created a form with a TWebbrowser, I can connect any website w/o any problem I wonder, when i connect any customer's portal can i AUTO fill UserName & Password of the portal enterance form ? Thank You
  2. I wish everyone a healthy day. My PageControl looks like below TabSheet1-TabSheet2-TabSheet3-TabSheet4-TabSheet5-TabSheet6....... In some case i need to make TabSheet3 and/or TabSheet4 Invisible I wrote below codes TabSheet3.TabVisible := CDS1UserRight1.asString ='Y'; //User has no Right for this Tab so it is UNvisible TabSheet4.TabVisible := CDS1UserRight2.asString ='Y'; //User has no Right for this Tab so it is UNvisible In this case i need to re-arrange the PageControl1.PageIndexes so i wrote below codes for i:=0 to PC1.PageCount-1 do begin if PC1.Pages.TabVisible=True then PC1.Pages.PageIndex := i; end; Above codes works w/o any errror but I expected to see TabSheet1-TabSheet2-OLDTabSheet5(New TabSheet3) -OLDTabSheet6(NewTabSheet4) **Contents of TabSheets are correct** but their captions are wrong ( I see Invisible TabSheets Captions) What am i doing wrong ? Thank You
  3. Henry Olive

    Re-Index a PageControl.PageIndex

    THANK YOU SO MUCH David, Lajos, Pat
  4. Henry Olive

    Re-Index a PageControl.PageIndex

    Thank you so much Uwe for your reply. First I'm so sorry for my poor english may be i cant express my problem good. My PageControl's owner draw = True; May be problem occurs from this proc. // Below proc it self works w/o any problem procedure TMainForm.PC1DrawTab(Control: TCustomTabControl; TabIndex: Integer; const Rect: TRect; Active: Boolean); var XTabSheet: TTabSheet; XRect: TRect; FormColor: String; begin if Active then begin Control.Canvas.Brush.Color:=$006ED7FC; Control.Canvas.Font.Color:=clBlack; end else begin FormColor :=dm.SettingsFormColor.AsString; if MatchText(FormColor,['Windows','Gray']) then Control.Canvas.Brush.Color:=$003C3838 else if MatchText(FormColor,['Brown','Light Brown']) then Control.Canvas.Brush.Color:=$0034527E; ...... end; XRect:=Rect; Control.Canvas.FillRect(XRect); XTabSheet:=PC1.Pages[TabIndex]; DrawText(Control.Canvas.Handle, PChar(XTabSheet.Caption), length(XTabSheet.Caption), XRect, DT_VCENTER + DT_SINGLELINE + DT_CENTER); end; Lets say i have a PageControl and 4 Tabsheets When i try to make INVISIBLE TabSheet3 and Tabsheet4 *i have no problem* (they are last tabsheets !!) but when i make invisible Tabsheet2 and Tabsheet3 ( In RunTime ) Eventhough I expect to see Tabsheet1 - TabSheet4 (TabSheet4's caption is still Tabsheet2 but contents are Correct ) Thank You
  5. Henry Olive


    I wish everyone a healthy day. My Table AAAA-01X BBBB-02X CCCC-03X Is there a way to Search & Locate a record like with just '02' searchtext ( that is i want to locate BBBB-02X ) I tried below code but no success SearchText:='02'; if not Dataset.Locate(SERIALNO, SearchText, [LoCaseInsensitive,LoPartialKey]) then ShowMessage ('...........') I need something like Sql's CONTAINING ( I dont want to Filter or SQL, just i need is Locate ) Thank You
  6. Henry Olive


    I wish everyone a healthy day Interbase Months Table SMonth....LMonth 1...................January 2...................February .... Invoice Table ID.....CUSTNO...TNAME.....TOTAL......SMONTH 1.................20..........Buy.............5,000.................1 2.................20..........Buy.............8,000.................2 3.................20..........Sell...........10,000.................1 4.................20..........Sell.............5,000.................2 5.................20..........Sell.............6,000.................2 I'm trying to get below result for CustomerNo 20 LMONTH.......TOTALBUY....TOTALSELL January................5,000............10,000 February..............8,000............11,000 I tried below sql with no success SELECT M.LMONTH, Case When I.TNAME='Sell' then SUM(I.TOTAL) end as TOTALSELL , Case When I.TNAME='Buy' then SUM(I.TOTAL) end as TOTALBUY FROM INVOICE I JOIN MONTHS M ON M.SMONTH=I.SMONTH WHERE CUSTNO=20 GROUP BY M.LMONTH, I.TNAME Can someone please help Thank You
  7. Henry Olive


    You are right, i added TNAME to see what will happen & i forgot it Thank you so much
  8. Henry Olive


    Thank you so much Lajos I get below result with your code LMONTH.......TOTALBUY....TOTALSELL January................5,000.........................0 January.........................0..............10,000 February..............8,000.........................0 February.......................0..............11,000 I want below result LMONTH.......TOTALBUY....TOTALSELL January................5,000............10,000 February..............8,000............11,000
  9. I wish a healthy day to everyone MyTable : DOCNO (it is an Integer Field) --------- 1285 1286 ...... I want to UPDATE my table and add shortyear begining of DOCNO. like below DOCNO --------- 211285 211286 ...... Thank You
  10. Henry Olive

    Sql-Add Number begining of an INT field

    Thank you everybody. I'm so sorry i forgot to mention Db Server, It is INTERBASE
  11. Henry Olive

    Trim, SplitString

    I wish everyone a healthy day. I have a DIMENSION data as a string like '10*20*30' I want to get each dimension number if user doesnt put empty string between the numbers like(10*20*30) there is no problem but if user put empty string between the numbers like (10 * 20 * 30) then i cant get correct result procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; Str, Seperator : String; begin Edit1.Text := '10 * 20 * 30'; Str := Trim(Edit1.Text); // i hoped that Trim removed the empty strings that is converted the Str to 10*20*30 but no for i := 1 to Length(Str) do if Str in ['*'] then begin Seperator := Str; Break; end; Edit2.Text := SplitString(Str,Seperator)[0]; Edit3.Text := SplitString(Str,Seperator)[1]; Edit3.Text := SplitString(Str,Seperator)[2]; end; Thank You
  12. Henry Olive

    Trim, SplitString

    Thank you so much Rollo62, Mvanrijnen
  13. Henry Olive


    I wish everyone a healthy day. Edit1.Text := 22/333/44444 ( Not fix can be change, could be 1/2/6) I want to get below result firstnumber:= 22 secondnumber := 333 thirdnumber := 44444 Thank You
  14. Henry Olive


    Thank you Stefan
  15. I wish everyone a healthy day. I have below procedure procedure TDm.OrdersDOCNOChange(Sender: TField); begin .... end; How can i disable & re-enable this proc.? I tried dm.Orders.DOCNOChange := Nil; // Err.Msg = Undeclared identifier: 'DOCNOChange' Thank You
  16. Henry Olive

    Disable & re-Enable a Procedure

    Thank you so much Corneli dm.OrdersDOCNO.OnChange := nil; dm.OrdersDOCNO.OnChange := OrdersDOCNOChange; works
  17. Is there an easy way to get Alfabetical (English) order number of a letter like C=3 , E=5 , H=8 .... Thank You
  18. Henry Olive

    Alfabetical order of a letter

    Thank you so much Vandrovnik, David, Lars My excel sheet always has 12 columns no more Vandrovnik, with below code I get Low cannot be applied to a long string err.msg. Str := Edit1.Text; // Edit1..Text:='D' Num := Ord([Low(Str)]) - Ord('A') + 1; Edit2.Text := IntToStr(Num); But below code WORKS Num := Ord(Str[1]) - Ord('A') + 1; Thank you so much
  19. Henry Olive

    Alfabetical order of a letter

    Thank you Vandrovnik, eivind From an Excel Sheet i get column name ( for example F ) then i need to convert F to an integer number ( which is 6 ) so that i can import some datas from excel to my dataset. Str:=Edit1.Text; // Which is D Num := Ord(PChar(Str)) - Ord('A')+1; Edit2.Text := IntToStr(Num); I'm getting 37266172 instead of 4
  20. Henry Olive

    Alfabetical order of a letter

    Thank you Lajos, if Edit1.Text ='A' then // (Edit1.Text =D) Edit2.Text := '1' else Edit2.Text := IntToStr(ord(Edit1.Text) - ord('A')+1); Expecting 4 but getting 37266172 with below code i get correct result ShowMessage(IntToStr(Ord('D') - Ord('A')+1));
  21. Henry Olive

    Excel to DBGrid

    I wish everyone a healthy day. Excel (Row1 =Date, Row2=Quantity) A............................B.........................C....................... 1...05-01-2021......05-02-2021.....05-03-2021 2...150..................... 200......................250 I need to import above datas into my table as below Date.........................Qty 05-01-2021..........150 05-02-2021..........200 05-03-2021..........250 ........ ........ Could someone please show me how to do ? Thank You
  22. Henry Olive

    Excel to DBGrid

    Thank you aehimself
  23. Henry Olive

    Excel to DBGrid

    Thank you FPiette
  24. I wish everyone a healthy day Interbase SQL I'm getting expression evaluation not supported err.msg. with below SQL If I remove (Case.........end) which is 2.Line in SQL command, The Sql works What is wrong ? SELECT O.DELVTYPE, SUM(OD.REMAINQTY) QTY, (Case When O.DELVTYPE ='Sea' then O.DELVDATE + 45 else O.DELVDATE + 15 end) as DELVDATE FROM ORDETAIL OD JOIN ORDERS O ON O.RNO=OD.RNO WHERE OD.ITEMNO = 'ABX22' GROUP BY O.DELVTYPE, O.DELVDATE HAVING SUM(OD.REMAINQTY) > 0 Thank You
  25. Henry Olive

    SQL expression evaluation not supported

    Thank you so much David, CorneliusDavid, Lajos