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Posts posted by sjordi

  1. 13 hours ago, Erix A. said:

    PC or Mac keyboard/mouse? 

    PC Keyboard from Logitech K750 + Logitech MX Anywhere 2

    16Gb of RAM

    512GB SSD hard disk

    It's a Macbook Pro from late 2013 and Windows 10 in the VM is faster than Windows 10 on my new HP Z4 tower with 32Gb RAM and 512Gb SSD... try to understand

  2. 13 hours ago, Erix A. said:

    Are you happy with the VMWare Fusion and are you using the normal or pro version?

    Yes very happy.
    I used to get the standard version without problems.
    I switched to the pro one for other reasons (mainly subnets required for some Linux machines), but you absolutely don't need the PRO for RadStudio.

  3. I have a MacBook Pro connected to 2 screens, one with MacOS and one with Windows running RadStudio.

    I too use it as a desktop with a external keyboard and mouse.

    And it's perfect if you're traveling, you still have the entire environment with you in one machine. That's my case, I travel a lot and can work wherever I am: country, city, plane, train, jungle, etc... 

    But if you want multiple users, it's right that having a dedicated cheap Mac is best as you buy it only once and it's used by everyone.

    • Like 1

  4. The best thing is to have a real Mac and Windows into a VM that can directly access the macOS while both environment run concurrently.
    I use VMWare Fusion for Windows 10 and it works flawlessly.
    Hackintosh should work but it is illegal to have a Mac VM outside of a Mac environment. Once you have to deploy your iOS or macOS app via Xcode, you don't know whether this is traced down.

    • Like 2

  5. Hi,

    Is there a way to control which font and which size the IDE uses when printing source code?
    No matter what I select for the Editor, it prints everything in Courrier 12, which is ways too big.

    I can't find a setting controlling how the IDE would print the source files.


    Thanks for any clue


  6. Phil,

    I think that you should revert to RadStudio Berlin and Xcode 9.x

    The bug has been notified on RadStudio 10.2 and 10.3 and Xcode 10...

    I set up a Mac Virtual Machine but didn't have time yet to test with Berlin and Xcode 9. That might be a solution, but not everyone has the luxury of several VMs, etc... I'm lucky I backup my development VMs so I can come back in time (up to C++Builder 6)...


    But the bug has to be fixed. I mean, they still distribute the Bluetooth LE samples and they do not work.

  7. I opened a support ticket with them (burnt one of my 3 allowed free tickets) just to be answered that this is a known bug in the Quality Portal and I should follow the ticket to be notified when solved. I told them that I already subscribed to the ticket but opened a case to speed things up. Now I don't call this very efficient (paid) support.

    They told me that they would notify the engineers that the bug affects my business since I can't release my macOS product version. But I have very small hopes.

  8. They say "Expanded support for iOS 12 and iPhone X series devices"

    How is the "iPhone X" series addressed? There is no view or device simulation when working on the GUI.

    Any iPhone X templates? I don't see anything.

    or am I missing something?

  9. Hi,

    I tried all BlueTooth examples available with 10.3 Rio on my Mac (Xcode 10.1) but none of the them, compiled to Windows or macOS, work.

    Each time I click the scan button to list all available BlueTooth devices, I get a dialog box stating:


    BlueTooth device not found: disconnected or turned off.


    My BlueTooth card on my Mac is turned on and fully functional. 

    Can anybody here use BlueTooth functionalities with Rio 10.3 on a Mojave macOS machine with Xcode 10.1? Or do you face the same problem?

    Thanks for any help.


    Screen Shot 2018-12-19 at 08.39.49.png

  10. Hi,

    Just wanted to let you know that Microsoft EndNote is unable to clip a forum page.

    It can do so in "bitmap" mode when you save the entire page, but when switching to "Article" in order to extract only the content without all decorations, it totally fails.

    It looks like something in the forum pages is hiding the information, or at least not presenting it into something standard.

    Just my 2 cents.

  11. Hi Andrea,

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    My question is more related to the A--Z index itself, visually. Does it exist and I can link it to the dataset or LIstView or should I myself create an array of A..Z + # and then scale it accordingly to the screen size (portrait/landscape), capture which letter was pressed by the finger, etc...

    It's not really the mechanism behind it that is the point, but the visual index itself, like in the Contacts or Music apps, you can quickly jump to the first item starting with the letter you choose, on the right of the screen.




  12. Hi,

    Does anybody know how to get the alphabetical Index in a TListView?
    I'm talking about the A...Z vertically displayed to the right of the ListView for fast navigation.

    Say you're on the first record and you want to quickly go to the first one starting with T or W

    Is it available anywhere or should we built it from scratch?

    Thanks for any clue.

