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Vincent Parrett

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Everything posted by Vincent Parrett

  1. Nick Hodges did start a project to do this many years ago, but it never got much interest or contributions - I guess we were all too busy testing our own code to bother testing embarcadero's code (which they should be doing). That project was on bitbucket using mercurial, so it's no longer there (bitbucket dropped mercurial support).
  2. Vincent Parrett

    Images in High DPI, how?

    I have had good results with Vector Magic - https://vectormagic.com/ The key though is having larger png's to work with. Converting a 16x16px png/bmp to svg is next to impossible as there just isn't enough detail to work with. FWIW, I'm slowly making my way through converting thousands of images to svg (either by converting or finding alternatives), it's mind numbingly boring and am losing the will to live..... 😒
  3. Vincent Parrett

    Prefix unit local variable names

    Likewise, and I for interfaces. As for the RTL/VCL inconsistencies - well any 20+ year old large code base will have those, people come and go, with different ideas, eventually adherence to the initial standard will wane or evolve. My code is no different. These days I use camelCase naming for parameters and variable, with occasional lapses into the old style.
  4. Vincent Parrett

    git and Delphi tooling?

    We use ssh from our dev machines (we're all working from home in Canberra) to the server (in Sydney, 300km away) over vpn's and have not had any issues with large files. We do have some issues with mercurial and filename encoding on windows as it doesn't fully handle unicode properly on windows - there has been a frustrating lack of urgency to fix this, since the main devs don't use windows.
  5. Vincent Parrett

    git and Delphi tooling?

    Another vote for Fork - I've been using it for a couple of years now (with my open source projects) - for in house projects we use mercurial with tortoisehg (since 2013).
  6. Vincent Parrett

    Delphi 10.4 unusably slow.

    Nice (I knew that) 😉 Yeah too many variables in play there. My example above it was pretty much just the compile, with nothing else using much cpu on my desktop machine. Spring4D really makes the older versions of the compiler struggle. The biggest improvement was in 10.1 In our experience that is usually I/O contention more than anything else (workspace init & source checkout takes longer). Are you using a single vm for the server and the agent? An easy way to improve build times would be to give the agent it's own machine. You have probably seen this before but worth a read if you haven't - https://www.finalbuilder.com/resources/blogs/continuous-integration-server-performance
  7. Vincent Parrett

    Delphi 10.4 unusably slow.

    Nice - what tool is that you use 😉 My experience is that the 10.4 Win32 command line compiler is a lot faster than earlier versions. I have a project (package manager ide plugin) that makes heavy use of generics (spring4d) and it went from 1min (XE2/3) down to 6 seconds in 10.4, although most of the gains happened in 10.1 Berlin (7sec). I can't comment on the 64bit compiler perf just yet, need to setup a test.
  8. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - presentation

    Hi All A few weeks ago I did a zoom presentation about DPM to the Australian Delphi User Group (Melbourne branch, but anyone could attend). A link to the recording of that presentation is available on the ADUG website - https://www.adug.org.au/meetings/melbourne-meeting-november-2020/ along with some notes about dpm The video is nearly 2hrs long, but the presentation part is only the first 50 min or so (the rest is q&a/discussion). If you want to skip past the boring slides to the demo it starts at 24:40 😉
  9. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - presentation

    I can understand that, when I started my business back in 1997 I had the same issue.. add to that finding a domain name that wasn't taken! It's almost impossible to find a good domain name these days unless you make up a new word.
  10. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - presentation

    That's gold 🤣
  11. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - presentation

    Thanks David, I've been thinking about this issue with libraries etc for a very long time (I originally started on this in 2013 but was thinking about it long before then)!
  12. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - presentation

    I'm going to stick with DPM, I'm exhausted from look at all the suggestions (not just here, on the ADUG email list too) 😉
  13. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - presentation

    Yeah I get they were jokes 😉 FWIW, I like dpm, it's short, simple, meaningful (Delphi Package Manager) however an anther tool got there first and the author has requested I change it. However, it would have to be a very good new name for me to change it.
  14. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - presentation

    Ummm.. nope. Keep trying 😉
  15. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - presentation

    vraptor is a java mvc framework.
  16. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - presentation

    🤣 - I would hope that this project won't just be my personal package manager that only I use - that said, VPAM sounds like a kind of missile or weapon!
  17. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - presentation

    Sure, I'm still open to suggestions, I have had plenty already but so far nothing that has stuck (lots of bad puns, or names that are already in use for other things).
  18. Vincent Parrett

    Issue with UsesCleaner..

    It's not really about personal preference, but using the correct unit namespaces, you are asking less of the compiler when it comes to finding units and resolving types etc. This improves compile times and results in less memory usage by the compiler. Unless you are writing code that must compile on versions earlier than XE2 you should be doing this.
  19. Vincent Parrett

    Issue with UsesCleaner..

    @Uwe Raabe any chance you could put this on github? I think a lot more people would be able to find it then.
  20. Vincent Parrett

    64 bit compiler running out of memory

    Perhaps this will help
  21. Vincent Parrett

    64 bit compiler running out of memory

    I can definitely recommend this tool. I ran it over my 4M line project group and it did a fantastic job. The only things I had to manually fix where where I was referencing a type or function with the unit name, e.g SysUtils.StringReplace(....) had to change to System.SysUtils.StringReplace(....). This will also speed up the compile time as the compiler spends less time doing namespace lookups.
  22. Hi All For those who are interested, I have made some progress on this project, and have uploaded an installer with the command line tool and IDE plugins for XE2-10.4 - it's still very much an alpha version (not feature complete or stable) but at least shows the direction I'm heading in. I have added some quick notes on how to get started with dpm https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM/blob/master/GettingStarted.md The installer can be found here https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM The IDE plugin is still a bit rough around the edges but reasonably stable. Note that installing design time packages is still being worked on. Most of my open source projects have package binaries under the releases tab (the getting started notes show what to do with them). It's still some way from being ready for production use, we are still working on a website/package repository. If you are a library author, please do take a look. Creating packages is not at all difficult.
  23. Vincent Parrett

    DPM Package Manager - Progress update

    Hi Wagner I'm working towards the design time support, it will take a while but I'll get there eventually. Once I have it working I'll email you again and we can see how it will work with your products.
  24. Yes it's a custom written dotnetnuke module (written in c#) - the part that interacts with stripe is quite small. You need to refrence a stripe javascript file on the page, that is the part that actually handles the card number and submits it to stripe, that gives you back a token that you then use to submit a payment request. Our c# code never see's the credit card details, that is all handled client side (in the browser using the stripe api js). See https://stripe.com/docs/payments/accept-a-payment-charges
  25. No it wasn't that much, I think the fees were around AUD$250 (on the original purchase) and the refund around AUD$3000 - not in the office right now to check.