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Everything posted by skyzoframe[hun]

  1. Also, select some range and press "Ctrl+/" , it gives "//" to each selected line. Press again, and will remove it.
  2. I found these.: https://www.tweaking4all.com/software-development/software-delphi/delphi-ide-code-editor-keyboard-shortcuts/ https://leanpub.com/codefasterindelphi
  3. I mean in delphi. for example.. ctrl + shift + c , on procedure or function yougot there, what you wrote there. anyway alt+f4 are the best all the time :)
  4. skyzoframe[hun]

    FireDAC + TableNames with '$'

    I have no clue.
  5. skyzoframe[hun]

    FireDAC + TableNames with '$'

    Try to handle everything over stored procedures in database side. In code call the procedure. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createprocedure.html
  6. skyzoframe[hun]

    FireDAC + TableNames with '$'

    Yes it is working... https://dbfiddle.uk/OrzyibpI
  7. skyzoframe[hun]

    FireDAC + TableNames with '$'

    var Q : TFDQuery; . . . Q.SQL.Text := ('select * from TEST$TEST_;'); Q.SQL.Text := ('select * from TEST$$TEST;'); Hmm... strange, because it is working for me. Also in command line. https://dbfiddle.uk/eDOCApeX
  8. skyzoframe[hun]

    Adding items to ListView

    hi, check here one solution, how to use Listview in fmx.
  9. Hi everyone, I need the certification, because of my family. They saw me all the time reading and working in front of my computer. My deadline is one semester. I want to ask for some advice before I buy anything. How should I prepare? What can I expect? What is your experience? Sincerely Zoltán-Attila Köllő
  10. yes, this is the reason, from one point of view.
  11. After a while, I read these kinds of books. From 2016. - Expert Delphi By Paweł Głowacki - Delphi High Performance By Primož Gabrijelčič - Mastering Delphi Programming: A Complete Reference Guide By Primož Gabrijelčič - Delphi Cookbook - Third Edition By Daniele Spinetti, Daniele Teti - Delphi Programming Projects By William Duarte - Delphi GUI Programming with FireMonkey By Andrea Magni -- by Dalija Prasnikar Delphi Memory Management for Classic and ARC Compilers Delphi Event-based and Asynchronous Programming Now reading.: Delphi Thread Safety Patterns Because I am far from intelligence. I have to read. ˇˇ Are there any good books to read? What did I miss?
  12. How many questions do we have about the basic certification? If the test time is about 1h and there are 120 questions available, every question has 1/2min to focus on it. So the exam will be lightning-chess or something.
  13. how long is it valid for? a year?
  14. The first one, do you have it already 🙂 // Delphi Certified Developer
  15. skyzoframe[hun]

    No one can help

    https://download.tmssoftware.com/Download/Manuals/TMS TAdvRichEditor.pdf Or you can store pictures on a local drive, and only the picture name has to be in the database. Or use a custom table for blob fields and call only when you have to show the picture.
  16. skyzoframe[hun]

    No one can help

    I don't understand: why do you need so many big files, or blobs, in your database? by the way.: They are the same drawings in different file formats. If I need to save something in database, I'll use a *.emf file. I only have one question: Can you reduce the file size somehow?
  17. skyzoframe[hun]

    How do I delete a row in a database with FireDAC?

    There are any other ways to handle unique identities?
  18. skyzoframe[hun]

    How do I delete a row in a database with FireDAC?

    How do you solve the limit of integer range? What are you think about not "basically way"?
  19. skyzoframe[hun]

    Delphi sqlite datatype IMAGE ??? does this really exists?

    CREATE DOMAIN IMAGE AS BLOB SUB_TYPE 0 SEGMENT SIZE 2048; After that, you can call your domain. You don't need to definite everything when creating your database table. I really like to use domains. 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ENTRY( '+ 'Title VARCHAR2(60) NOT NULL, '+ 'UserN VARCHAR2(40), '+ 'Passw CHAR(64) NOT NULL, '+ 'URLpa VARCHAR2(100), '+ 'NickN VARCHAR2(20), '+ 'CustN VARCHAR2(20), '+ 'Notes VARCHAR2(400), '+ 'DateC DATE, '+ 'Icon IMAGE)'); 
  20. skyzoframe[hun]

    Check duplicates in TADOQuery

    select codes, count(*) as duplicate from data1 group by codes having count(*)<>1 order by duplicate desc https://dbfiddle.uk/nYtX1oTz
  21. skyzoframe[hun]

    Listview Programming

    Does it mean you want to create at runtime everything? Without using Live bindings? If you want to separately manage Types, Front-End, Back-End. Check the zip file at the bottom.
  22. skyzoframe[hun]

    Split String

    if ContainsText(LInput, ' ') then LInput := StringReplace(LInput,' ','',[rfReplaceAll]); Maybe you have to remove the SPACE character, before you put everything into array.