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Didier Cabalé

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  1. Didier Cabalé

    "Add Method" (Ctrl+Alt+M) wrongly assigned to TForm

    I totally agree. The same question does exist when you propose to add a method to TForm1. And in that case, you simply add it to TForm1, not to TForm, the TForm1 ancestor. 1. Ctrl-Click on the TMyObject, that selects TMyObject, makes you loose the fluidity of the change (helped with bookmark #7 and bookmark #9 when method added to TForm1) 2. Ctrl-Click on DoIt does not do anything, because it is not created yet.
  2. Didier Cabalé

    "Add Method" (Ctrl+Alt+M) wrongly assigned to TForm

    1. I understand now the logic. 2. However, this logic does not fit to the use-case I quoted. -> MMX could add an option of which class the method must be added to. Thanks for your replies!
  3. Didier Cabalé

    "Add Method" (Ctrl+Alt+M) wrongly assigned to TForm

    1. But DoIt is obviously a TMyObject method, not a TForm one. 2. If you stick on your point, then how do you add a TMyObject method on the fly?
  4. Here are the basic steps that show the problem 1. create a VCL project 2. on the TForm's TButton OnClick event, type the following: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var lMyObject: TMyObject; begin lMyObject := TMyObject.Create; lMyObject.DoIt; end; 3. select the 'DoIt', and type Ctrl+Alt+M to invoke adding a method for (obviously) TMyObject 4. state that the Add method form proposes a method adding for the TForm1, instead of for TMyObject I actually wanted to get some other's feedbacks, before sending this to MMX support
  5. Hi there, just a small remark for MMX development team : please document how to display the "Tip of the day" pane. Because, once you inadvertently close this pane, you can spend hours on how to show it again.. Thanks
  6. Didier Cabalé

    "Key Bindings" disabled not working?

    Considering the absence of answer to the above as a sign of acceptance, I reported this issue to support@mmx-delphi.de
  7. [Delphi 10.4.2; MMX] Hi there, I wondered what was the purpose of the "Enable Key Bindings" checkbox. If it is, as I understand, for disabling the registered "Key Bindings" defined in the list above, then it does not work for me. Eg: although disabled ("Enable Key Bindings" unchecked), I can open Uses search form by typing ctrl+U. This is quite annoying, because newer Delphi IDE plugins (like Parnassus Bookmarks) conflicts with MMX key shortcuts - or "key bindings" (eg: ctrl+shift+B), and it would be useful to temporary disable MMX key bindings, and watch how the other is behaving. Other solution would be to change the shortcut value, but must be considered as an unfair workaround. Thanks for your help.
  8. 1. Anyway, I have presented my point of view. 2. Thanks for your reply
  9. Indeed, the thing does what he says.. -> it's not a bug. But please consider this point: entering in the "Member Search bar" edit box currently deselects the filtering done by the object top pane selection. 1. this is not logical, unless you select first the Module in the top pane. 2. it would be nice to be able to "member search" the members within a selected object. I hope you understand this point.
  10. Hi there, please follow these steps: 1. in MMX code explorer, select one of your object 2. state that the members of this object are listed in the pane below. Ok. 3. click on the "Member Search bar" edit control 4. state that the search will be applied to all the current module, whereas I would have expect it applies only to the object selected in 1. Wouldn't you have expect the same as me?
  11. Hi there, here are the steps that lead to the problem: 1. from the IDE, create a "console application" 2. from MMX code explorer, click on the "Add Class" button, and add the proposed class 3. state the class is added at the wrong place in the IDE editor (cf attached picture)
  12. Didier Cabalé

    Delphi 10.4 GetIt connection issue

    I finally get it work, without any changes in the GetIt http ServiceURL (remains https://getit-104.embarcadero.com), following what is told in the above link, and probably also by doing what told at chapter "Enable TLS 1.1 and 1.2 on Windows 7 at the SChannel component level" from Update to enable TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 as default secure protocols in WinHTTP in Windows (microsoft.com). ..and here is the result When one want to stay with Windows7, one need to fight
  13. Didier Cabalé

    Delphi 10.4 GetIt connection issue

    Now, I have a list (things are improving).. but the problem is now that not all the packages are presented (143/338). Eg: none of the "IDE Plugins" category are present.
  14. Didier Cabalé

    Delphi 10.4 GetIt connection issue

    I probably should follow This link, but it's what I already did.. -> 🤔
  15. Didier Cabalé

    Delphi 10.4 GetIt connection issue

    [using Delphi 10.4 update1 + Windows7 on VirtualBox] Further interesting test (always with HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\21.0\CatalogRepository ServiceUrl = https://getitnow.embarcadero.com): GetItCmd -l= -f=all returns this => "Cannot load data from the server: Error sending data: (12175) A security error occurred" Note the other test below