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Everything posted by sjordi

  1. It's an expression. But it looks like something doesn't look standard to Microsoft. Here are the two screenshots of this forum page. Shown as bitmap clipping and the 2nd as "article" (like Safari Reader mode) The article mode doesn't see anything from the page besides some decorations. Steve
  2. sjordi

    Alphabet Index for navigation on ListView?

    Yes, excellent idea. Should have thought about such a thing. I'll try something like this. Thanks for the tip
  3. sjordi

    Alphabet Index for navigation on ListView?

    Hi Andrea, Thanks for the suggestion. My question is more related to the A--Z index itself, visually. Does it exist and I can link it to the dataset or LIstView or should I myself create an array of A..Z + # and then scale it accordingly to the screen size (portrait/landscape), capture which letter was pressed by the finger, etc... It's not really the mechanism behind it that is the point, but the visual index itself, like in the Contacts or Music apps, you can quickly jump to the first item starting with the letter you choose, on the right of the screen. Thanks Steve