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Henry Olive

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Everything posted by Henry Olive

  1. Henry Olive

    Comm.Table Exp. In S.Proc

    Thank you so much EMailX45 I think i couldnt express my problem well i'm very sorry. You made JUST common table exprression SQL, NOT Stored Procedure JUST common table expression works w/o any problem in my side also I need to use this CTE in a Stored Proc to get expenses according to months Expect result should be like below ( for 12 months) with a stored procedure Month......Total (It is Expenses Total) 1................10,000 2................16,000 ... 12.............14,000
  2. I made backup an old database then i restored it in new Interbase-2020 when i try to test the new Truncate function i got "Attempted Update During Read Only Transaction" error msg. I checked my database's properties in IbConsole they are like below ReadOnly=False, WriteMode=Synchronous What could be the problem ? Thank You
  3. Henry Olive

    Attempted Update During Read Only Transaction

    I saw the settings it was in InteractiveSQL section
  4. Henry Olive

    Attempted Update During Read Only Transaction

    Thank you Stano Where is the Transaction Settings ?
  5. Henry Olive

    Interbase 2007 ->2020

    I wish everyone a healthy day. I upgraded my IB2007 to IB2020 After Install IB2020 i opened IBConsole and tried to connect my old database(IB2007) for BackUp & Restore but i got Unsupported on-disk structure for file ...... found 12, support 18 What is wrong ? Thank You
  6. Henry Olive

    Interbase 2007 ->2020

    Thank you so much Jeff
  7. Henry Olive

    Interbase 2007 ->2020

    Thank you so much everybody answered my question. I made old version backup w/o any problem C:\MyData.GBK but i cant see any Restore choice in New version IbConsole I tried to add BackUp alias in IBConsole on the left side IbConsole but you cant show adress of OLD database Thank You
  8. Henry Olive

    Interbase 2007 ->2020

    Thank you so much Dany, Markus
  9. Henry Olive


    I wish everyone a healthy day. Interbase-2007 OrderDetail Table ID....LINENO...ITEMNO.....QTY...UPRICE 300.....1200.........AAA.............4...........100 300.....1201.........BBB..............5...........120 I made Partial Shipments in different dates. and i changed the Order Detail UPRICE value *after transfer* the Order into Delivery table (for currency convert issues), DeliveryDetail Table ID....LINENO....ITEMNO....QTY...UPRICE......ORDETLINENO 44........300.............AAA..........1............80..............1200 44........301.............BBB...........4............50..............1201 52........420.............AAA..........3............80..............1200 56........450.............BBB...........1............50..............1201 I need a SQL to update Delivery Detail Table's UPRICE datas, according to Order Detail's UPRICE datas ORDETLINENO field= OderDetail's LINENO field.value After SQL, the result of Delivery Detail table's should be like below ID....LINENO....ITEMNO....QTY...UPRICE......ORDETLINENO 44..........300...........AAA..........1............100..............1200 44..........301...........BBB...........4............120..............1201 52..........420..........AAA...........3............100..............1200 56..........450..........BBB............1............120..............1201 Could someone please help ? Thank You
  10. I wish everyone a healthy day. Interbase 2007 - D-XE I have a view which has all datas from the customers. (CustNo, TDate(Trans.Date) ,TName(Trans.Name/Buy, Sell), Debit, Credit, DueDate, Status etc.) I want to close (Status=Paid) all invoices of A customer which paid Is it possible to solve this issue with a s.proc ? (or a better way) Can someone please help me ? Thank You
  11. Henry Olive

    Cust.Invoices Close

    Thank you so much FPiyette, Bob, EMailX45 View is like below (view gets datas from Invoice, Bank, Cash, Cheque) (I know releated table name via TName) like Sell=Invoice, B.Trs=Bank, Cash=Cash etc. ID......DocNo...TDate...........TName....CustNo....Debit........Credit.....DueDate.......Status 5...........0001....01/25/20.......Sell..............1...........100,00...........0,00......02/25/20 24........0025.....02/15/20.......Sell.............1...........100,00...........0,00......04/15/20 132.....1268.....02/25/20.......B.Trs............1.............. 0,00......100,00 customer paid 0001 invoice number invoice on 02/25/20 by bank transfer Now i want to update Invoice Table's(ID=5 ) Status field=Closed Thank You
  12. I wish everyone a healthy day Memo1.Text has total 3 sql commands like below - Create Table A (ID Integer); - Insert into A Values(1); - Update A set ID=2 Where ID=1; I want to get each command & execute them one after another by a query for example for the first line (Create Table A ID Integer;) var X:integer; S,Command:string; begin S:=Memo1.Text; //suppose memo1.text in 1 line X:=Pos(';',S); Command:=Copy(S,1,X-1); MySqlDataset.CommandText:=Command; MySqlDataset.Execute; But i want to loop the memo and get 3 commands *or more* in order. Thank You
  13. Henry Olive

    Looping Memo.Text

    Thank you SO MUCH Kas I'm using Delphi XE I'm getting Too many actual parameters in below code (it doesnt accept Start ) Curr := Pos(';', Memo1.Lines.Text, Start);
  14. Henry Olive

    Looping Memo.Text

    Thank you so much Kas If you have time could you please show the codes?
  15. Henry Olive

    Looping Memo.Text

    Thank you so much Gunther I'm so sorry i forgot to mention that i use Delphi-XE XE doesnt recognise SPLIT.
  16. Henry Olive

    SQL Update

    I wish everyone a healthy day i want to UPDATE a stock quantities with below S.Proc i dont get any err. msg. but this sql doesnt update correctly ALTER PROCEDURE "UPDATEITEMQTY" ( "ITMNO" VARCHAR(20)) AS declare variable TRS NUMERIC(18, 5); /* Qty Transfer from last year */ declare variable INCOME NUMERIC(18, 5); /* Stock IN */ declare variable OUTGO NUMERIC(18, 5); /* Stock OUT */ BEGIN SELECT SUM(IM.TRS)TRS, SUM(IM.INCOME)INCOME, SUM(IM.OUTGO)OUTGO FROM ITEMMOVEMENTS IM /* IM=a VIEW & every item movements are CORRECT */ JOIN WHOUSE WH ON WH.WHNO=IM.WHNO WHERE ITEMNO=:"ITMNO" and WH.WHTYPE <>'Rework' INTO :TRS,:INCOME,:OUTGO; UPDATE ITEMS SET /* IB2007 has Coalesce problem so i wrote below code */ TRS= Case When :TRS >0 then :TRS else 0 end, INCOME= Case When :INCOME >0 then :INCOME else 0 end, OUTGO= Case When :OUTGO >0 then :OUTGO else 0 end, STOCK= (:TRS + :INCOME) - :OUTGO WHERE ITEMNO=:ITMNO; END Can someone help me please ? Thank You
  17. Henry Olive

    SQL Update

    Thank you so much Vandrovnik, Attila
  18. Henry Olive

    Getting Value from Pick List

    I wish everyone a healthy day. I have a DBGrid and one of a column has Pick List I fill the pick list like first proc. and read the picklist values in second proc. procedure TForm1.DBGrid2ColEnter(Sender: TObject); if DBGrid2.SelectedField <> CDS1.FieldByName('WSNAME') then Exit; while not MyQry.Eof do begin DBGrid2.Columns[ColIndex].PickList.AddObject(MyQry.Fields[1].AsString, Pointer(MyQry.Fields[0].AsString)); MyQry.Next; end; procedure TForm1.DBGrid2ColExit(Sender: TObject); var Inx:Integer; begin if DBGrid2.SelectedField <>CDS1.FieldByName('WSNAME') then Exit; Inx:=DBGrid2.Columns[2].PickList.IndexOf('WSNAME'); //problem is here i get always -1 here CDS1.FieldByName('WSNO').AsString:=IntToStr(Inx); end; what is wrong ? Thank You
  19. Henry Olive

    Getting Value from Pick List

    Thank you so much Lajos, EMailx45
  20. Henry Olive

    Getting Value from Pick List

    Thank you so much FPiette , Lajos Sorry for my poor english I'm adding WSNO (String) and WSNAME (String) fields values in to a picklist (by a query) with below code DBGrid2.Columns[ColIndex].PickList.AddObject(MyQry.Fields[1].AsString,Pointer(MyQry.Fields[0].AsString)); so, in the pick list just WSNAME field values are visible ( MyQry.Fields[1] ) When user choose a WSNAME in the pick list, i need to get WSNO and WSNAME values (choosen by user) ; P.S = If i was dealed same thing with a combobox then i would write below code WSNO:=IntToStr(Integer(Combobox1.Items.Objects[Combobox1.ItemIndex])); Thank You
  21. Henry Olive

    SQL Update

    I wish everyone a healthy day I'm getting multiple rows in singleton select err.msg. UPDATE ORDERS O SET O.DELVTOTAL= (SELECT(OD.QTY - OD.REMQTY) * OD.UPRICE FROM ORDETAIL OD WHERE O.ID=OD.ID) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ORDETAIL OD WHERE O.ID = OD.ID AND O.STATUS='Partial Delivery') what is wrong ? Thank You
  22. Henry Olive

    SQL Update

    Yes, Thank so much Attila